The Helix Education Centre: Lower KS2 Curriculum Overview
AbacusMaths / Treasure House
Literacy / Rising Stars
Science / Rising Stars Computing / PSHE / Topic
(Art, D&T, History & Geography) / Spanish / PE / RE
Autumn 1 / Finding pairs of numbers with a total of 100
Read, write, order and compare up to 4 digit numbers understanding what each digit represents
Learn x and ÷ facts for times tables up to 9 x 12
Adding & subtracting 3 digit numbers / Fiction(7): Traditional Tales
Snug (Michael Morpurgo)
Infer character feelings & thoughts & justify inferences with evidence
Write a traditional style tale about an animal
Use nouns and pronouns for clarity
Revise accurate sentence demarcation & tense / What’s that Sound?
Explain how sounds are produced.
Investigate the loudness of sounds.
Use results to form conclusions / We are software developers
(Developing a simple game) / Feelings & Managing Change 1 / Our Local Area
Black History Month / Greetings
Following class instructions / Athletics:
Running, throwing & jumping tasks
Experimenting with different ways of travelling, throwing and jumping, increasing awareness of speed and distance. / Christianity
Autumn 2 / Double and halve up to 3 digit numbers
Practise written and mental addition methods
Subtracting 3 digit numbers and counting up as a mental strategy
Using the grid method to multiply
Dividing 2 digits by 1 digits where there is no remainder / Fiction (9): Adventure
Stowaway (Julia Jarman)
Infer character feelings & thoughts & justify inferences with evidence
Write an adventure story from a different perspective
Use sentence openers (fronted adverbials)
Use conjunctions, adverbs and prepositions to show the passing of time / Living Things:
Classify living things
Observe key features of living things
Make careful observations
Devise and use a key / We are toy designers
(Prototyping an interactive toy) / Keeping Safe & Making Choices
E-Safety / Special Days:
Guy Fawkes
Armistice Day
Children in Need
Road Safety / Counting to 15
How old are you?
Simple calculations
(Happy Christmas) / Gymnastics:
Using floor and apparatus to create and perform a sequence of contrasting actions. Showing extension when balancing and flow when transferring weight.
Improving the quality of their movement. / Advent & Christmas Around the World
(links to topic work)
Poetry(3): Descriptive Poetry
African Elephant (Valerie Bloom)
Prepare poems to read aloud & perform, showing understanding through intonation, tone, volume & action
Proofreading & editing
Maths / Treasure House
Literacy / Rising Stars
Science / Rising Stars Computing / PSHE / Topic
(Art, D&T, History & Geography) / Spanish / PE / RE
Spring 1 / Read, write, order and compare up to 4 digit numbers understanding what each digit represents
Finding pairs of numbers that total 1000
Mental addition and subtraction
Written subtraction
Written multiplication
Mental multiplication and division / Non-fiction (1): Website Adverts
Discussing understanding & explaining the meaning of words in context
Write a leaflet with the purpose of advertising a product
Use of nouns & pronouns for clarity
Use of conjunctions / Looking at States
Solids, Liquids & Gases (including the water cycle)
Compare & group materials
Make careful observations
Record what has been learnt in a variety of ways
Explore patterns in freezing & melting / We are musicians (Producing digital music) / Anti-Bullying
E-Safety / The Romans / Colours
Classroom resources
Gender in nouns / Dance:
Using movement and gesture imaginatively to create characters and narrative.
Learning and improvising sequences of movement. / Belonging
Non-fiction (2): Newspaper Articles
A Colossal Quake (Zachary Humerik)
Discussing understanding & explaining the meaning of words in context
Write a newspaper article
Use sentence openers (fronted adverbials)
Use conjunctions, adverbs and prepositions to show the passing of time
Spring 2 / Division using place value and mental strategies
Add and subtract amounts of money
Tell time on 24 hour clock
Mental and written subtraction / Fiction/Poetry (13): Metaphors & Similes
Angry Arthur (Hiawyn Oran)
Discuss use of metaphors and similes
Write a short story or poem
Paragraphs and organisation of texts
Use of direct speech / Teeth and Eating:
Make observations & form conclusions
Describe the function of parts of the digestive system
Record findings using scientific language & labelled diagrams / We are HTML editors (Editing & writing HTML) / Feelings & Managing Change 2 / Vehicle Design
(including Science Week)
Fair Trade / Fruit and Vegetables
At the market
Shapes / Athletics 2:
Developing good basic running, jumping and throwing techniques. Set different challenges for distance and time. Combining skills learnt. / Easter
Maths / Treasure House
Literacy / Rising Stars
Science / Rising Stars Computing / PSHE / Topic
(Art, D&T, History & Geography) / Spanish / PE / RE
Summer 1 / Read, write, order and compare up to 5 digit numbers
Multiply and divide numbers by 10 and 100
Learn 11 and 12 times tables
Written multiplication / Non-fiction (11) :Autobiography
Ade Adepitan: A Paraolympian’s Story
Discussing understanding & explaining the meaning of words in context
Write an autobiography
Paragraphs and organisation of texts / Power It Up!
Recognise & name components in a circuit
Explore patterns
Use results to draw conclusions
Use simple circuits to create a device / We are co-authors
(Producing a wiki) / Kindness & Charitable Giving
E-Safety / The Normans / Days of the Week
Fruit and vegetables (revision)
The Very Hungry Caterpillar / Games 2:
Developing skills when playing games using rackets. Learning specific skills for games such as short tennis. / Special Books & Sacred Texts
Fiction(6): Fables
The Boy Who Cried Wolf
Infer character feelings & thoughts & justify inferences with evidence
Write a fable with a clear message
Use of conjunctions
Use of direct speech
Summer 2 / Mental addition and subtraction
Written addition involving word problems
Written multiplication / Non-fiction(14): Fact Files
Breath (Claire Llewellyn)
Discussing understanding & explaining the meaning of words in context
Write a fact file
Paragraphs and organisation of texts / Brilliant Bubbles
Identify, observe & record variables
Set up practical enquiries & fair tests
Evaluate experiments / We are meteorologists (Presenting the weather) / Diversity / The Natural World / Name parts of the face and head
Name parts of the body / Gymnastics:
Using curled and stretched movements to move around the workspace. Practising rocking on their backs & other parts of the body as a preparation for rolling in later lessons.
Making a sequence by performing two like movements. / Sacred Writings & Stories
Guided Reading is taught one to one in addition to Literacy lessons at the level of the pupil.
Spelling- pupils will work on their own personalised spelling list taken from the National Curriculum Appendices 2014 and words required for writing
Handwriting- pupils will be given support with developing letter formation and becoming legible writers