Daphne project: 2003-125

Minors migrants and refugees

The Mediterranean and Central Europe situation

Executive summary

The three organisations which compose the partnership (CEPS Projectes Socials, CAPAC and OMEGA) detected the phenomena of non accompanied minor immigrants.

The project’s aim was to define the situation of non accompanied minor immigrants, especially those living on the streets of Barcelona, Graz and Milan, and to compare the different strategies each territory develops to tackle the demands and needs of this collective.

The final beneficiarieshave been the minors living on /have lived on the streets of Barcelona, Graz and Milan. After them, we meet young people in the same situation in Spain, Austria and Italy as having all those countries comparable legislative levels. Thirdly, minors in the same situation from the whole European Union are found, since the cross-border feature of the project permits to us the same criteria of transferability and adaptability mentioned above.

The main results have been the following:

-A cross-border methodology which may be applicable in different territories at present and in the future to study a local problem with more global implications.

-Development of the three studies in the three countries about the situation of the attention to minors onthe street, which collects detailed information of the reception and integration mechanisms at educational, social, housing, health and labour market accesslevels.

-Towards those studies, comparison of best practices and the state of art in each town and the elaboration of the joint conclusions, considered as challenges of the future.

-Dissemination of the outputs to organisations and professionals of the referred countries and the UE of the results of the projects through the website and the printed edition.

The main elements which have permitted the dissemination of the project have been the following:

-Theedition is the main element of dissemination of the contents of theproject. 1500 have been edited and it consists of two parts:

  • Edition “Minors, Migrants and refugees: the situation in the Mediterranean and Central Europe”.
  • DVD, collector of the Seminar held the 2nd of July 2004.

-The website of the project, where the previous results have been collected digitally. Materials are available in three languages: English, Spanish and Catalan.