Advanced Placement Psychology

Mrs. Price

Room 181


Remind: test @appsychstu to 81010

Classroom Expectations:

Treat this class as a college course. You can expect to be treated with respect and the teacher will expect the same. You are expected to possess a strong work ethic and must perform at the college level. The teacher will be available for any help you need, but the burden of the work is on your shoulders. Chronic absenteeism or tardiness will not be tolerated. You must read and think critically in order to be successful. All students are expected to take the AP Exam May 1, 2017.

Core Materials:

Myers, David G. Psychology, 7th edition (textbook)


2 Inch Binder

Spiral Notebook for Vocabulary (optional)

Notebook paper

12 Dividers

AP Psychology Flashcards or an AP Psychology Review Book (can be found on

Absences –

When a student is absent it is the student’s responsibility to make up the missed work. All tests and quizzes must be made up within 1 week of the absence, if not the grade will be a zero. Students are encouraged to email me and set up a time to come in for extra help or see me after 8:30 in the morning. If you are absent on a test day you need to email me as soon as possible to schedule a makeup date.

Buddy # 1 name and number ______

Buddy # 2 name and number ______

Grading Scale: Assessment:

98-100: A+ 77-79: C+ Tests = 55%

93-97: A 73-76: C Writing/Essays/Projects=25%

Quizzes= 10%

90-92: A- 70-72:C – Daily Participation Grade = 10%

87-89: B+ 67-69: D+

83-86: B 63-66: D

80-82: B- 60-62: D –

59 and below: F

Tests will be between 50-70 multiple choice questions and will usually include an essay. There will be a review guide for every test.

Writing Workshop Essay/Research Papers and projects- 25%

AP Style Essays- You will receive a rubric for each individual essay assigned. Each essay is worth 8 -14 points and similar to the essays on the AP Exam graded by College Board readers. The essay will be converted to a grade out of 100. You will also receive a rubric for projects.

Quick Writes- Additional smaller writing assignments will also be assigned on a daily basis. These essays will be graded on completion, quality of writing and the application of vocabulary terms.

Quizzes- 10%

Vocabulary Quizzes-Regular vocabulary quizzes will be given; dates are listed on the daily agendas. All of the vocabulary words can be found on your vocabulary sheets, which will be posted online at the beginning of each unit. These vocabulary quizzes are typically taken as a team to earn team points. Team points accumulate over the quarter. The winning team will receive 5 points on their lowest test grade.

Daily Quizzes- Short quizzes will be given every day to check for understanding of the reading assignment given the previous class.

Class Participation-10% (This includes homework, daily agendas and class participation)

Class Participation- Class Participation will be recorded on a daily basis. See class participation scale below:

5- On time, prepared, fully engaged, agenda complete and no inappropriate phone usage.

4- On time, prepared, somewhat engaged, agenda complete and no inappropriate phone use.

3- On time, barely engaged, agenda 70% complete, no inappropriate phone use.

2- Late, unprepared, barely engaged, agenda 50% complete or inappropriate phone use

1-  Very late, unprepared, distraction to others, agenda 30% complete, or inappropriate phone use.

Homework- An activity to reinforce a learning target from class- you will be asked to apply knowledge. Homework is typically reading and vocabulary.

To help your students succeed…

Much thought has been put into cell phone usage at school and in the classrooms. Although we fully recognize that technology is an excellent conduit to learning, we have also witnessed students struggle trying to navigate the proper use of their cell phones. Therefore, we are going to incentivize your students to turn in their phones at the beginning of class. We have a designated phone organizer with numbered pockets. Each student will be assigned a number and will be asked to place their phone in that pocket. Throughout the quarter, we will have random checks of this phone organizer. For each “check” that their phone is in the pocket, they will receive an extra credit point on their end-of-quarter cumulative test. This can make quite an impact as tests are worth 55% of their overall grade.

Please print and sign your name below acknowledging that you understand this policy. This is the only extra credit we offer so please encourage your student to participate.


Student name (print) Student Signature


Parent Name (Print) Parent Signature