“Birds of a Feather Garden Together!”

MASTER Calendar of Events



May 11 NAJCSC Judges Club Meeting, Columbia

May 16-21 NGC Convention, Richmond, VA

June 1 GCSC Board of Directors Meeting, Riverbanks Botanical Building, Columbia

June 4-10 National Garden Week

June 18-24 Camp Wildwood, Kings Mountain, SC

July 15 Deadline for SC Gardener Fall Issue

July 15 EXPO, Columbia

August 31 Memorial Garden Concert, Columbia

September 7 GCSC Board of Directors Meeting, Riverbanks Botanical Building, Columbia

September 12-16 NGC Fall Board Meeting, St Louis, MO

October 5 NAJCSC Judges Club Meeting, Columbia

October 6-7 GCSC Garden Tour, Aiken/North Augusta

October 15 Deadline for SC Gardener Winter Issue

November 11 Veteran’s Day Ceremony, Memorial Garden, Columbia

November 15 HS Essay Contest entries to Chairman Maida Dantzler

December 15 All State Awards Applications due to State Awards Chairman Yvonne Jordan


January 15 District Youth Awards to State Awards Chairman

Deadline for SC Gardener Spring Issue

January 25 GCSC Board of Directors Meeting, Riverbanks Botanical Building, Columbia

February 1 Club/Council President’s Report due to GCSC President and District Director

March 1 Entries to Juried Art/Photography Contest due. Theme: BIRDS

NAJCSC Judges Club Meeting, Columbia

March 6 West Piedmont District Meeting, Greer

March 7 East Piedmont District Meeting, Union

March 8 West Sandhills District Meeting, Irma

March 13 East Sandhills District Meeting, Sumter

March 14 Coastal District Meeting, North Myrtle Beach

March 15 East Low Country District Meeting, Pinopolis

March 18, 19 SAR Convention, Covington, KY

March 21 West Low Country District Meeting, Hilton Head

April 7 Youth Symposium, Riverbanks Zoo

April 15 Deadline for SC Gardener Summer Issue

April 25 GCSC Board of Directors Meeting

April 26 GCSC State Meeting

May 3 NAJCSC Judges Club Meeting, Columbia

May 20-24 NGC Convention, Philadelphia, PA

June 3-9 National Garden Week

June 17-23 Camp Wildwood, Kings Mountain, SC

July 14 EXPO, Columbia

July 15 Deadline of SC Gardener Fall Issue

August Memorial Garden Concert, Columbia

September 6 GCSC Board of Directors Meeting, Riverbanks Botanical Garden, Columbia

September 25-30 NGC Fall Board Meeting, Orlando FL

October 4 NAJCSC Judges Club Meeting

October 9-12 Bus Tour to Monticello, US Botanical Garden and Mt. Vernon

October 15 Deadline for SC Gardener Winter Issue

November 11 Veteran’s Day Ceremony, Memorial Garden, Columbia

November 15 HS Essay Contest entries to Maida Dantzler

December 15 All State Awards Applications due to State Awards Chairman Yvonne Jordan


January 15 District Youth Awards to State Awards Chairman

Deadline for SC Gardener Spring Issue

January 31 GCSC Board of Directors Meeting, Riverbanks Botanical Building, Columbia

February 1 Club/Council President’s Report due to GCSC President and District Director

March 1 Entries to Juried Art/Photography Contest due. Theme: BIRDS

March 5 West Piedmont District Meeting, Anderson

March 6 East Piedmont District Meeting, Chester

March 7 NAJCSC Judges Club Meeting, Columbia

March 12 West Sandhills District Meeting, Winnsboro

March 13 East Sandhills District Meeting, Hartsville

March 14 Coastal District Meeting, Conway

March 19 East Low Country District Meeting, TBA

March 20 West Low Country District Meeting, Blackville

March SAR Convention

April 6 Youth Symposium, Riverbanks Zoo

April 15 Deadline for SC Gardener Summer Issue

April 18-20 GCSC Convention (BOD Meeting, VP Reception-18th), North Augusta

April 30-May 5 NGC Convention, Biloxi, MS

May 9 NAJCSC Judges Club Meeting, Columbia

June 3-9 National Garden Week

June 17-23 Camp Wildwood, Kings Mountain, SC


National and State Officers


President: Nancy Hargroves

1235 Dover Creek Ln

Manakin Sabot, VA 23103-2532

Theme: Plant America


Director: Judy Barnes

3616 Schoolhouse Lane

Charlotte, NC 28226-6640

Theme: "The Beauty of Nature: Protect, Preserve, Enjoy"


President: Donna Donnelly

4494 McCords Ferry Rd

Elloree, SC 29047


Theme: “Birds of a Feather Garden Together!”