Supplemental Materials

Cognitive Functioning in the First-Episode of Major Depressive Disorder: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

by E. Ahern & M. Semkovska, 2016, Neuropsychology

Supplemental online Table 2S
Cognitive Results at Baseline and Follow-Up for First-Episode Depression Patients plus Information on Coded Variables
Patient Characteristics / Cognitive test Characteristics
Diagnosis / Depression Severity / Baseline / Follow-Up
Study / Baseline / Follow-up / Time before Follow-up / n(Males) / Mean Age in years (SD) / Baseline Mean (SD) / Follow-up Mean (SD) / Patient status / Medication/ Treatment at Follow-Up / Name / Mean / SD / Mean / SD
Maeshima et al. (2012) / DSM-IV remitted MDD / Remitted / 3.20 years / 30(12) / 52.30 (14.70) / HRSD-17 3.10 (2.30) / 2.60 (2.50) / Inpatient / 100% receiving antidepressants. Imipramine daily dose equivalent 87.50mg (84.50mg) / MMSE / 28.00 / 1.80 / - / -
Logical memory I / 19.70 / 8.10 / 24.50 / 8.70
Logical memory II / 14.60 / 8.10 / 20.60 / 9.20
Visual reproduction I / 32.60 / 7.70 / 35.30 / 4.70
Visual reproduction II / 28.40 / 10.30 / 34.20 / 5.80
Nandrino et al. (2002) / DSM-IV MDE / Remission (50% lower HRSD scores) / 1 month / 13(-) / 36.70 (14.50) / HRSD 26.60(4.70) / 9.60 (5.30) / Inpatient / - / Estimated from graph
Positive words (% overgeneral memories) / 78.00 / - / 65.00 / -
Negative words (% overgeneral memories) / 75.00 / - / 75.00 / -
Roca et al. (2015) * / DSM-IV TR MDD / Remitted / 6 months / 7(-) / 44.46 (8.77) / HRSD-17 22.42(3.16) / ≤ 7 / - / - / TMT-A Army Individual Test Battery / 48.08 / 18.83 / 32.14 / 11.65
TMT-B / 146.46 / 72.51 / 95.00 / 56.36
WAIS-III Digit span forward / 6.76 / 1.64 / 6.86 / 0.69
Backwards / 4.15 / 1.35 / 4.00 / 1.29
Stroop (secs)
Word reading / 86.84 / 17.5 / 92.14 / 18.89
Colour naming / 59.72 / 11.29 / 65.43 / 8.62
Inhibition / 37.04 / 11.80 / 37.57 / 11.34
Interference / 3.71 / 13.64 / 2.80 / 11.69
Tower of London
Total moves / 36.46 / 18.31 / 24.57 / 11.60
Total time / 368.08 / 165.26 / 241.71 / 99.03
Initiation time / 61.19 / 36.62 / 48.57 / 31.89
Execution time / 295.65 / 152.80 / 193.14 / 75.17
Oral word association test / 26.77 / 10.40 / 25.14 / 10.82
Semantic fluency / 14.69 / 4.23 / 13.29 / 3.68
MMSE / 1.31 / 0.68 / - / -
Non-remitted / 6 months / 14(-) / 44.46 (8.77) / HRSD-17 22.42(3.16) / - / - / - / TMT-A Army Individual Test Battery / 48.08 / 18.83 / 42.23 / 13.58
TMT-B / 146.46 / 72.51 / 154.23 / 64.39
WAIS-III Digit span forward / 6.76 / 1.64 / 7.07 / 2.23
Backwards / 4.15 / 1.35 / 4.79 / 1.58
Stroop (secs)
Word reading / 86.84 / 17.50 / 87.31 / 23.91
Colour naming / 59.72 / 11.29 / 60.23 / 12.38
Inhibition / 37.04 / 11.80 / 35.85 / 7.89
Interference / 3.71 / 13.64 / 2.02 / 8.82
Tower of London
Total moves / 36.46 / 18.31 / 36.14 / 18.37
Total time / 368.08 / 165.26 / 332.64 / 123.36
Initiation time / 61.19 / 36.62 / 84.93 / 109.92
Execution time / 295.65 / 152.80 / 255.70 / 115.68
Oral word association test / 26.77 / 10.40 / 27.50 / 14.80
Semantic fluency / 14.69 / 4.23 / 13.93 / 4.49
MMSE / 1.31 / 0.68 / - / -
Schmid and Hammar (2013) * / DSM-IV MDD / Relapse / 1 year / 11(3) / 25.09 (6.47) / MADRS 25.00 (4.36) / 9.09 (5.19) / Outpatient / Psychological treatment (n = 3, 27.30%)
Medical treatment (n = 1, 9.10%)
Both psychological and medical (n = 4, 36.40%)
No treatment (n = 3, 27.30%) / WAIS IQ / 115.46 / 6.53 / - / -
Stroop (secs)
Colour naming / 33.10 / 3.86 / 30.46 / 4.37
Word reading / 24.27 / 3.20 / 23.27 / 2.65
Inhibition / 54.64 / 9.30 / 49.64 / 6.44
Inhibition/switching / 66.91 / 9.20 / 60.54 / 7.29
Letter fluency (words) / 46.27 / 10.86 / 50.91 / 12.99
Category fluency / 48.64 / 10.00 / 48.64 / 10.71
Switching fluency / 14.36 / 2.54 / 16.27 / 3.26
TMT (secs)
Visual scanning / 18.91 / 4.93 / 17.00 / 2.79
Number sequencing / 28.63 / 7.41 / 25.18 / 10.61
Letter sequencing / 26.46 / 7.08 / 21.00 / 4.45
Number/ letter sequencing / 69.09 / 16.16 / 63.27 / 11.87
Motor speed / 21.46 / 6.85 / 18.73 / 5.58
No relapse / 1 year / 12(10) / 25.25 (4.09) / 23.00 (2.49) / 7.42 (3.53) / Outpatient / Psychological treatment (n = 1, 8.30% )
Medical treatment (n = 0, 0.00% )
Both psychological and medical (n = 6, 50.00%)
No treatment (n = 5, 41.70%) / WAIS IQ / 119.08 / 9.65 / - / -
Stroop (secs)
Colour naming / 30.42 / 3.23 / 27.25 / 2.77
Word reading / 22.33 / 2.81 / 21.92 / 2.64
Inhibition / 50.67 / 9.61 / 45.50 / 4.40
Inhibition/switching / 55.50 / 8.17 / 51.42 / 7.56
Letter fluency (words) / 43.25 / 10.77 / 45.67 / 13.02
Category fluency / 46.42 / 7.91 / 49.50 / 8.89
Switching fluency / 14.50 / 3.18 / 14.50 / 2.58
TMT (secs)
Visual scanning / 19.75 / 3.67 / 17.92 / 2.54
Number sequencing / 30.25 / 11.72 / 24.67 / 6.92
Letter sequencing / 26.67 / 7.05 / 22.58 / 7.57
Number/ letter sequencing / 71.17 / 19.65 / 64.25 / 19.19
Motor speed / 18.17 / 5.89 / 15.25 / 4.45
Chronic / 1 year / 5(1) / 29.60 (4.88) / 28.00 (3.16) / 18.00 (6.33) / Outpatient / Psychological treatment (n = 1, 20.00% )
Medical treatment (n = 1, 20.00%) Both psychological and medical (n = 1, 20.00%)
No treatment (n = 2, 40.00%) / WAIS IQ / 123.40 / 7.57 / - / -
Stroop (secs)
Colour naming / 28.80 / 3.49 / 28.40 / 4.51
Word reading / 20.60 / 2.61 / 21.60 / 5.41
Inhibition / 48.60 / 10.36 / 43.80 / 13.55
Inhibition/switching / 57.40 / 7.95 / 53.80 / 13.16
Letter fluency (words) / 46.20 / 15.22 / 49.60 / 9.40
Category fluency / 52.60 / 4.39 / 50.00 / 10.42
Switching fluency / 14.60 / 2.7 / 15.80 / 1.79
TMT (secs)
Visual scanning / 18.20 / 3.96 / 20.50 / 2.53
Number sequencing / 24.20 / 4.60 / 22.750 / 3.59
Letter sequencing / 22.40 / 6.11 / 19.50 / 5.45
Number/ letter sequencing / 66.60 / 19.54 / 54.50 / 25.63
Motor speed / 20.80 / 7.40 / 19.00 / 7.53
Note. - = not reported; DSM = Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders; HRSD = Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression; MADRS = Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale; MDD = major depressive disorder; MDE = major depressive episode; MFQ = Mood and Feelings Questionnaire; MMSE = Mini Mental State Examination; n = number of patients; SD = standard deviation; TMT = Trail Making Test; WAIS = Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale. *Studies included in the meta-analysis.