Secondary 3 Midterm Practice Questions

1.  Elderly people often get the flu vaccine at the beginning of the flu season. This vaccine is considered to be a live vaccine.

Explain what this vaccine is made of, and how people gain immunity from getting the vaccination. Make sure your answer is detailed and specific.

Label the following diagram of the skin (hair, sabaceous gland, nerve, muscle, sweat gland, heavy pressure receptor) NOTE: There will be some empty lines.

3.  For the following receptors, state the function, the location (epidermis, dermis or hypodermis) and explain how their functions determine their location in the skin (ie: why they each have an ideal location to carry out their function).

Sensory Receptor / Function / Location / Why the Location is Ideal
Gentle Pressure
Heavy Pressure
  1. Label the lettered parts in the following diagram, using the following list:

blind spot, sclera, cornea, lens, iris, vitreous humour, optic nerve, retina

2. (7 points) Write the name of the part that does each of the following functions:

a) / ______/ This coloured muscle contracts and expands to vary the amount of light allowed into the eye
b) / ______/ This part focuses the light to the retina
c) / ______/ This white part protects and holds the eye together
d) / ______/ This part of the eye collects the light
e) / ______/ This covers and protects the front of the eye
f) / ______/ This jelly-like clear substance allows light to pass through the eye
g) / ______/ This carries the signal of what the eye sees to the brain
  1. Label the following diagram of the synapse with the following words: ion channels, vesicles, neurotransmitter, mitochondria, terminal, dendrite, synaptic cleft, pre - synaptic neuron, post – synaptic neuron.

a) Define “action potential”: ______

b) What are the charged particles that travel through the channels to create an action potential called? Give one example.

______ex: ______

c) Which part of the pre – synaptic neuron is located in the synapse? Circle the correct answer. (terminal or dendrite)

d) How do neurotransmitters help the nerve cells overcome the fact that an action potential cannot cross over the synaptic cleft?


8. (3 points) Which nerve cell RECIEVES neurotransmitter that has been released into the synaptic cleft? Circle the correct answer. (pre – synaptic neuron or post synaptic neuron).

  1. Label the following diagram with each of the following words: receptor organ, sensory (afferent) neuron, grey matter, motor (efferent) neuron, effector organ

7. Which organ creates a response to the stimulus? ______

8. Which organ receives the messages first? Circle the correct answer. (brain or spinal cord)

9. What is the overall function of the nervous system?

10. What organs are part of the CNS? What makes up the PNS?

11. Label the axon, dendrite and cell body on the following diagram of a nerve cell. Also draw an arrow below the image to show the direction of the nerve impulse as it passes through the nerve cell. /4

12. What is the name of the area between two nerve cells where a message is transmitted?


13. Explain how an impulse is transmitted from one nerve cell to the next. You may draw a labelled picture as part of your explanation.

14. Refer the following diagram to answer the questions.

a)  State what function is carried out in the following labelled sections found in the brain image above.

1.  ______

2.  ______

3.  ______

b)  Label the cerebrum, cerebellum, and brain stem on the diagram above.

State which part of the brain (1, 2 or 3) carries out the following functions:

i. ______Hormone control & regulation; involuntary movement

ii. ______thinking, language, motor control, etc.

iii. ______Balance & coordination

15. In the following diagrams, write the appropriate gas (CO2 or O2) in the boxes provided. (/4)

16. The following table provides the nutritional value of the food in Patrick’s meal plan.

The values listed are for one serving of each item.

Food Group / Food Item / Amount of one serving / Enegy (KJ) / Protein (g) / Carbs (g) / Fats (g)
Milk products / Mozarella Cheese / 45 g / 530 / 9 / 1 / 10
Bread and Cereals / White Bread / 1 slice / 340 / 2 / 15 / 1
Fruits and Veg / Grapefruit Juice / 250 mL / 420 / 1 / 24 / 0
Meat / Bacon / 1 slice / 240 / 6 / 0 / 4
Meat / Egg / 1 egg / 330 / 6 / 1 / 6
Breads and cereals / Noodles / 250 mL / 880 / 7 / 39 / 2
Fruits and Veg / Canned tomatoes / 250 mL / 220 / 2 / 11 / 1
Meat / Ground Beef / 90 g / 1080 / 22 / 0 / 18
Meat / Steak / 90 g / 1330 / 29 / 0 / 5
Fruit and Veg / Potato / 1 potato / 380 / 3 / 21 / 0
Fruit and Veg / Peas / 250 mL / 510 / 10 / 20 / 1
Breads and Cereals / Crackers / 4 crackers / 230 / 1 / 7 / 3
Milk Products / 2% milk / 250 mL / 540 / 9 / 12 / 5

i)  At dinner, Patrick eats a burger with cheese and a white bun. Which important nutrient(s) is being excluded?

ii)  What could Patrick add to his dinner in order to supply the missing nutrient(s)?

iii)  Based on the information above, propose a simple meal that is low in fats, and includes a good source of protein, carbohydrates, micronutrients and fibre.

17. Give two similarities and two differences between the way our sense of smell and our sense taste works. Explain how these two senses operate together in order for us to properly taste something.



18. Sensory nerves can be classified depending on the type of stimulus they receive. For example, there are chemoreceptors, mechanoreceptors, and photoreceptors.

Define the word “stimulus” in the context of a sensory nerve. Give three examples of different types of stimuli for our neurons, and give a specific example of each.


19. Describe how sound is transformed as it travels through the ear?


20. Hearing loss occurs when the cilia in the cochlea break. What is the regular function of the cilia in the ear?
