The Merchant of Venice
Study/Comprehension Questions
Act 1, scene 1
1. Why is Antonio sad at the beginning of the play?
2. What kind of person is Gratiano?
3. What does Bassanio ask of Antonio?
4. What is Antonio’s reply?
Act 1, scene 2
1. What do Nerissa and Portia discuss?
2. What is Portia’s opinion of her suitors?
3. What is Portia’s opinion of Bassanio?
Act 1, scene 3
1. Why does Shylock hate Antonio?
2. What condition does Shylock add to the bond “in a merry sport”?
3. What is the Rialto?
Act 2, scene 2
1. What function does Gobbo serve?
2. What is Gobbo pondering at the beginning of this scene?
Act 2, scenes 3-6
1. What are Jessica’s feelings toward Gobbo?
2. What is in the letter that Jessica sends Lorenzo?
3. What is Shylock’s opinion of masques?
4. What is a masque?
Act 2, scene 7
1. Which casket does Morocco choose? Why? What does he find inside?
Act 2, scene 8
1. Explain the three things of which Salerio and Solanio speak.
Act 2, scene 9
1. Which casket does Aragon choose? Why? What does he find inside?
Act 3, scene 1
1. What are Salerio and Solanio talking about in the beginning of this scene?
2. Describe Shylock’s state of mind during the first parts of this scene. Why does he act this way?
3. What does Tubal tell Shylock?
Act 3, scene 2
1. Why does Portia ask Bassanio to wait before choosing a casket?
2. Which casket does Bassanio choose?
3. Why does Bassanio eliminate the other two caskets?
4. What does Portia give Bassanio when she gives him her ring?
5. What announcement does Gratiano make?
6. What news does Salerio bring?
Act 3, scene 4
1. Where does Portia tell Lorenzo and Jessica she is going?
2. What does Portia tell Balthazar to do?
3. Where is Portia really going?
Act 3, scene 5
1. What do Lancelot and Jessica joke about?
Act 4, scene 1
1. What is the meaning of the Duke’s first words to Shylock?
2. When offered twice the amount of the bond, what is Shylock’s reply?
3. How does Portia gain entrance to the court?
4. When told to be merciful, what is Shylock’s reply?
5. What is Shylock’s opinion of Portia as a lawyer?
6. What does Portia point out to Shylock about his taking the pound of flesh?
7. What three penalties must Shylock face?
8. What changes does Antonio make to the penalties?
9. What gift does Portia ask of Antonio? Of Bassanio?
Act V
1. What do Jessica and Lorenzo speak of in the beginning of this act?
2. Of what do Portia and Nerissa accuse their husbands?
3. Explain the happy endings for the following characters:
Antonio –
Bassanio –
Gratiano –
Nerissa –
Portia –
Lorenzo and Jessica –
Shylock – ?