
Orientation Session for Health Sciences Faculty

Links & Liaisons

The following listing of individuals and support services may be helpful to you sometime in the future.

Visit the Faculty of Health Sciences Web: McMaster University Web:

www.fhs.mcmaster.ca and/or www.mcmaster.ca

Looking for someone=s number/email? Try here:

Online Faculty & Staff Directory (McMaster University)


If interested in getting involved as a tutor/facilitator, clinical preceptor/supervisor or other educational roles, you are encouraged to participate in the Program for Faculty Development (PFD) workshops and other offerings.

Program for Faculty www.fhs.mcmaster.ca/facdev

Development (PFD) Michael G. DeGroote Centre for Learning and Discovery, (MDCL) - Room 3510, McMaster Campus

Dial main number B (905) 525-9140

Assistant Dean Dr. Denise Marshall ext. 22489

Program Administrator Ms. Annette Sciarra ext. 22714

Administrative Assistant Mrs. Elda DiCroce ext. 22954

Director, MENTORSHIP Progs. Prof. Charlotte Noesgaard

Director, PBL & Tutor Initiatives Prof. Sue Baptiste

Director, Learning Technologies Prof. Ilana Bayer

Instructional Assistant, Learning Tech. Ms. Devon Mordell

Director, Professionalism Series Prof. Yvonne Lawlor

Coordinator, Faculty Development Dr. Marcel Dore

& CME, Waterloo Regional Campus

Coordinator, Faculty Development Dr. Bruce Rosenberg

& Cont. Health Sciences Education,

Niagara Regional Campus

Program for Educational Research & Development MDCL - Room 3510, McMaster Campus

Assistant Dean ext. 23162

Program Administrator ext. 22859

Program Secretary ext. 23114

Research Associate ext. 22614

Research Assistant ext. 22732

Continuing Health Sciences Education MDCL - Room 3510, McMaster Campus

Assistant Dean ext. 26404

Program Administrator ext. 22120

Registration Assistant ext. 22671

Standardized Patient Programme

and Clinical Simulation Lab Health Sciences Centre - Room 1M1

Administrative Assistant ext. 22388/22997

Links & Liaisons Page 2

Educational Programs you may choose to contact if interested in academic roles, eg.,

PBL (Problem Based Learning) tutor/facilitator, or clinical preceptor/supervisor –

Link to listing of Faculty of Health Sciences Schools and Programs


Undergraduate Medical Program MDCL - Room 3110

Assistant Dean ext. 22715

Regional Assistant Dean (KW campus) 5198855426 x21100

Regional Assistant Dean (Niagara campus)

Undergraduate Nursing Education HSC - Room 2J36

Assistant Dean ext. 22699

Midwifery Education Program (BHSc) MDCL - Room 3103

Assistant Dean ext. 26654

Clinical Health Sciences (OT) McMaster Campus - IAHS, 4th floor

Assistant Dean ext. 27803

Clinical Health Sciences (PT) McMaster Campus - IAHS, 4th floor

Assistant Dean ext. 27819

Bachelor of Health Sciences (Honours) MDCL - Room 3308


Assistant Dean ext. 22815

Physician Assistant Program MDCL – Room 2206

Assistant Dean ext. 21557

Postgraduate Medical Education Program MDCL - Room 3106

Assistant Dean ext. 22116

Other/Miscellaneous B

McMaster Health Sciences International MDCL - Room 3500

Director ext. 22581

Administrator ext. 22206

For Research B

Health Research Services HSC - Room 1B7

Administrative Assistant ext. 22258

Administrator, Research Programs ext. 22515

Research Ethics Officer ext. 22577

Senior Grants Advisor ext. 22006

Research Information Assistant ext. 22465

MDCL = Michael G. DeGroote Centre for Learning & Discovery, McMaster University

HSC = Health Sciences Centre, McMaster University

Links & Liaisons Page 3

Employee Health Services - McMaster University (Campus) B


Employee Health Workplace - McMaster University (Campus) B ext. 26645

excellent lunch-time sessions and other events are offered that are open to faculty/staff


Human Resources (Health Sciences)

Receptionist ext. 22207

Coordinator of Recruitment &

Appointments ext. 22101

HR Consultant ext. 22880

Administrator ext. 27286

Pension & Benefits Info. ext. 24225

Conference Office (re: room bookings/furniture movement - for rooms at McMaster Health Sciences Centre, McMaster - MDCL Building, Hamilton General and Henderson General)

Health Sciences Room Bookings Contact -

Health Sciences Furniture Requests/Moves Contact - or call ext.73815

MDCL Room Bookings 1st Floor – Contact – Registrar’s Office

MDCL Room Bookings 2nd and 3rd Floors:

MDCL Furniture requests/moves – Campus Conference Services

(NOTE: some educational requests for poster boards may also be requested through

HGH / HDGH Room Bookings Contact –

HGH / HDGH Furniture Requests / Moves – Call Service Response Center, ext 77744

Gender & Health Office

Coordinator ext. 22133

Faculty of Health Sciences - Safety Office

Safety Manager ext. 23453

Secretary ext. 24956

Website http://fhs.mcmaster.ca/safetyoffice/index.html

(Includes schedule of Safety Training)

Printing Services/Media Production

McMaster Site (Campus) ext. 24446

(Health Sciences) ext. 22348

Regional Printing Services ext. 46294

Regional Audiovisual Services ext. 46228

(HHSC & St. Joseph=s)

Mohawk College Printing Services 575-2311

MDCL = Michael G. DeGroote Centre for Learning & Discovery, McMaster University

HSC = Health Sciences Centre, McMaster University

Links & Liaisons Page 4

Computer Services Unit Room 2D area, Faculty of Health Sciences


General Inquiries ext. 22676 or email:

PC support and repairs ext. 22441/22785

Networking support ext. 22439

e-mail support ext. 22463

Web support ext. 22440/22449

STAR-CV http://fhs.mcmaster.ca/csu/STAR-CV.htm ext. 26027 or email:

Computer Helpline ext. 24357 or email:

(CIS - Computing Information Services, Campus)

For McMaster Mac ID and E-mail Account Request:


To access Univmail - http://univmail.cis.mcmaster.ca

UTS provides two central mail hosts running Communigate Pro, a web based email application. UnivMail is the host machine for faculty, staff, graduate students, retirees and alumni. MUSS (McMaster Undergraduate Student Server) is the host machine for undergraduate students. Customers can use other web based email clients such as Microsoft Outlook, Netscape Communicator, to access their email on these hosts. Faculty and staff should complete the Email Login ID Application Form.

Faculty of Health Sciences - Public Relations Office

Alumni & Public Relations Assistant ext. 22169

For information re: Events happening at McMaster B


(Includes daily events, and a calendar indicating various events around Campus)

For information re: Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS) Events & Rounds

An email is distributed every Friday to Faculty of Health Sciences members. For individuals who do not receive these, you can also view the information via this website B


FHS Events & Rounds Submission Guidelines

To submit events for this weekly posting, you can enter your info. directly into the appropriate section on this site http://fhs.mcmaster.ca/main/events.html Information should be entered the Wednesday prior by 4:00 p.m. in order to be included in the Friday posting.

Bookstore (*check out the special prices B eg., software, computers for McMaster faculty/staff)

*Microcomputer Inquiries ext. 24417 http://macmicro.mcmaster.ca/

General Book Inquiries ext. 22630

Custom Courseware Coordinator ext. 23356

General Inquiries ext. 24751

Links & Liaisons Page 5

Mediashop.com is located at the McMaster University Medical Centre on the first floor across from the cafeteria by the red elevators. The Mediashop is open to anyone needing media production services or supplies and is not restricted to McMaster University and/or Health Sciences employees or students. If you need more information about the Media Production Services please call 525-9140 ext. 22301. Fax (905) 570-0743. E-mail () Need a poster printed for an upcoming conference ? Mediashop can help B contact

If you require information concerning the *Health Sciences Bookstore call 525-9140, ext. 22288,

E-mail (media ) or visit their website at: http://bookstore.mcmaster.ca

1-800-407-9465 (Canada Only), Fax (905) 570-0743.

Faculty of Health Sciences Library B Room 2B area

General Inquiries/Info. Desk ext. 22327

Reference Librarian ext. 23775/22327

Instruction Support B


For information re: LibAccess B Access to e-Resources B


McMaster University Employee Advantage Program B (special discounts for McMaster employees)


Centre for Leadership in Learning (CLL) - McMaster University (Campus)


Administrative Assistant ext. 24540

Educational Consultant ext. 24539

Professionalism in Clinically-Based Education – McMaster University (Health Sciences)

R. Edwards, Advisor ext. 22417

Human Rights & Equity Services Office (HRES) - McMaster University (Campus)


Program Coord. ext. 24235

Human Rights Officer ext. 24067

Centre for Student Development - McMaster University (Campus)

Psychologist ext. 23036

Program Coord. (Learning Specialist) ext. 24354

Program Coord. (Disability Specialist) ext. 24339

Administrative Assistant ext. 24711

McMaster Industry Liaison Office (MILO)

MILO helps researchers ensure that their inventions and discoveries benefit humankind.

Executive Director ext. 28646

Links & Liaisons Page 6

Administration Contacts

Dr. John Kelton

Dean and Vice-President, Health Sciences HSC - 2E1, 525-9140, ext. 22100

Dr. Susan Denburg

Associate Vice-President (Academic) and Associate Dean, (Education) HSC - 2E5C, 525-9140, ext. 22110

Dr. Catherine Hayward

Associate Dean, Health Sciences (Graduate Studies) MDCL - 2235, 525-9140, ext. 22982

Dr. Catherine Tompkins

Associate Dean, Health Sciences (Nursing) HSC - 2J17, 525-9140, ext. 22400

Dr. Mary Law

Associate Dean & Director, Health Sciences (Rehabilitation Science) IAHS-403, 525-9140, ext. 22666

Dr. Stephen Collins

Associate Dean, Health Sciences (Research) HSC - 2E16, 525-9140, ext. 22184

Ms. Susan Emigh

Director, Public Relations HSC - 2E47, 525-9140, ext. 22555

Mrs. Debbie Martin

Administrator, Corporate Services HSC - 2E21, 525-9140, ext. 26538

Ms. Liz Bayley

Director, Health Sciences Library HSC - 2B16, 525-9140, ext. 22545

Ms. Judy Forbes

Administrator, Faculty of Health Sciences Human Resources HSC - 2J5, 525-9140, ext. 22207

Ms. Susan Birnie

Administrator, Education Services HSC - 2E19, 525-9140, ext. 22872

Mr. Ross Gardner

Director, Faculty of Health Sciences Finance HSC - 1B7, 525-9140, ext. 22863

Created & Updated by:

A.F. Sciarra, Program for Faculty Development,

Faculty of Health Sciences, McMaster University

revised: March 22, 2010