No.52 NEWS UPDATE May 2017
Choosing the right university AND the right course is not easy, because there are so many things to consider:
  1. Does the course help my future career prospects? Do I want to broaden my academic experience?
  2. What sort of environment do I want to live in? Big city, smaller town or within a rural environment?
  3. How close is the nearest airport? What are the rail and bus links to the places I want to visit?
  4. Can I afford to live in London? The cost of living is so much higher there….
  5. What sort of accommodation do I need? Shared house, lodgings, student hostel?
  6. What leisure attractions are important to me? Football, walking, swimming, the arts, the countryside?
You also need to consider which university would suit you best:
Coventry – busy city, 20 minutes from Birmingham, I hour from London. Popular with central European students.
Derby – pleasant city close to the Peak District National Park. Nottingham and Sheffield nearby.
Huddersfield – industrial town close to Pennine Hills, Leeds and Manchester. Popular with central European students.
Northumbria – lively Newcastle nightlife, ultra-modern campus, on main rail line between London and Scotland
Trinity Saint David – a rural campus in the small town of Carmarthen AND a city campus in the busy port, seaside resort of Swansea.
UCLAN – in Preston, close to Manchester, the coast and the Lake District National Park. On a main rail line between London and Scotland.
London – the universities of Coventry, Northumbria, Trinity Saint David and Ulster all have London campuses. One of the great cities of the world, London is endlessly fascinating, but it is also an expensive place to live. House share rent at GBP150 per week is approximately 3 times higher than in the north of England! / Where would you like to study?
If you wish to apply for an honours bachelor’s degree course, you first need to register with UCAS here as an ‘individual’ student:

You can apply for a maximum of five different courses. To give yourself the best chance of gaining a place, it makes sense to apply to different universities.
Your completed application MUST be checked by Alan Hallett before being submitted. The form is rather complicated so Alan will send you a sample completed application form to help you.
Your referee should be a member of academic staff who has some knowledge of your academic achievements, ability and commitment.
If you do not have IELTS 6.0 (or similar) you MUST provide a reference from your English language tutor, which comments on your reading, writing, listening and speaking skills.
All applications must be submitted to Alan Hallett for checking by 23 June.
Postgraduate applications are made by a different procedure. Contact Alan Hallett for advice and assistance. All postgraduate applications must be submitted (after checking) by 25 August. /
Good manners matter in Britain! To make a good impression, follow these simple rules:
-Say thank you when leaving a bus or taxi or after purchasing from a shop etc.
-Open shop doors etc. to allow older people or mothers with prams to enter before you.
-Join a queue when waiting to be served. This is important: the British particularly dislike ‘queue-jumpers.’
-Walk on the pavement edge when passing older people or mothers with prams, children etc.so that they are further from the road and traffic.
-To begin a conversation, comment on the weather: it is what all British people do – and it never fails!
-Avoid talking about politics or religion: it often leads to arguments
-Apologise if you bump into someone.
If in doubt remember that a ‘please’, ‘thank you’ or ‘sorry’ is always welcome and usually appropriate! ______
English Corner
Shipshape and Bristol fashion = in good order: neat.

©English Oak Recruitment 2008