Livermore Baptist Church

July 22, 2012

Praise and Worship – 8:00 am

Sunday School – 9:20 am

Morning Worship – 10:30 am

Announcements, SS Report, Birthdays, Anniversaries


Opening Hymn #421 “Whosoever.” Meaneth Me

Welcome & Praise

Prayer Hosea Brown

Special Music “People Need the Lord”

Kimberly & Kelly Thurman

Offertory Hymn #195 “What If It Were Today?”

Offertory Prayer


Choral Worship “I Will Stand Up and Sing”

Message Exodus 15:22-26 Pastor

Invitation Hymn #281 “Speak to My Heart”


Discipleship Training – 5:00 pm

Evening Worship – 6:00 pm


Discipleship Training Report Sharon Hicks


Opening Hymn #430 “Sunshine In My Soul”

Welcome & Praise

Prayer Hosea Brown

Offertory Hymn #521 “On Jordon’s Stormy Banks”



Invitation Hymn #316 “Jesus Is Tenderly Calling”


Livermore Baptist Church

Bro. Clive G. Bell, Pastor

Kelly Thurman, Minister of Music

Sunday Services

Praise & Worship 8:00 am

Sunday School 9:20 am

Morning Worship 10:30 am

Discipleship Training 5:00 pm

Evening Worship 6:00 pm

Wednesday Services

Bible Study/Prayer Meeting 6:30 pm

Mission Groups 6:30 pm

Whatever It Takes-

That Livermore Might Know Jesus


Deacon on Call

Week of July 22nd – Hosea Brown 270-278-2787

Next week – Mark Atherton 270-278-2715


Pastor’s home, 270-278-2711 Pastor’s cell, 270-925-1225

Christian Life Center, 270-278-2499 Church Office, 270-278-2310


Women’s Bible Study – Every Monday – 6:30 pm CLC


Young at Heart- Tuesday the 19th- 6:00 pm CLC


Prayer Meeting/Bible Study and Mission Groups

Every Wednesday - 6:30 pm


Men’s Prayer Time – Every Thursday – 8:30 am - CLC


Church Wide Visitation - Every Thursday- 6:30 pm

Van Drivers Meeting

Tuesday, July 24th at 6:30 pm


Youth After Hours

Wednesdays 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm

July 25th,

August 1st & 8th


There will be a meeting of the Budget and Finance Committee on Wednesday, July 25th, immediately following the prayer meeting. We will be working on the 2012-2013 budget.

Welcome New Members:

Haley Howell

Kaela O’Bryan


July 22nd – 28th


Happy 100th Birthday Ruth Humphrey on July 25th

Adam Green – July 28th



Nursery – Jane Crowe

Next Week – Lisa Hocker

Children’s Church 3-5 Yrs. – Caleb & Raina Humphrey

Next Week – Dwight & Carlene Logsdon

Ushers Today - Gilbert Bell, David D. Hicks, David B. Hicks,

Mark Atherton

(Sunday School Hall Monitor – Larry Leach)

Next Week – W.E. Hicks, James Green, Alex Free, Austin Kidd

(Sunday School Hall Monitor – Buddy Schindler)

Sunday Country Route Van Drivers*

Today – Gilbert Bell 615-306-5759

Next Week – Freddie Strong 270-315-4517

*If you know anyone that needs a ride to Sunday School

call Gilbert for today or Freddie for next week.

Wednesday Bus Helpers,

July 25th – College & Careers Class

August 1st – Lanny & Carol Rideout

Lawn Care this week - Kraig Kassinger

Next Week – Hosea Brown

“Mama” Ruth Humphrey will be 100 on July 25th. You are invited to a reception celebration on July 28, 2012, 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm at the Livermore Baptist Church Christian Life Center. No gifts please, but cards would be appreciated at the reception or mail to:

Ruth Humphrey

205 Upton Road

Livermore, KY 42352

The celebration is a surprise for her.


Men’s Night

Saturday, July 28th

6:00 pm CLC


Men’s Day

Sunday, July 29th

10:30 am (no 8:00 am service)


Summer Lunch Program*

Monday – Friday through July 31st

11:00 am – 12:30 pm in the CLC


Livermore Elementary School

Monday, August 6th


REMINDER: We are still collecting aluminum cans to recycle to fund the Children’s Activities. Drop them off at Bro. Bell’s house.

Gardening God's Way

Plant three rows of peas:
Peace of mind
Peace of heart
Peace of soul
Plant four rows of squash:
Squash gossip
Squash indifference
Squash grumbling
Squash selfishness
Plant four rows of lettuce:
Lettuce be faithful
Lettuce be kind
Lettuce be obedient
Lettuce really love one another
No garden without turnips:
Turnip for meetings
Turnip for service
Turnip to help one another
Water freely with patience and
Cultivate with love.
There is much fruit in your garden
Because you reap what you sow.
To conclude our garden
We must have thyme:
Thyme for God
Thyme for study
Thyme for prayer