Software Purchase Request

  1. Research your desired software for compatibility and usability and obtain Department Chair approval.
  2. Funding: check with department chair/secretary to be sure the funding is available for new software purchases.
  3. Submit a Ticket at:, select “Software Purchase” from the category drop down menu.
  4. Please include the following in the Details box:
  5. Software Name & Version
  6. Installing on Mac, PC or Virtual system
  7. Detail on how it will be used. If for classroom, how it will be used in the curriculum
  8. Indicate department chair approval
  9. IT Staff will
  10. Double-check compatibility
  11. Verify the licensing parameters
  12. Estimate a date for installation
  13. Cheryl will check for further Educational Discounts, obtain a quote and forward to the appropriate dean for approval. Requests with annual recurring costs will be sent to VP of Finance for approval as well. Once approved, quote will be forwarded to the ticket submitter.
  14. Ordering software
  15. Fill out Requisition utilizing the quote – be sure to reference the quote number on your requisition, include the State or MHEC contract number, and include “End User: ”.
  16. Assign delivery on requisition to “Cheryl Johnston for (insert your name)”
  17. Deliver Requisition to Department Secretary
  18. Department Secretary will
  19. Enter your Requisition into the system
  20. Email Cheryl Johnston with the final PO#
  21. Procurement Departmentwill
  22. Verify with Cheryl Johnston before processing the PO.
  23. IT Staff will
  24. Receive the software and email department secretary
  25. Email recipient of software to schedule time for install
  26. Install the software as directed in the initial email request
  27. Run a preliminary check for unforeseen conflicts
  28. You will then receive an email from Cheryl detailing the installation
  29. Number of licenses
  30. Locations of installation
  31. Duration of licenses
  32. If annual maintenance is purchased, department chair will be contacted prior to the expiration date to review usage, cost, and determine whether to renew.

Thank You!