15th February 2016: for immediate release


Second year MSc Forensic and Medical Sciences student Radhika Dave is hoping to be declared the Face of the Globe as the annual international beauty pageant prepares to hold its next showcase at Disneyland Paris in April.

Radhika Dave now needs public support to help her on the path to being declared the 2016 Face of the Globe, with support garnered by liking the pageant’s Facebook page and Radhika’s photo.

Radhika was entered into the international pageant by her mother, who she cites as a big inspiration for her, and has chosen to represent India, and is going through a series of challenges and rounds including ones based around a talent showcase, charity fundraising and media, alongside a public vote, on the path to hopefully being crowned the winner. The initial nomination included a personal statement and photos.

As part of these rounds Radhika has been actively fundraising for the Rainbow Child Foundation charity with the contestant who raises the most declared the winner of this section of the competition.

In the talent round Radhika has been showcasing her talents of classical Indian dance, which she has been doing since she was four years old, inspired by her mother who is also a dancer. She performed well in this section, coming in the top four in the auditions.

“I picked classical Indian dancing. I’ll be dressed up as a proper dancer and performing, but it’s only two minutes so it’s challenge to fit it all in!”

Radhika is now seeking help with the public support section which is done through the Face of the Globe Facebook page. To win the overall award on Thursday 7th April 2016Radhika would have to top each section.

“My aim is to be the best of everything [but] it is so tough. All the contestants are so talented, so beautiful, and they’re doing so much charity work.

“I aim to make a positive change in people around me and learn other positive qualities from them in return that they possess, As I believe that life is all about learning and trying to be a better person each day.”

Reaction to Radhika’s talents so far have been very positive, many complementing her on her versatile profile mixing dance, with henna and sport, alongside the Masters Science degree she is working towards. Sports listed on her online profile include badminton, basketball, netball, football, swimming and horse-riding.

Winning the Face of the Globe would mean a lot. I’m Indian, living in England, studying in Bradford, and I’m representing so many things. I’m being an ambassador.”

Radhika, who has just returned from her first ever visit to Francis, going to Calais to support a UBU event to help the refugees currently living there, will be returning to France in April to take part in the competition, taking part in the event at Disneyland Paris, alongside enjoying some of the scheduled time off as part of it to enjoy the theme park too.

The Face of the Globe website hosts profiles of all those taking part in the event. Dave’s profile showcases her photos and information about her entry, including language’s she knows, her favourite Disney film and what hobbies she partakes in.

When the competition is over Radhika will be completing her study at the University of Bradford, and hopes to become a forensic dentist and helping support her family financially.

I absolutely love Bradford. It’s an amazing place and the University is so nice and friendly, and everyone knows each other and there for each other, and really supportive.”


For media enquiries please contact Philip Lickley at on 01274 23 3300. For more information on the University of Bradford Union of Students visit For more information on the Face of the Globe visit or

Notes to Editors

The University of Bradford Union of Students supports all the students at the University of Bradford through its various services including advice, sports, societies, media areas and volunteering, democracy and entertainments.

Face Of The Globe was founded in 2012 by winner of 'Best Pageant Director' and 'Inspirational Businesswoman of the Year' Lucie Hide, a former international beauty queen from England. In 2014, the pageant itself was also winner of Best UK Pageant.

Face Of The Globe is open to girls aged 5 upwards covering 4 age divisions, with the annual grand finals held in London and Disneyland Paris, bringing together finalists from all ages and cultures to each experience the magic of feeling like a princess in Disneyland!

There are no height or size restrictions, with no swimwear round and unlike most other pageants women can be mothers and/or married, infact, the whole family are welcome to join our girls at the finals to experience the magic and memories together!

Face Of The Globe supports Rainbow Child Foundation, registered charity No. 42369857 founded by X Factor and Dancing On Ice star Chico Slimani, his wife Daniyela, and brother, actor John Campbell Mac.

To vote for Radhika in the public vote visit the Face of the Globe Facebook page at, like the page and like Radhika’s photo at

Please see attached for photos of Radhika Dave or visit