Version 3.18 Upd_318_D.doc
Bug – Tag / Prog-Ref. / Service Ref. / Date of Correction / Type of Change / Severity / Affected Modules / Description------/ 13.02.09 / ------/ Version 3.18.A
Important Information for this version :
FuturERS is now identified by VISTA as a 'native' program and 'virtualization' (not to be confused with virtual machines like VMWare!) is not done anymore. As a result, then valid SVEN.INI is now back to the 'Windows' directory. And it is mandatory with VISTA to use the installers for installation and update, because of the necessary rights on some files.
The pack sets provided per language have been changed.
The USER pack set is now created for every language.
But the LANGUAGE pack set is only created for German (D) and English (GB).
Franchise-Compatibility / 17787 / 26.02.09 / Change / Medium / ARTTRANS / Transfer compatibility with lower versions, corrected.
List printing, general / 17779 / 02.03.09 / Fix / High / SVNAVIGx / All lists missed the initialisation of one variable. As a result, some lists did just print straight away and did not open the print manager screen.
POS, inactive personnel / 17811 / FI 544 / 10.03.09 / Fix / High / SVNAVIGx, SVPOS, SVTOUCH / The check on 'inactive' was coded inverted and on the wrong field in two places with the POS screen. As a result, change of sales person was normally not possible.
EDI,(export) enhancements / 17639 / 10.03.09 / Change / Medium / SVNAVIGZ, SVEDIBAT / More export details on sales reports (via flag in EDI partner), capability to read in INVRPT-Deltas
Correction of 'inactive' / 12.03.09 / Fix / Low / SVNAVIGx / Correction of 'inactive' check within customer ordering
''Directory' Dialog / 12.03.09 / Change / Low / SVNAVIGx / The 'Directory' dialog uses the new Windows components now.
Edit Items / 12.03.09 / Fix / Low / SVNAVIGZ / The lookup on buyer works on buyers now and not on personnel
Stock level calculation / 12.03.09 / Fix / High / SVNAVIGZ, WWIBUCH / Two of three min and target stock calculations routines had a bug in the statistic period selection, resulting in a messagebox and following program stop, by selecting the detail value within the item record.
DWH export / 12.03.09 / Fix / High / SVDWEXPO / Delivery notes are now exported with the proper orig price
File selections / 12.03.09 / Fix / Low / SVNAVIGx / The file selection code on document and update transfer did not handle files and total sizes with 2GB and up correctly, often causing a program abort caused by integer overflow.
Branch communication, TAPI / 17815 / 12.03.09 / Fix / Medium / SVCOMM / The trace option on SVCOMM often caused a program abort due parallel processing forced by TAPI. The problem has been solved by logging into 4 different files.
Additionally, a delay has been added on reloading the 'call list' to avoid calling the same branch repeatedly too quickly.
Addresses, Payment method / 17817 / 13.03.09 / Fix / High / MASKEN.DAT / The address mask (edit) did show the payment methods 'cheque' and 'bank transfer' swapped. As a result, the wrong settings where used on changes.
------/ 27.03.09 / ------/ Version 3.18.B
Delivery Note Creation, Allocation Reference / 17757 / 31.03.09 / Fix / Medium / SVNAVIGx / The new functionality, 'Mark allocation as delivered', worked properly on 'OK', but not on 'OK + DN OK'.
Stock display / 17834 / 31.03.09 / Fix / Low / SVNAVIGx, SVPOS, SVTOUCH / Under special conditions, the stock location of an item was not shown even though defined. Detail conditions : Stock location defined, but empty in at least one element, and sales information or order information requested and available.
Additional change : changing unit or variant will now clear also the RefNo and EAN fields to avoid unwanted reload/restore of the changed value.
Fashion Order, Attributes / 17794 / 01.04.09 / Fix / High / SVNAVIGZ / Repeated save or store of a fashion order without switching to the detail page removed the numeric item codes.
Update management / 23.04.09 / Change / High / Update executables test against the detailed version now, including 'letter' (A/B/C..)
Transfer/Cleanup Supplier Item Groups / 17824 / 23.04.09 / Change / Low / ADRWRITE / Unnecessary supplier item groups, due to local/global changes, are deleted now during 'Transfer to Branches'
IBT List with Supplier Item Groups / 17825 / FI 541 / 23.04.09 / Fix / Medium / SVNAVIGZ / The IBT list did not return any results if a supplier item group was specified.
CSV_FILT, Header / 17636 / 23.04.09 / Change / Low / CSV_FILT / The programs got two new options selections for the header line now.
SVCOMM, Parameters / 17832 / 23.04.09 / Change / Low / SVCOMM / On start, SVCOMM now prints it's command line parameters
Market Basket Analysis / 17749 / 23.04.09 / Change / Medium / SVNAVIGZ, MASKEN.DAT, PRTMASK.DAT / In Market Basket Analysis, it is not possible to print and export the data
Workflow, Addresses / 17761 / 23.04.09 / Change / Medium / SVNAVIGZ / Workflow within the address edit mask is now working as expected. Due to a special internal logic, only 'store' was working before, never 'update'.
Action prices, 'Value' / 17780 / 23.04.09 / Change / Medium / SVNAVIGx / It was possible to define a new price or percentage without specifying any item attribute. As a result, a new price could be applied to all items. As this is quite dangerous, at least one attribute must be specified now.
Stock Delta, POS Selection / 17866 / 07.05.09 / Fix / Medium / LAGBUCH / The stock delta recalculation in head office did create erroneous figures for POS selections, wrong branches and wrong quantities. Even a DB log message with 'branch number out of range, 0' could appear.
Host Interface, type 38 / 17846 / 07.05.09 / Change / Medium / SVHOST / Franchise delivery notes with values 'Net + Tax' can now be created
SVEN.INI, single entries / 17763 / 07.05.09 / Option / Low / SVCONFIG / It is now possible to set individual configuration entries within SVEN.INI, but not within the DB configuration!
Workflow, Parser / 17853 / 07.05.09 / Fix / Medium / SVNAVIGx / Parser definitions within workflow did not work properly.
Stock Delta, Revisited / 17866 / 13.05.09 / Fix / Medium / LAGBUCH / The correction used the wrong sign on the quantity for selections.
Transfer, Stock, Sales / 17892 / 25.05.09 / Change / Low / FILREAD, FILWRITE, FNZREAD / Transfer of Stock and Sales information was optimized to work reliably with more than 10 million records. The old code did run 'out of memory'.
Additionally, the sorting of records on sending has been changed to 'by primary key' to ease up the work for the databases.
EFT, Telecash / 25.05.09 / Change / Low / SVCARD / The new DLL is now supported and allows for a mapping of payment types based on numeric information from the DLL itself, avoiding the guesswork based on the printed receipts.
EFT, Spectracard 3 / 25.05.09 / Change / Low / SVCARD, SVPOS, SVTOUCH / New implementation for Sweden and Norway
POS, Selection return / 17845 / 25.05.09 / Fix / Low / SVPOS / 'Sale by Click' did not work correctly in case of product groups
Stock display, Scanner / 17868 / 25.05.09 / Fix / Low / SVNAVIGx / EAN codes with 20 characters did not show correctly if scanned
POS, Discount on total / 17882 / 25.05.09 / Fix / Medium / SVNAVIGx, SVPOS, SVTOUCH / Two issues solved :
1. SVTOUCH did not allow 'Ignore max. Discount' on total.
- Total discounts did not allow for value lists.
Branch Stats / 17890 / 25.05.09 / Fix / Low / SVNAVIGx / The branch statistic crashed if a branch list with more than 127 characters was stored within the configuration.
EFT, O.P.I. / 17883 / 25.05.09 / Fix / Low / SVCARD / The problem with the disappearing '&' characters has been solved.
System Counter / 17881 / 25.05.09 / Fix / Low / SVNAVIGx, SVHOST / The 'fetch' logic for some of the counters (next IBT no. etc.) has been changed to allow for better parallel execution.
SVSCAN, no blockmode / 17843 / 25.05.09 / Change / Low / SVSCAN, SVMEDREA, SVSIMSCN / It is now possible to handle MDE/Batch Scanners in exactly the same way as normal scanners. This will normally make them slower, but it does change the program behaviour in some cases.
Recommended reordering / 17893 / 25.05.09 / Fix / Medium / SVNAVIGZ, WWIBUCH / Delivery requests from franchisees did not get deleted, due to a wrong branch selection.
Item Edit / 17863 / 25.05.09 / Change / Low / SVENUPD.DAT / The item picture name can now be changed within item edit.
Recommended reordering / 17839 / 25.05.09 / Change / Low / SVENUPD.DAT, WWIBUCH, SVNAVIGZ / It is not possible to schedule even the first activation of a reorder procedure.
Recommended reordering / 17841 / 25.05.09 / Fix / Medium / WWIBUCH / Recommended reordering with the night batch without results does not create an error anymore.
Deleted Allocations / 17808 / FI 521 / 25.05.09 / Fix / Low / SVNAVIGZ / Cancelled allocations did not reset the connected GI's to 'allocatable' in some cases
Allocation for multiple GI's, one order / 17809 / FI 529 / 25.05.09 / Fix / Medium / SVNAVIGZ / Allocation direct on the second/third GI for an order did not always work...
Allocation, Label print / 17862 / 25.05.09 / Change / Low / SVNAVIGZ / It is now possible to request labels for allocations that are already 'finished'.
Invoice print, Format / 17828 / 25.05.09 / Change / Low / SVNAVIGx, PRTMASK.DAT, SVENUPD.DAT / It is now possible to print invoices based on delivery notes with more value details per item line.
This option is a legal requirement in Czech
POS, Fiscal Invoice / 17829 / 25.05.09 / Change / Low / SVENUPD.DAT, SVNAVIGx, SVPOS, SVTOUCH / New option : Allow fiscal invoice creation in the branch even after a POS report, disallow fiscal invoice creation in head office.
POS, no mouse support / 17870 / 25.05.09 / Change / Medium / SVPOS, SVNAVIGx, MASKEN.DAT / (Better) support for handling the item selections and customer selection screens in SVPOS without a mouse or touch screen.
Due to the original touch design, the TAB order was never checked and as a result, made the usage of these two screen without a mouse very difficult.
Batch Run / 17830 / 25.05.09 / Change / Low / SVBATWRK, SVENUPD.DAT / A new batch option (3) and new config settings to produce info mails from within the batch execution.
USER Installer / 03.06.09 / Fix / Medium / The install program for the user pack sets did not remove two directories.
Changed logic : User programs will now be replaced unconditionally.
Installer, Menu Entries / 17857 / 02.06.09 / Change / Medium / The menu entries created are now always for 'All Users'
POS Bank routine / 17895 / FI 571 / 12.06.09 / Fix / Medium / SVTOUCH / The bank routine within SVTOUCH did not work properly if the cashier was supplied with a password and the scroll area contained empty lines.
POS Day report / 17903 / 12.06.09 / Fix / Medium / SVPOS, SVTOUCH, SVNAVIGx / Whenever a day end report was cancelled, the start record was removed within 'KASSE', but not in the safety copy, 'KASSDUPL'. This could cause problems with offline setups that data could not be merged automatically, or problems with the day end report itself ('duplicate record..')
POS auto sync / 17908 / FI 616 / 12.06.09 / Fix / Medium / SVPOS, SVTOCUH, SVSUPRT / The automatic synchronisation feature that should have updated local 'KASSDUPL' tables with the central 'KASSE' table did create locking problems in cases where 'KASSDUPL' was placed on the central server. The code was changed that the sync action does nothing if 'KASSDUPL' is placed centrally.
Item, Scanner support / 17913 / 17.06.09 / Fix / Low / SVNAVIGZ / The detail page of the normal item screen did not support scanning (for EAN's and X-Ref's)
Price Change, Values / 17914 / 17.06.09 / Fix / Medium / SVNAVIGZ / The function 'value price change' ('SET Price Change') did not position the cursor properly when switching from 'item' area into 'price' area via <TAB> or <ENTER>.
The problem was a general one for all scroll areas with separate 'top headers' and 'line headers', dependend on the exact format of the central data pane.
Product Statistics / 17941 / FI 645 / 20.07.09 / Fix / Medium / SLTREND / The creation of the export file took too long, due do a peculiarity of the new compiler. This was especially time consuming if the export file was written onto the network.
Host Interface, Items / 17904 / 20.07.09 / Fix / Medium / SVHOST, STSTMFLT / Correction of EAN handling if an EAN code is moved to a different variant/item.
Support of item detail attributes (new record type 25).
Customer Order, F12 / 17750 / FI 493 / 20.07.09 / Fix / Low / SVNAVIGx / Using F12 sometimes messed up the VAT settings during edit. Everything was OK after reload.
Customer Addresses via WEB Service (POS++) / 17874 / 20.07.09 / Change / Low / SVPOS, SVTOUCH, SVNAVIGx,
SoapServerModul, FUTURA_WS_SERVER_ADR / FuturERS can now use a WEB Service as data source for customer addresses within the POS.
The support exists within the main POS modules including the POS update mask for customer addresses. The normal address edit mask is not affected/does not support it.
Two identical service programs have been created additionally, as server parts for internal use.
SoapServerModul is a normal runnable program and FUTURA_WS_SERVER_ADR is the identical function, just as a windows service.
POS, Voucher Sales / 17939 / FI 621 / 20.07.09 / Change / Low / SVPOS, SVTOUCH, SVNAVIGx, SVENUPD.DAT / A new config setting was added to allow for a voucher sale with a value of zero, effectively just creating a 'serial number'.
POS, OPI-EFT, Error Print / 17885 / 20.07.09 / Fix / Medium / SVPOS, SVTOUCH, SVNAVIGx / Prints with 'Error' information did not work because the connection was already terminated...