EDEXCEL Medicine, Western Front & American West

20 Questions Revision Booklet Summer term

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20 questions 1

  1. Which years did the Back Death and Great Plague hit England and which time periods are these in?

1348 1665 medieval/ middle ages Renaissance

  1. What did Edward Jenner prove in 1798?

A vaccination prevented people from catching smallpox

  1. How did (barber) surgeons train in the middle ages and Renaissance?

On the job- as an apprentice

  1. Which organisation was in charge of training physicians (doctors) in the middle ages?

The Church

  1. Who proved Galen wrong about the anatomy of the human body during the Renaissance?

Andreas Vesalius

  1. What did James Simpson discover?

Chloroform was an effective anaesthetic

  1. What was the job of stretcher bearers in WW1?

To recover the dead and injured from the battlefield

  1. How did the Thomas splint drastically reduce death rates from fractured bones?

It pulled the leg lengthwise, stopping the bones grinding on each other (which caused considerable blood loss)

  1. What were chlorine, phosgene and mustard types of?

Gas- used as a weapon

  1. How was trench fever spread?

Lice- these lived in blankets and seams of clothing

  1. When was the Pacific Railroad Act passed?


  1. Which trail was the most followed one by migrants heading west?

The Oregon Trail

  1. Name two reasons horses were valuable to the Indians

Used to hunt buffalo, to travel across the Plains, in warfare, wealth was measured in horses

  1. What did the Indian Appropriations Act (1851) do?

Government money was provided to move Plains Indians in Indian Territory onto reservations

  1. What were ‘Warrior brotherhoods’?

Groups of young men within tribes who joined after proving their bravery and skill in fighting with other tribes

  1. How long was the Oregon Trail?


  1. Who led the Mormons to Salt Lake?

Brigham Young

  1. What did the homesteaders build their homes from?

Blocks of sod (solid blocks of earth)

  1. What did prospectors do?

Search for gold and other precious metals

  1. What was the aim of the Fort Laramie Treaty 1851?

For tribes to agree to a treaty which would end conflicts between the tribes and guarantee safe access for migrants across Plains Indian lands.

20 Questions 2

  1. What did John Snow prove in 1854?

Cholera was spread in water

  1. Who was the first to discover a specific microbe that caused individual disease?

Robert Koch (Anthrax)

  1. Why was the printing press so important in the Renaissance?

Ideas could spread more rapidly

  1. What did William Harvey prove?

The heart pumps blood around the body

  1. Who discovered carbolic acid was an effective anti-septic?

Joseph Lister

  1. What caused trench foot?

Standing in waterlogged trenches for hours

  1. What was RAP?

Regimental Aid Post

  1. What was triage?

Sorting patients into more or less serious cases to prioritise treatment

  1. What was unique about Arras hospital?

It was underground

  1. What was added to blood to prevent it clotting (to store donated blood)

Sodium citrate

  1. What was ‘claim jumping’?

Someone stealing someone’s claim (land prospectors could claim land under California law and they would have the rights to any gold found there)

  1. What was federal government/ law?

The United States government / law

  1. When was the California gold rush?


  1. What was the aim of the 1887 Dawes Act?

To convert tribesmen into independent farmers

  1. When was the Fort Laramie Treaty signed?


  1. What type of disease did Longhorn cattle carry?

Texas Fever

  1. Settlers headed west because…

They wanted their own fertile land

  1. In what year was the Homestead Act?


  1. Which animal did the Plains Indians rely on?


  1. What were Native Americans forced to live on?


20 Questions 3

  1. What was the name of the surgeon who developed plastic surgery in World War One?


  1. What did Wilhelm Rontgen discover in 1895?


  1. Was did Landsteiner discover?

Blood Groups

  1. Who is the first person to introduce rubber gloves in surgery?

William Halstead

  1. Who was the doctor who introduced routine hand washing to reduce death rates in his hospital?


  1. Anaesthetics gave surgeons this…


  1. The person who used chloroform in childbirth and made its use more acceptable…

Queen Victoria

  1. The surgeon with the record for a 300% death rate in one operation…


  1. A substance that makes you not feel pain…


  1. Sterile or free from infection…


  1. What did Mexico hand over to the USA in 1848?

Salt Lake City (Utah)

  1. How long were the Californian and Oregon trails?

2000 miles

  1. One way women worked in Native American tribes…

Tanning buffalo hides

  1. Name of a famous outlaw from the Wild West…

Jesse James

  1. How big (population) did a territory have to be in the 1800’s before it could be declared a state?


  1. Which Native American tribe did Sitting Bull belong to?


  1. In what year was gold found in California?


  1. The Johnson County War took place in…


  1. Why did Californian miners have to form their own courts up until 1866?

There was no law regulating mining claims

  1. What was the greatest victory by the Native Americans over the US army?

Little Bighorn

20 Questions 4

  1. The name of the girl who died after an overdose of chloroform…

Hannah Greener

  1. The time period after anaesthetics were first used but before antiseptics were introduced when the death rate from surgery went up…

The Dark Age of Surgery

  1. The substance used by Humphry Davy as an anaesthetic…

Laughing Gas

  1. The operation that was mostly commonly done pre-anaesthetics…


  1. What did Bazalgette do?

Developed the Sewer System in London

  1. What year was the ministry of health set up?


  1. When was the national insurance act passed?


  1. How many potential recruits for the Boer war were medically unfit to serve in the army?


  1. What do Charles Booth and SeebohmRowntree have in common?

They both researched the living conditions of the poor

  1. The name for cheap accommodation people lived in in industrial cities…

Back to Back

  1. Give three uses of the Buffalo…

Dung for fuel, Sinews for thread and rope, Furs for blankets & Skins for Tipi covers

  1. Whose responsibility was it to care for the Tipi?

Native American women

  1. How was Native American wealth measured?

In the number of horses owned by the tribe

  1. What Great Spirit did the Native Americans believe in?

Wakan Tanka

  1. Why were circles important to the Native Americans?

Represents the circle of nature, the moon sun and horizon were circular, Indians lived through circle of life

  1. Name two factors that pushed white settlers out of the East…

Poverty, disease, religious or social persecution, taxation and overpopulation

  1. Name two factors that pulled white settlers to the West…

A new start, newspaper reports, fertile cheap land, government encouragement and gold.

  1. Why was the journey West so tough?

Rivers, mountains and deserts has to be crossed a lack of discipline and experience caused many delays – it was vital to beat the winter deadline

  1. In what year were the Donner Party trapped in Sierra, Nevada?


  1. When was the term ‘Manifest Destiny’ first used, by whom?

1845, by John O’Sullivan in the New York Democratic Review

20 Questions 5

  1. What are the approximate dates of the Renaissance?


  1. Name for the theory which claimed that rotting matter created microbes which spread through miasmata?

Spontaneous generation

  1. British Physicist who linked microbes with the spread of disease, carried in dust particles?

John Tyndall

  1. Scientist who won the Nobel Peace Prize for Medicine for discovering the microbes for diphtheria, pneumonia, meningitis, plague and tentenus?

Robert Koch

  1. Where and when did Florence Nightingale go to improve the hospitals for wounded soldiers?

1854 Crimea

  1. On the Western front, what did CCS stand for?

Casualty Clearing Station

  1. What type of treatment was referred to as ‘debridgement’?

Cutting away infected tissue around a wound to prevent amputation

  1. What was the name of the method used to treat an infected wound using sterilised salt solution applied through a tube into the wound for around six hours?

The carrel-Dakin method

  1. Who was the Polish scientist who worked on radioactivity and was crutial in understanding the importance of X rays for detecting shrapnel?

Marie Curie

  1. Which British doctor invented the portable blood transfusion kit for use at the frontline?

Geoffrey Keynes in 1917

  1. Group of settlers heading for California in 1846 got trapped in the Sierra Nevada Mountains?

The Donner Party

  1. Whose trail guide had they used to save time crossing the Plains/Salt Lake basin?

Lansford Hastings

  1. Name the two Mormon leaders

Joseph Smith and Brigham Young

  1. When and under which treaty did the Indians agree to allow settlers to travel through their land and permit railroad surveyors to enter their lands in safety?

1851, Fort Laramie Treaty

  1. What was a ‘road agent’?

A member of a gang who waited in isolated spots to rob travellers

  1. Which large ethnic migrant group came to California 1852-3 looking for work and why?

Chinese,escaping famine – 20,000 approx

  1. When could a US territory elect a sheriff for their county?

When the population had reached 5,000 people

  1. Name for committees who punished suspected lawbrakers instead of official justice system?


  1. Identify two problems for settlers on the Plains due to lack of trees

No building material, lack of fuel for cooking and keeping warm

  1. In 1848 the USA gained new territories in the West due to it’s victory over which country?


Score: ____/20