Supplier Diversity Program (SDP) Plan - Declaration of SDP Partner(s)

SDP Plan Form #2

(Must be submitted by Contractor within a period of up to 30 days (or as stated in RFR) of Contract Execution)

Contract/RFR Document Number:

Instructions: Completing all parts of this form is mandatory. Please read instructions in the SDP section of the solicitation. Complete one form and submit within a period of up to 30 days (or as stated in RFR) of Contract Execution.See SDP and SDVOBE Resource information below to assist in partnering with certified businesses.
Part I Contractor Information (Required)
Business Name: / Contact Name: / Phone # ( ) - / Email address:
Please note that prime bidders who are SDO-certified must also submit an SDP Plan Form and may not list themselves as an SDP Partner. Check any of the following that are applicable to the Bidder:
Minority-owned Business Enterprise (MBE); Certification Expiration Date (If applicable): //
Women-owned Business Enterprise (WBE); Certification Expiration Date (If applicable): //
Non-Profit Organization (NPO); Certification Expiration Date (If applicable): //
Service-Disabled Veteran-owned Business Enterprise (SDVOBE); Certification Expiration Date (If applicable): //
Identify Business Opportunities for SDP Partners (Optional):
Final SDP Percentage Committed for Life of Contract: / %
Part II Contractor’s SDP Partners (Required)(Fill in Applicable Lines; Insert Additional Rows as Needed)
Planned SDP Partner’s CompanyName / Planned SDP Partner’s Contact Person’s Email Address* / Check Planned SDP Partner’s Certification(s)**
@. / MBE
@. / MBE
@. / MBE
@. / MBE
Alternative to Contractor Providing List of SDP Partners (above): If specifically authorized in the Request for Response (RFR) to utilize this option, by checking the box at right, Contractor acknowledges that they do not yet have any SDP Partners but will meet the percentage commitment in Part I (above) and all other contract requirements and will work with the SDO to identify and establish business relationships with SDO Partners:
Part III Under the pains and penalties of perjury I certify that the information provided on this form is accurate. (Required)
Name: / Title: / Signature:
(May be left blank if submitted electronically) / Date://

*The Supplier Diversity Office and contracting Department reserve the right to contact SDP Partners at any time to request that they attest to the amounts reported to have been paid to them by the Contractor.

** SDP Partner Certification Acronyms:MBE = Minority-owned Business Enterprise; WBE = Women-owned Business Enterprise; SDVOBE = Service-Disabled Veteran-owned Business Enterprise.

*** Certification Status can be checked on the Supplier Diversity Program Webpage (

Supplier Diversity Program (SDP) Resources:

  • Resources available to assist Prime Bidders in finding potential Minority Business Enterprises (MBE) and Women Business Enterprises (WBE) partners can be found on the Supplier Diversity Program Webpage (
  • Resources available to assist Prime Bidders in finding potential Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Business Enterprise (SDVOBE) partners can be found on the Supplier Diversity Office Webpage (
  • The Supplier Diversity Program offers training on the SDP Plan requirements. The dates of upcoming trainings can be found on the OSD Training & Outreach Webpage. In addition, the SDP Webinar can be located on the Supplier Diversity Program Webpage (

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