Health Inequalities and Fairer Scotland Duty Impact Check/Assessment

This simple tool will help you to screen your proposal, plan or programme to address health inequalities and support you in addressing the Fairer Scotland Duty. The tool is a local modification of the Scottish Health Inequalities Impact Screening Network (SHIIAN) checklist.

Record of decision in fulfilment of the Fairer Scotland Duty

Programme/plan/proposal ______

Is this proposal/decision/plan*strategically important?


Record the decision here

Begin the Fairer Scotland assessment process as part of the development of the programme/plan/proposal.

UseHealth Inequalities and FSD Impact Check/Assessment - or similar - to support this.


Record clearly below the rationale for your decision.

*Examples of strategic decisions include producing major investment plans, developing new strategic frameworks, developing significant new policies or proposals, preparing an annual budget, major procurement exercises, decisions about the shape, size and location of the estate, preparing locality plans, or corporate plans, or commissioning of services

Appropriate senior officer – post and signature______


This form will be published on NHSG website.Please send it to Public Health, via Andrea Thomson,

Linda Leighton-Beck

Head of Social Inclusion

Public Health



Use Health Inequalities and FSD Impact Check/Assessment,or similar.

Programme/plan/strategic decision______

Evidence on socio-economic disadvantage and inequalities of outcome (FSD) /
  • In relation to this issue or decision?
  • Possible or necessary to gather new evidence, involving communities of interest?

Populations / Could these groups be affected differentially by the proposal?
Older people, children and young people
Women, men and transgender people / .
People who are pregnant and using maternity services
Disabled people
Minority ethnic people
Refugees and asylum seekers
People with different religions or beliefs
Lesbian, gay, bisexual and heterosexual people
People who are unmarried, married or in a civil partnership
People living in poverty/people of low income (FSD) / .
People who are homeless / .
People involved in the criminal justice system
People with mental health illness
People with low literacy/numeracy
People in remote, rural and/or island locations
Health Determinants
What impact will the proposal have on health-related behaviour? /
  • Diet and nutrition:
  • Exercise and physical activity
  • Substance use
  • Sexual health
  • Learning and skills

What impact will the proposal have on the social environment? /
  • Social status
  • Employment (FSD)
  • Income and income inequality (FSD)
  • Crime and fear of crime
  • Family support and social networks
  • Stress, resilience and community assets
  • Participation and social interaction
  • Influence and sense of control
  • Identity and belonging:

What impact will the proposal have on the physical environment? /
  • Living conditions (FSD)
  • Working conditions (FSD)
  • Natural space
  • Pollution
  • Climate change
  • Unintentional injuries and public safety:
  • Transmission of infectious disease:
  • Resource allocation

How will the proposal impact on access to and quality of services? /
  • Healthcare
  • Transport and connections
  • Social services
  • Housing quality, mix, flexibility
  • Education provision
  • Culture, leisure and play provision
  • Resources allocation

What impact will the proposal have on equality? /
  • Discrimination against groups of people
  • Promoting equality of opportunity:
  • Tackling harassment
  • Promoting positive attitudes
  • Promoting good relations between different groups
  • Community capacity building
  • Resource allocation


Summary/recommendations for publicationin fulfilmentof FSD Duty*

Name of proposal
Date of screening
Assessment and Improvement
  • Main impacts of the proposal/plan/programme
  • Can proposal/ plan/programme be improved to reduce inequalities of outcome or access?

Decisions/ Recommendations
  • Timescale for implementation

Name, signature and e-mail of appropriate senior officer
Include reference to inclusion inrelevant plans/papers/proposals for Boards, Committees etc

NHSG is required to publish all assessments in connection with the Fairer Scotland Duty. Please send copy of this summary,for publication, to

Dr Linda Leighton-Beck

Head of Social Inclusion

Public Health


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