Survey of IndustryRegarding Hiring of BS-Engineering vs. BS-Engineering TechnologyGraduates

[Note: This survey is part of a study being done by the Engineering Technology Division and Engineering Technology Council of the American Society for Engineering Education. Results from the study will be used to work toward a more universal acceptance of graduates of engineering technology programs in a variety of engineering functions in industrial enterprises and governmental organizations.]

We would appreciate your responses to the following general questions about your employment practices for engineering/technical positions in your company. In doing so, keep in mind that these are general questions about the educational credentials and preparation appropriate for employment in these positions and not questions about the performance of any specific individual or individuals.


Fundamental Question:

Does your company hire both BS-Engineering and BS-Engineering Technology graduates to fill engineering positions within your company? ______

If your answer is ‘no’ please skip to Section B on page 5, otherwise continue with Section A below.

Section A

If you have both BS-Engineering and BS-Engineering Technology graduates working in engineering or technical positions with your company, please answer the following general questions about both groups.

A.1.Indicate the job titles applicable to each type of graduate (please check all that apply):

Job Title / B.S. Engr / B.S. ET / Either
Senior Engineer
Field Engineer
Test Engineer
Sales Engineer
Design Engineer
Research Engineer
Engineering Technologist
Engineering Technician
Engineering Trainee
Other (please list below):

A.2.In considering the work done by each type of graduate, is there any significant distinction your company makes between the functions and responsibilities assigned to one type of graduate with respect to the other? If so, please describe those distinctions.









A.3.If your company makes no significant distinctions in functions and/or responsibilities assigned to the two types of graduates (if there is a significant distinction in functions/responsibilities, please skip to A.4):

Do you observe any significant difference in the capabilities of the two types of graduates to carry out those functions/responsibilities? _____ yes ______no

If there are distinguishable differences in capabilities, please characterize the strengths and weaknesses of each type of graduate.










If there are distinguishable differences in capabilities, please provide your thoughts regarding whether those distinctions are related to educational preparation or to other causes.










A.4.If your company does make distinctions in functions/responsibilities assigned to each type of graduate:

Please describe the nature of those distinctions.









Please identify the rationale for establishing those distinctions in job roles?








Are the distinctions in functions/responsibilities of the two types of graduates the result of an a priori hiring policy or the result of on-the-job experience with both groups?

Hiring policy ____Job experiences ____

If the distinction is the result of a hiring policy, please describe the rationale behind the policy.







If the distinction is the result of on-the-job experiences, please describe those experiences.







A.5.Other than possible differences in job function/responsibilities/capabilities addressed above, are there other factors in your company, or with the customers that you serve, that influence hiring of graduates from either type of program? If so, please describe those issues.









A.6.Based on your experience with graduates from both educational backgrounds, do you see a need for, or value in, hiring policies that distinguish between the two educational credentials when filling technical positions? If so, please describe the distinctions that would be beneficial and why.









Please skip to Section C on page 6

Section B

B.1.Please indicate the reasons that your company elects not to hire BS-Engineering Technology graduates to fill engineering positions (please check all that apply).

Inadequate/limited math skills / ____
Inadequate/limited science knowledge / ____
Inadequate/limited analytical skills / ____
Inadequate/limited design skills / ____
Inadequate/limited knowledge of engineering topics / ____
Limitations on professional registration / ____
Constraints imposed by customers / ____

B.2.In addition to enhancements in the areas indicated above, what other changeswould you suggest Engineering Technology programs make to properly prepare graduates for engineering positions in your company?









Please continue to Section C on the next page

Section C

For us to be better able to understand how your responses should influence activities within the engineering technology academic community, we need following general information about your company:

C.1.Industrial/commercial sector served by your company(please check all that apply) –

___Aerospace/Airlines____Gas/Water Utilities

___Agricultural Services/Products____Industrial Equipment

___Alternative Energy Products/Services____Instrumentation & Controls

___Auto Mfg/Auto Parts____Machine Tools & Accessories

___Basic Metals/Resources____Management Services

___Broadcasting____Manufacturing (large)

___Chemicals____Manufacturing (small/specialty)

___Construction(building)____Medical Equipment/Services

___Construction(infrastructure)____Military Supplies/Equip/Services

___Consulting Services____Networking/Networking Services

___Consumer Appliances____Oil/Gas Production/Processing

___Consumer Services____Pharmaceuticals

___Computers/Computer Services____Pollution/Environmental Control

___Design/Construction (industrial)____Process Control

___Educational Services____Recreational Goods/Services

___Electronics/Semiconductors____Research/Research Services

___Electrical Utility____Safety Equipment/Services

___Energy/Utility Services____Telecommunications


___Financial Services____Waste Management

___Food Services____Other (please specify)


C.2.Number of employees –

___Less than 5___5 to 15___16 to 50

___51 to 250___251 to 1000___1000 to 5000

___ Greater than 5000

C.3.Annual revenues –

___Less than $500,000___$500,000 to $2.5M___$2.5M to $10M

___$10M to $50M___$50M to $250M___$250M to $1000M

___ Greater than $1000M

C.4.Primary service area(s) (please check all that apply) –



___Mid-Atlantic___Southeast___North America___Africa

___Midwest___Mountain Region___South America___Middle East

___West Coast___Alaska/Hawaii___Europe___Australia