Key Informant Interview Guide

General Information

Staff name: ______Staff ID: ______

Date of interview: ____ / ____ / ______

Start time: ______a.m./p.m.End time: ______a.m./p.m.

Place where respondent was contacted/recruited:

Interview site/setting: ______

Demographic Information

Transgender: male to female
Transgender: female to male
Don’t know / Age:
12 or younger
13–18 years
19–24 years
25–34 years
35–44 years
45 years and older
Don’t know
Hispanic or Latino
Not Hispanic or Latino
Don’t know / Language spoken during interview:
Other (Specify:______)
Race (check all that apply):
American Indian or Alaska Native
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
Don’t know / Type of respondent:
Community member
Parent or guardian
School counselor
Troop leader
Other (Specify:______)


Focus on Youth Evaluation Field Guide—September 20081

Interviewer Instructions:Read the following statement to the key informant, or provide the information in your own words, before asking interview questions.

Thank you again for taking the time to talk to me today. As indicated when this interview was arranged, we are interested in learning more about the youth in your community.

Focus on Youth is a group-level intervention designed to reduce the risk of HIV/STD infection and unplanned pregnancy among African American urban youth. ImPACT is a singlesession on parental monitoring and evaluation that is delivered to each youth and his or her guardian/parent at their home or other community-based setting.

All of your answers will be kept confidential and will only be used to inform future planning, tailoring, implementation, and monitoring of the program. If you are uncomfortable with any of the questions, you do not have to answer them or can choose to leave the interview at any time.

  1. What are the various cliques or natural friendship groups of youth in your community?

For each friendship group, ask:

  1. What are some of the distinguishing characteristics of this group/clique (e.g., what are their likes, dislikes)?
  1. What do you think are the beliefs, attitudes, and/or social norms that influence the youth in this group to make a bad decision?
  1. Do you believe that these beliefs, attitudes, and/or social norms you mentioned also put the group at risk for unintended pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections, or even HIV?
  1. If yes, why?If no, why not
  1. Where do the members of this group hang out?
  1. In general, what are some major concerns of these friendship groups?
  1. What are the major health concerns in this network of friendship groups?
  1. Where do people go to get information about the major health issues affecting this network of friendship groups?
  1. Who do members of this network of friendship groups trust andget advice from?
  1. Do you think these trusted individuals would support a program like FOY?
  1. Where can we find these individuals?

Ask of friendship groups, overall:

  1. Which of these networks of friendship groups do you think would most benefit from a program such as FOY?
  1. Have there been past attempts to promote HIV risk reduction among youth in this community?
  1. What succeeded and what failed in the prior program(s)?
  1. What made the efforts successful in the prior program(s)?
  1. What failed or made the efforts unsuccessful?
  1. Based on your knowledge of this community, in which community-based settings might youth be most likely to engage in FOY?

ImPACT is a single session in which a FOY staff member facilitates a private discussion between a youth and his or her parent/guardian. During the session, the youth and his parent/guardian watch a 20-minute video and then engage in a role play. The session ends with a condom demonstration.

  1. Would parents/guardians be comfortable participating in this session in the places you mentioned?
  1. If not, in what settings might parents/guardians be more comfortable?
  1. Why?
  1. Could you recommend other people that I could interview about implementing FOY in this community?
  1. Is there anything else that you would like to add?

Thank you for your participation!

Focus on Youth Evaluation Field Guide—September 20081