October 6, 2011

Creating a Generation without Genocide
October 22nd – 24th in Washington, DC

Now, Genocide Intervention Network (along with their student-led division, STAND) and the Save Darfur Coalition have officially joined forces. In October, hundreds of activists and experts will convene in Washington, D.C. around a common theme and purpose: creating a generation without genocide.

Learn from experts about current atrocities in Sudan, Syria and Libya; how the United States help prevent genocide and mass atrocities; and what citizen activists can do to hold our leaders accountable.

Be empowered with the training and tools to make a real impact in your community.

Be inspired by activists from across the country and by survivors of genocide and mass atrocities.

Act with us to tell President Obama and Congress they must do more to stop Omar al-Bashir from continuing to kill his own people in Darfur and South Kordofan, stop violence against civilians in Syria and pass the first-ever genocide prevention law.

Influence your elected officials at our Lobby Day on Monday, Oct. 24th.

We are growing a movement that becomes more powerful every day. We hope you’ll join us in October.

Table of Contents


WHO: YOU and hundreds of other change makers working to create a world without genocide; concerned citizens and anyone who wants to learn more.
WHAT: An action summit for anti-genocide activists and experts, brought to you by the newly merged Save Darfur Coalition, Genocide Intervention Network and its student-led division, STAND.
WHEN: Saturday, October 22nd through Monday, October 24 (optional lobby day on October 24th)
WHERE: Renaissance Hotel (999 Ninth Street, NW – Washington, DC 20001)


Early Bird Special (deadline - September 30th):
Student: $50
Non-Student: $75

Standard Fee (October 1st – October 22nd)
Student: $100
Non-Student: $125



Plenary sessions and panel discussions will feature world-renowned experts and policy makers. Invited speakers include Ambassador Susan Rice, Samantha Power, David Pressman, John Prendergast, Romeo Dallaire,Members of Congress and Presidential administration officials.

Check back often as we will keep updating this page with the latest confirmed speakers as details are finalized!


The End Genocide Action Summit is designed to educate and empower you to become stronger leaders on your campuses and in your communities while demonstrating the strength of the movement to end genocide to policymakers on Capitol Hill. The event will feature:

Plenary and Panel Sessions: Learn from renowned experts about the ongoing struggle for justice and peace in Sudan, recent crises in Libya and Syria, the challenges and opportunities for the United States to become a stronger moral leader in the fight to prevent genocide and mass atrocities, and more.

Skills-Building Training: Expert-led training sessions will focus on grassroots organizing, new and traditional media strategy and outreach, advocacy tactics and how-to, campaign strategy and messaging, as well as other fundamental activist skills. Workshop leaders will help you develop strategies and action plans that you can implement as part of nation-wide efforts to stop Sudanese president Omar al-Bashir from killing his people with impunity, pass the first genocide prevention law and press for responsible U.S. action to stop emerging crises.

Workshops: Experts will provide their critical perspectives and invite an exchange of ideas on topics including the role of accountability in achieving peace and reconciliation, challenges and opportunities in meshing genocide prevention with national interest, rape as a weapon of war, fulfilling our ‘Responsibility to Protect’, lessons learned from the Arab Spring; and more.

Lobby Day: We encourage all participants to stay for our Lobby Day on Monday, October 24th. Put your knowledge and skills to work as we push Congress for action to stop civilian attacks in Sudan and Syria and to pass genocide prevention legislation.


Saturday, October 22nd
8:30am – 5:00pm

Sunday, October 23rd
8:30am – 4:00pm

Monday, October 24th
Optional Lobby Day

*Stay tuned for a detailed agenda.

Travel and Lodging

The Renaissance Hotel
999 Ninth Street NW
Washington, DC 20001

The Renaissance Hotel is offering conference attendees a huge discount on room rates with a special price of only $179 (plus tax) a night. We encourage you to take advantage of this rate and make accommodations as far in advance as possible as DC hotels tend to book quickly and it will be hard to find another hotel offering this price. To take advantage of this special, call the Renaissance Hotel and mention you are an attendee of the Genocide Intervention Network/Save Darfur Coalition Conference.

To book a room at the Renaissance Hotel at the discounted rate, click here.

Financial Aid

Information regarding financial aid will be available shortly. Please check back for details.