The Village of Weston Council

April 4, 2016

The council meeting was called to order by Mayor Jeremy Schroeder at 7:00pm, followed by the pledge of allegiance. A roll call of the council members was then taken: Mr. Greg Stevens, Mr. William Barnhart, Mrs. Sarah Easterwood, Mr. Shad Kendall, Mrs. Dawn Blandy, and Mrs. Danelle Langley were all present.

The minutes from the 3/21/16 council meeting were read aloud. Mrs. Easterwood made a motion to approve them as read, seconded by Mr. Barnhart, all were in favor; passed.



·  Deputy Deutschman attended the meeting and presented council with the monthly report. The pending noise ordinance was briefly discussed, and then Mr. Kendall reported two un-plated vehicles.

·  Rob Myerholtz expressed his concern about the recent approval granted for a 4H project in which they did not abide by the 45 day rule that’s in our ordinance. Mrs. Easterwood explained that the family submitted a formal application that included permission from their neighbors, and they had an approaching deadline (March 15th) to turn in notice of their project. Mr. Myerholtz asked why we even have ordinances if we don’t intend to follow them, and said he doesn’t want to see it happen again.

Mr. Myerholtz also asked about our plans for street paving this year. It was explained that we have not yet put anything out to bid, but the street committee will be setting up a meeting at which this will be discussed. He stated that when he was on council, they had everything planned out in the winter to get the best pricing. He also noted that we should not attempt to pave full streets with the Durapatcher.


The payment register (chk #’s 47379 and 47387-47400, totaling $10,811.94) was presented to council. Mr. Kendall moved to pay the bills, Mrs. Langley seconded, all were in favor; passed.

Ordinance 2016-7, to establish noise regulations within the Village, received the first reading (full text was read aloud). This included a section on vehicle noise as well as a section on loud noise in general. Mrs. Easterwood asked what all could be considered a “motor vehicle”, as some might question this when reading the ordinance. The OBC definition was found and read aloud (this does include 4 wheelers), and it was decided to reference this definition in the ordinance to prevent any confusion. Council also felt it necessary to add an exemption (to Section B of the non-vehicle restrictions) for industrial operations, as some businesses in town run a third shift. And they agreed to strike Section C altogether, as it was unnecessary. Kate and Roger Finkenbiner were in attendance, and appreciated that council was taking steps to try and help their situation. They said that they hope it gives the Sheriff’s the authority they need to stop the 4 wheeler problems; if it doesn’t, they will be back.

Mrs. Blandy made a motion to approve the financial reports for March, which was seconded by Mrs. Langley, all were in favor; passed.

The Fiscal Officer stated that she had received an anonymous letter from a resident in relation to door-to-door solicitation. They had included a copy of the flyer that was left on their door. A letter explaining our solicitation policy will be sent to the company, along with a permit application.


Mr. Stevens reported on the March Safety meetings:

He first met with Deputy Bonnough from the Sheriff’s office, and they spent lots of time discussing the noise ordinance. They also talked about the speed issue by Merrill Park, and they said that they would increase their patrol for now in this area. Overall, crime is down in this section of the county.

The committee then held their regular meeting, at which the EMS was represented, but no Fire personnel attended. Chief Heyman reported that they have had 91 runs so far this year; one of their new paramedics recently resigned; they’re trying to schedule another Friends & Family CPR class; and they’re currently working with Sarah on a few different grants.

Mrs. Blandy reported on the 3/28/16 Rec Board meeting, at which she, Jenn Tobar, Dean Babcock, and Paul Klockowski were in attendance. They talked about playing all of this year’s games on the small diamond while repairs are made to the large diamond in time for the adult leagues. Paul would like to paint the dugouts and benches when it gets warmer. And Mrs. Tobar asked for permission for her son to do park improvements for his Eagle Scout project.

Mr. Barnhart reported on the 4/4/16 Zoning/Planning Committee meeting, at which George Baty’s proposed property split was discussed. He owns two parcels, and has surveyed off a parcel in between that contains a line of trees. He’s wants to allocate the tree line to the parcel with the house, so that if he sells the property, there would be no dispute over who owns and is responsible for the trees in the middle. The committee had no qualms with this request, and voted unanimously to recommend it to council.

It was then put to a council vote… Mr. Stevens made a motion to approve Mr. Baty’s request, seconded by Mr. Barnhart, all were in favor; passed.

The Street Committee set up a meeting for 4/12/16 at 7pm.

The Finance Committee is still planning to meet on 4/18/16 at 6:15pm.


It was agreed to discuss potential revisions to the employee handbook at the 1st meeting in June.

The Mayor mentioned the upcoming NatureWorks grant deadline, and talked about his recent meeting with Poggemeyer for ADA bathrooms at the ball diamond/old school property. It was suggested that we look at nicer port-a-pots instead of sinking a bunch of money into this. It will be discussed further when we have more information.

At 8:32pm, Mr. Stevens made a motion to go into executive session to discuss personnel matters. Mrs. Blandy seconded the motion, all were in favor; passed. (Dana Garno, our new part-time hire, was asked to stay in the session.) / At 9:06pm, Mr. Stevens made a motion to go back into regular session, seconded by Mrs. Blandy, all were in favor; passed. The Mayor stated that council agreed on a $4,200/year health insurance stipend for our new full-time employee (Mr. Green). Both he and Mr. Garno will be starting on 4/11/16.

No further business was brought before council. The meeting was adjourned at 9:07pm.

Sarah Schroeder, Jeremy Schroeder,

Fiscal Officer Mayor