Great job finishing Helaman! Continue on with your reading in 3rd Nephi while you work on this task. The book of Helaman covers a dark period for the Nephites when the righteousness of the Lamanites exceeds theirs. Yet the Lord in his mercy sends some amazing prophets to teach the people. We also live in a dark time with much wickedness. The counsel in Helaman is also very applicable to us. Complete the puzzle below to figure out what will keep us safe in such a time as this.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1)  The three sons of Pahoran who were all vying for the judgment seat after his passing. Use 4th letter of first name. (Hel 1:3)

2)  What is the only means by which man can be saved? Through the ______of ______. Use 1st letter of 2nd word. (Hel 5:9)

3)  Who kept most of the records? Use 2nd letter. (Hel 3:15)

4)  The leader of a band of robbers who eventually caused the downfall of the Nephites. Use 3rd letter. (Hel 2:13)

5)  The wicked man who murdered Pahoran and created a secret society. Use 2nd letter. (Hel 2:3)

6)  The name of the prophet who prophesied from the wall of Zarahemla. Use 5th letter. (Hel 13:2-4)

7)  The name of the prophet who prophesied of the murder of the chief judge. Use 1st letter. (Hel 8: 27-28 and Hel 9:1-3)

8)  The Lord is merciful to all those who ______upon his ______. Use 1st letter of 1st word. (Hel 3:27)

9)  How did Samuel the Lamanite know that the Nephites were going to be destroyed unless they repented? Use 4th letter. (Hel 13:6-7)

In order to apply this principle in your life, complete the task below. It is written in invisible ink. To reveal your task, cover with another piece of paper and iron with a hot iron (make sure you tell your parent and have him or her help if necessary). After the week is over, discuss what you did with a parent and have him or her sign below. Then bring this back to Primary to receive your gem.

Name:______Parent Signature:______