Ancient Civilization Research Project Outline

Name: Sarah Lane Teacher: Collins Period: 5th

Topic : Aztecs

Introduction: The Aztec tribe is an interesting, ancient civilization. Their sports were unique and active; their fashion was bright and colorful. Their medicine was based on nature. The Aztec inventions provided a foundation for today’s inventions. The Aztecs are one of the most important historical civilizations of the world.

Sub-Topic I: In the Aztec world, sports ranged from active and competitive to simple board games.

Point A: A popular board game in the Aztec world was patolli; it was game that used

dice and a cross-shaped board.

Point B: Board games were often a form of gambling and entertainment; gambling was

extremely popular in all classes of the Aztec Civilization.

Point C: Ullamaliztli was a different form a game and involved young warriors, a rubber

ball, and a court with hoops.

Point D: This game was also seen as a religious ceremony; the court was often the first

thing built when a new Aztec village or city was formed.

Sub-Topic II: Fashion among the Aztecs was unique and as colorful as the world around them.

Point A: The Aztecs often wore jewelry made of gold and other precious metal.

Point B: Crowns of gold, adorned with feathers have been found.

Point C: Since the Aztecs lived around present-day Mexico, they often dressed lightly to

remain cool.

Point D: The Aztecs enjoyed expressing themselves and their class by what they wore.

Sub-Topic III: Aztec medicine pulled from the natural resources around their villages and cities.

Point A: One method that the Aztecs used is steam baths; steam baths were used to cure

fever by helping the sick break a sweat, which made the fevers go down.

Point B: Rubber was also a popular item used to heal thinks such as earaches. They

would place liquid rubber from the rubber plant inside of the ear!

Point C: Medicine men in the Aztec world would suggest people with colds put dew

from the fields in their noses twice a day.

Point D: The Aztecs also used the Passion Flower to prevent muscle spasms during

surgery and to help warriors, workers, and the elderly relax.

Sub-Topic IV: TheAztecs were very inventive, especially when it came to food.

Point A: A popular invention that movie theaters are thankful for is popcorn.

However, the Aztecs didn’t use it for food; they used it for decoration on

their headdresses.

Point B: Another popular invention that involves food is chocolate. It was even used

as a type of money in the area. They would use it to make a older version of

hot chocolate.

Point C: Since the center of Aztec Civilization was in the middle of a lake, the Aztecs

invented a floating garden made of rafts, dirt, and fertilizer.

Point D: Finally, another type of invention is one that is also popular today-chewing

Gum made from Chicle. Aztecs originally used it for cleaning wounds. Then, its

main purpose was for eating.

Conclusion: The Aztecs were a creative group of people who used what they had to survive and to be successful. They were a playful, competitive group who also enjoyed being creative and artistic. They also made use of many everyday things that we still use in our world today. Although the Aztecs are now gone, they live on through their inventions, medicine, fashion, and athletics.