Step 1: Go to Weebly / Go to /
Step 2: Sign Up / Fill in sign up information on right side of the page.
Fill in the blanks and use the following password
Step 3: Click Site / Click on the site option on the left /
Step 4: Categorize your website / Type of website: Education
Category: School project /
Step 5: Choose A Theme / Choose your favorite theme. It does not matter what you choose because you will be able to change it later! /
Step 6: Choose Your Website Domatin / Use a subdomain of (the top option)
Fill in the blank with: LastnameFirstnameProjectName
Example: /
Step 7: Watch the video! / Watch the weebly introductory video!
Title Page: This is in the Build Section of the website’s tool bar
Step 8: Title Your Site / You should be in the build section of your website:
Retitle Your site to what ever you want. Make sure your title is related to your lab research question /

Step 9: Click to add a headline / Make a headline that gives the website viewer an idea of what the purpose of your site is. Make it catchy. You can borrow an example I have made. You can change an example I have made to something you like more. You can come up with a completely original headline. You should still be in the build portion of the website. This is right beneath the title /

Step 10: Click to add description: / In this section you describe in more detail what information you have in this site:
Include a description of each page (the different sections of the lab report)
Page 1: /
Pages: Click pages on the tool bar to create your different pages in your website
Step 11: Delete pages that are premade / You do not need these pages. Click on each page. Scroll down to the bottom. Click Delete. /
Step 12: Add New Pages / You are going to add 7standard pages (or more).
  • Make each page a standard page: they are the easiest to work with.
  • The first page is your HOME page where you introduce your website.
  • The next 6 pages correspond to each section of research.
  • Introduction
  • Procedure
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography and Acknowledgements
  • Go to the bottom left corner where it says Save and Edit to add text to the page.

Step 13: How to add text to a page /
  • Click on build on the top left of the tool bar
  • Click on the page you want to edit
  • On the left is a black tool bar. Click and hold text. Then drag text to the right and drop it on the middle
  • Type in the new text box
  • You can copy and paste text from the Notes Template

Step 14: add pictures /
  • Go to the Build Section on the page
  • On the left hand side in the gray toolbar is the box image if you just want to add the picture. Image and text if you want to add a description with the image
  • Click and hold on the image icon and drag it onto the page
Step 16: Uploading the picture /
  • Step 1: Save the image. Two finger click or control click and click save to save as the image
  • Step 2: Title your image and save it
  • Step 3: click on the image box you dragged onto your website. The image box should open with my computer selected in the top left
  • Step 4: Click upload a photo from your computer.
  • Step 5: Find and select the image you just saved!


About this website
Hello! My name is ______. In Biology class, we learned about different organs and organ systems. This website investigates a particular organ and its system. My organ is ______and it is part of the ______system. I am also going to tell you about how organ donation and what happens if my organ fails. Lastly, I am going to tell you about my opinions of organ donations. Below explains the different pages on my website. I hope you enjoy!
Page 1: Organ Donation Overview: In this section, you can learn about the details of organ donation. Questions answered: What is organ donation? Who can donate? How does on become a donor? How does someone get an organ? And many more!
Page 2: Organ Donation in the US: In this section, you can learn about the laws and policies in America on organ donations and transplants!
Page 3: Case Study Around The World: In this section, you can learn about the laws and policies on organ donations
Page 4: My opinion on Organ Donations: In this section, you will learn about my opinions about organ donations. Hopefully my thoughts help you create your own thoughts.
Page 5: Organ investigation: The Small Intestines: In this section you will learn more about the small intestines and different ways that the intestines can fail. When the small intestines fail, the patient needs a transplant!
Page 6: Organ System Investigation: The Digestive System: In this section you will learn about how the small intestines works in the digestive system