2017 Certified Manager Program Eligibility Worksheet
Applicant Name: Date: mm/dd/yy
The purpose of this worksheet is to help determine whether you are eligible to take the CM certification exams.
Eligibility for CM certification is determined by a point system based on Education and Experience. To be eligible for CM Certification, and applicant must record and document at least 10 total pointsand meet the minimum point requirement for both education (3 points min.)andexperience (4 points min.)
An applicant who meets the minimum point requirements for education or experience but has fewer than 10 total points is eligible for the Fundamentals of Management (FoM), a management certificate program designed for entry level employees to help potential supervisors or managers succeed in their first management role. Applicants who pass the FoM exam can apply for the Certified Manager (CM) certification when they meet the CM Eligibility point requirements, and if within 5 years of achieving the FoM, are exempt from having to take the first CM exam (MS I: Foundations of Management.
- Education Points:
Record and document at least 3 points, but no more than 6 points can be used for this section towards the 10 point total requirement. Education points should be documented with: (1) a copy of your highest degree of global equivalent attained, and/or (2) a college/university transcript, and/or (3) letter/certificates(s) of management training completed. (Note – For EBMA applicants, this is initially waived, unless specifically requested by the EBMA CM Program Director.)
- Formal Education: Select the number of points you have earned that correspond to the highest level of formal education you have attained and the nave of the school of college at which it was completed.
High School graduation earns 1 point. 1 additional point is earned for each year of college completed. ½ point is earned for each half-year (semester) of college completed.
Name of School (for highest degree):
Highest Degree Earned:
Formal Education Points:
- Management Training: Education points may be countered for management and/or leadership training. Training may be in any setting (corporate, military, etc.) as long as it builds management and/or leadership skills. 40 total hours of training = 1 point.
Courses: (List all)
Hours of Training:Training Points:
- Other Certifications Earned: Education points may be countered for up to 2 other professional certifications (PMP, PE, etc.). Each certification = 1 point.
(List each):
Certification Points:
- Total Number of Education Points:
Add together your points for Formal Education, Management Training, and Certifications.
- Experience Points
You must record and document at least 4 points, but no more than 7 points can be used for this section towards the 10 point total requirement.
Begin with your most recent employer and work your way backward as needed to meet the 7 points maximum. Document the points reported using the Employer’s Reference Statement and/or a DD214 or Statement of Service for military service.
- Management: (e.g., manager; supervisor; team, project, task leader; etc.)
(Full-time = 1 point/year,Part time = 0.5 point/year)
- Non-Management: (Full-time = 0.5 point/year; Part time = 0.25 point/year)
- Military Service: (Officer / Leadership Role = 1 point/year, Non-leadership role = 0.5 point/year)
Branch of Service:Leadership Role:Years:Points:
- Total Number of Experience Points:
Add together your points for Management, Non-Management, and Military.
Total Number of Eligibility Points:
Your Eligibility Status:
If you have 10 total points or more, including at least 3 Education and at least 4 Experience points, you are eligible for the Certified Manager (CM) Exams and Certification.
If you have fewer than 10 points, but have at least 3 Education or at least 4 Experience points, you are eligible for the Foundations of Management (FoM) Exam and Certificate.