Micro-Nano Robotics and Automation System

By Toshio FUKUDA



There are many products available in micro and nano application markets and

also research and development projects going around the world in the fieldof micro and nano robotics and automation systems.

In this talk, some salient aspects from the macro to the micro and the nanoworld are first overviewed in the robotics and automation systems. Then itwill be shown that the micro and nano manipulation technology playsimportant roles of measurement and control in the micro and nano roboticsand automation systems for many fields.

The basic technologies are fabrication, instrument and assembly in the microand nano world, using MEMS and NEMS technologies with robotic manipulationtechnology.

Some examples are the nano laboratory based on the nano robotic manipulation

to deal with nano materials such as carbon nanotube and wire, nano sensorand actuator and others from the system viewpoint.

The bio system and life science are also promising areas: There are manyapplications to the bio-medical areas, such as the medical robots andsimulators, bio systems applications.

Finally the concept of the “System Cell Engineering” is shown for an exampleof measurement and control in the micro and nano world.

Bio: Toshio Fukuda received Dr. Eng. from the University of Tokyo in 1977.In 1977, he joined the National Mechanical Engineering Laboratory and becameVisiting Research Fellow at the University of Stuttgart from 1979 to 1980.

He joined the Science University of Tokyo in 1982, and then joined NagoyaUniversity in 1989.

Currently, he is Professor of Department of Micro-Nano System Engineeringand Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Nagoya University,Japan, mainly engaging in the research fields of intelligent robotic andmechatronic system and micro-nano robotics.

He is Director of Center for Micro and Nano Mechatronics Research of NagoyaUniversity (2009). He was elected as a member of Japan Council of Science(2008)..

He is an author of six books, editing five books and has published over1,000 technical papers in micro system, robotics, mechatronics andautomation areas. He was awarded, IEEE Eugene Mittlemann Award (1997), IEEEMillennium Medal (2000), Alexander von Humboldt Foundation ResearchAward(2002), Pioneer Award in Robotics and Automation (2004), Award ofJapanese Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Best GoogolApplication Paper award from IEEE Transaction on Automation Science andEngineering (2007), JSME Funai Special Award (2008), George SaridisLeadership Award (2009) and many other awards.

He was IEEE Robotics and Automation Society President (1998 - 1999),Editor-in-Chief, IEEE / ASME Transactions on Mechatronics (2000-2002), IEEEDivision X Director (2001-2002), and IEEE Nanotechnology Council President(2002-2005 ). IEEE Fellow (1995), SICE Fellow (1995), JSME Fellow (2001),RSJ Fellow(2004).