Minutes , March 23, 2010
Meeting was called to order by Chair, Millie Waldron.The following towns were represented at the meeting: Barkhamsted, Bethlehem, Canaan, Goshen, Harwinton, Litchfield, Morris, New Hartford, Plymouth, Salisbury, Sharon, Torrington, Warren and Washington. After the pledge and sign-in, Millie thanked Bethlehem for hosting the meeting. She then called for committee reports:
- Nominations: M. Arancio-Stilson reported on the slate of officers for Litchfield county ROVAC as follows:
Chair: Ann Marie Mastroiani, Bethlehem; Vice-Chair: Carol Hoebel, Thomaston; Secretary- Daria Hart, New Hartford; Treasurer/Ways & Means- Tracy Mirsky, Harwiinton. The following volunteered to be county representatives on the ROVAC STATEWIDE COMMITTEES:
By-laws-C. Hoebel, Convention- M. Russell, Education- N. Howard & M. Vail, Handbook- M. Wells, Legislative- M. Russell, Nominating- N. Knowlton, Technology- Tech.1 – C. Gianesini and Tech 2- A.M. Mastroiani, Credentials- M. Waldron ACTION: Motion was made and seconded to accept the slate as presented by the Nominating Committee. Vote was unanimous in favor. Motion was made and seconded to have the Secretary cast one ballot for the slate . Vote was unanimous in favor.
- Legislative Committee: We received updates of the progress of H5321, H5428 H5441, S287 & S389. H5321has passed out of committee. All can be monitored on the state legislative website. There will be another legislative Lobby Day: April 21 from 8-10 AM. ALL ARE URGED TO ATTEND.
- Technology Committee: There will be training on the new system. It will be at GoodwinCollege in East Hartford. Expect the training to last 8 hours, probably 2 days of 4 hours each. Ted Bromley will be training. More information will be available at the ROVAC convention.
- Education Committee: Work on the new Certification Outline is completed in Draft form. Certification will come in the future and will be done with the cooperation of GoodwinCollege in East Hartford.
- Convention Committee: The convention will be held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Cromwell on April 14,15, and 16th of April. The need to raise our contribution to the raffle item was raised. It was proposed that each registrar contribute $5.00 to this item. The motion was made, seconded and voted for the motion unanimously. THOSE NOT IN ATTENDANCE SHOULD SEND $5.00 TO: TRACY MIRSKY , HARWINTONTOWN HALL, 100 BENTLY DRIVE, HARWINTON, CT06791 as soon as possible. All other convention committee business was addressed by special guest, Judi Beaudreau, Convention Chair:
- Judi urged all members to submit the reservations as quickly as possible and reminded all of the need to fill in the tax exempt form for lodging. The basic agenda has been made available by email to all members. The annual meeting of ROVAC will take place on Thursday. In the evening that day there will be a meet and greet cocktail party with candidates for state office. No further details of the courses for SOTS day are available.
Meeting was adjourned at 12:05PM.
The Fall Convention will be held September 1&2 in Waterbury.
The next meeting of LitchfieldCounty ROVAC will be held on September 21 in the new TorringtonTown Hall. The 2011 spring meeting will be held in Warren.