2011-2012 Semester 2 Syllabus

Instructor: Mrs. Snyder

Course Description:

This Advanced Placement United States History course is a two semester college-level study of American history from political, economic, and social perspectives. This course is designed to give students grounding in the subject matter of United States history and the ability to answer major interpretive questions that derive from the study of selected themes. The first semester of the course covers U.S. history from pre-discovery through Reconstruction, while the second semester continues with Industrialization through the Clinton Presidency.

Students can qualify for 4 hours of Credit in American History from DMACC.

The AP Exam

The ultimate purpose of this course is to prepare students to successfully pass the A.P. United States History Exam, which is given, in the second week of May (May 11, 2012). The A.P. testconsists of 80 multiple choice questions to be answered in 55 minutes, and three essays to be competed in 130 minutes. The free-response essays included one document-based essay (DBQ) with a suggested writing time of 45 minutes. The remaining two essay questions are usually divided into one coming form the time period before Reconstruction and one coming from the time period Reconstruction and after. Students are encouraged to spend approximately 40 minutes on each essay.


The student’s grade will be based on:

23% Multiple Choice Tests

23% Document Based Essays

23% Essays

15% class participation, class presentations, and out of class assignments.

10% Quizzes

6% semester 2 exam


87.5-100% A

80-87.4% B

70-79.9% C

60-69.9% D

59.9% and below F

The primary textbook will be Out of Many: A History of the American People by Faragher, Buhle, Czitrom, and Armitage. The supplemental textbook is United States History Preparing for the Advanced Placement Examination by John J. Newman and John M. Schmalbach.

Howard Zinn A People’s History of the United States

While this course is subject to ongoing modification and change, the following is a study outline of the second semester based on the required reading of Out of Many: A History of the American People.

Part 7: Domestic Policies: How do we unite again and what does the United States of America mean?

January 17Week 19Chapter 17-Reconstruction-outline due Thursday, January 19/Friday January 20

Zinn Chapter 10 due

January 23Week 20Chapter 18-Trans-Mississippi West, 1860-1900

************Unit 7 Test**************

January 30Week 21Chapter 19 Incorporation of America, 1865-1900

Zinn Chapter 11 due

Block B ID quiz #4

-History day competition due date: process paper, annotated bib with 10 sources, $10 fee if competing

Feb.6Week 22Chapter 21: Urban America and Progressive Era, 1900-1917

Zinn chapter 13 due

Evaluation: Progressivism Project

Block A ID quiz #4

-history day competition due date: registration due!

*****************Unit 8 Test*****************

Part 7: WWI and Foreign Policies

Feb. 13Week 23: Chapter 20: Commonwealth and Empire, 1870-1900

Zinn chapter 12 due

Feb. 21Week 24: Chapter 22: World War I, 1914-1920

Zinn Chapter 14 due

-history day competition due date: ALL projects must be turned in!!!!

*****************Unit 9 Test**********************

Part 8: After-Effects of WWI

Feb. 27Week 25: Chapter 23: The Twenties, 1920-1929

Block A ID Quiz #5

March 5Week 26: Chapter 24: Great Depression and New Deal

Zinn chapter 15

Block B ID Quiz #5

*********************Unit 10 Test********************

-history night is march 8. you are REQUIRED to attend if you compete!

Part 9: World War II

March 12Week 27:Chapter 25: World War II

***March 16-13 SPRING BREAK!!!********

March 26Week 28:Finish WWII

********************Unit 11 Test********************

Part 10: After-Effects of WWII

April 2Week 29: Chapter 26: Cold War 1945-1952

Zinn chapter 16

-history day competition due date: April 2, district competition

April 9 Week 29:Chapter 27: America at Midcentury: Eisenhower, Youth Culture, & Kennedy

*********************Unit 12 Test*******************

Part 11: Civil Rights Movement, 1945-1966

April 16Week 30:Chapter 28: Civil Rights Movement, 1945-1966

Zinn chapter 17

Block B ID Quiz #6

**************************Quiz on C. R. Movement****************

Part 12: Vietnam and Modern America

April 23 Week 31: Chapter 29: War Abroad, War at Home, 1965-1974

Zinn chapter 18

Block A ID Quiz #6

***************************Possible Quiz on Vietnam***************

April 30Week 32:Finish last chaptersand Review chapter 30-31

Zinn chapter 19 (Stories from minority groups in 20th century), 20 (Counter-culture movement of the 70’s) or 23 (Clinton presidency)-your choice

May 7Week 33:Review for AP Test by taking AP Practice Test!!!

Friday, May 11, 2012 8:00 Advanced Placement United States History exam!

Post AP test we work on projects and have a field trip to KC. You WILL have a semester 2 final that will cover the ENTIRE year BEFORE you take the AP exam!

AP Test Review will be offered throughout the month of April.