
Hi Ladies!

Region H Registration is open until Dec. 23. We always have a great time and would love if you joined us!

  • Location: Michigan Tech in Houghton, MI
  • Register at
  • Cost: $65, includes hotel room with 3 other people
  • Must opt in for SWE Charter Bus from Lansing, MI
  • Additional $50
  • MSU is NOT providing additional transportation
  • Spaces on bus will most likely fill up before the Dec. 23 deadline, so sign up ASAP if you want to go

Email Alexa () if you are going

Alexa Jones

Vice President

Hello Ladies!

For tonight, we have a panel of MSU women Professors of Engineering that will be participating in a question and answer discussion. The members of our panel are Dr. Briedis, Dr. Masten, Dr. Bush, and Dr. Genik. Dr. Daina Briedis is an Associate Professor and Dean of Student Advancement for the Chemical Engineering and Material Science department. Dr. Susan Masten is a Professor for the Civil and Environmental Engineering department. Dr. Tamara Reid Bush is an Assistant Professor for the Mechanical Engineering department. Dr. Laura Genik is an Academic Specialist for the Mechanical Engineering Department.

Linzy Pedersen


Hello SWEsters!

I hope you are all excited for our awesome panel of MSU women professors! 

I want to remind you to consider becoming a national member! It opens up so many doors to great opportunities and connections!  I am open to answering any questions you may have about SWE, so please feel free to contact me at the email below! Also, if you haven’t been receiving emails PLEASE let me know!

Laura Gumpper


Hey SWEsters!

There will be a SWEet Treat Bake sale in mid-November. The tentative date is set for Nov. 13th. If you have any ideas, e-mail Miriam!

Caroline Kerbelis Miriam Chege

Community Service

Hello SWEsters! We volunteered with The Greater Lansing Food Bank as part of their Garden Project on Monday. We had a lot of fun volunteering and making friends! Right now we are participating in the SOCC Canned Drive. Make sure you bring in cans and take donations to The Center! Also, follow us on twitter @MSU_SWEsters. If you have any suggestions or questions, feel free to send us an email or come talk to us!

Morgan Hoxsie Nicole Traitses


SWE Outreach has a program in which SWE members visit local schools to talk and develop engineering activities and workshops to 4th graders (It takes only 1 hour). Our next visit will be at the Lansing STEM School, and volunteers are always welcome! Helping children understand engineering concepts is a lot of fun and a great resume buider.
So that everyone who wants to participate has a chance of going to one of our outings this semester, we are changing the weekday to visit the School.Tentative date will be November 22nd (Friday) at 11am. We will send an email confirming the date as soo as possible.
Hope to see you there!

Any doubts shoot an email to Abbie or Anne.

Anne Rabellorolim Abigael Onchiri


The semester is getting busy fast, so what better way to relax and take a break then with a movie night! Come join us as SWE and ASME go to NCG Cinemas together! We will be going for the 6:50pm showing of About Time on Sunday November 17th. Carpools will be arranged, and ASME has graciously offered to cover the costs of the movie tickets for both organizations!! (Thank you ASME!). If you are interested and/or can drive please let me know!

Daphne Cai

Member Relations

Ladies and Gents,
It is officially winter, and that means registration for our SWE Regional Conference is here!!! Michigan Tech will be hosting "Extracting the Elements" in Houghton, MI from Feb. 14-16, 2014. To register go to and click on 'Conference Info' near the top of the page. As your member relations chair, I keep attendance for every general SWE meeting and event. Individuals who accumulate a majority will receive a small prize at our NEXT general meeting. You have to be present in order to accept your prize. Now that the semester is coming to an end, I would like to ask, you, our general members a few questions. What changes, if any, would you like to see in SWE? What are some experiences you would like to gain from SWE? Suggestions? Please email me with your creative ideas!!! Go Green!!!

Jennifer Jones

Corporate Relations

Hey SWE, it is never too late to make a resume!
Hope you are all having a great year with SWE.

Coryn Frye Halle Doering


The forms have been sent in and we cannot wait to meet our young middle school guests! We are currently working on the projects for the girls, etc etc etc...If anyone is interested to be a project leader or to help out in anyway please let us know that you want to be part of the fun! Remember that WOW, That's Engineering is on Nov. 23,2013!!

Amanda Sliney Mariana Madrigal

Day With SWE

Hope everyone isn't too stressed with school and finding time to attend some SWE events! Our event is next semester but we are starting to get the planning rolling. If you have any pictures from SWE events please send them to us so we can get some flyers sent out to the high schoolers. We are also looking for a lot of volunteers so if you are interested feel free to email us or talk to us after the meeting about what you can do!

Casey O’Donohue Adeline Ford


Hello Ladies!
For those who are unable to attend any meeting feel free to check out our website for updates on events and feel free to join the MSU SWE group on Facebook. I hope you all have a wonderful semester :)

Ayona Van Horn-Lee

Professional Counselor

Emily Khouphongsy

SWE Advisors
Judy Cordes Colleen Mcdonough

“The pain you feel today is the strength you feel tomorrow. For every challenge encountered there is opportunity for growth.”
