In order to focus on student success, provide quality instruction, and communicate openly and honestly with students and parents, secondary teachers will publish a course syllabus each term.

Reading 8 Term 1 2012-13

Teacher: Mrs.Todd E-mail:

Teacher’s Web Site:

Objectives: This is a general overview of what the teacher will teach and what the student is expected to master.

The student will—

·  use context Clues to determine the meanings of unfamiliar or multiple meaning words.

·  infer the implied main ideas form one or more related texts.

·  analyze story elements (i.e., setting, characters, plot, point of view, etc.).

·  determine author’s purpose (i.e., to inform, to persuade, to entertain).

·  read multiple genres (i.e., fiction, nonfiction, poetry, biography, autobiography, plays, etc.).

·  develop and apply expansive usage of formal and informal language.

·  recognize and generate summaries of events or ideas in texts.

·  analyze, interpret, compare, contrast, and respond to increasingly complex texts.

Tests and Grades

Grading: A=90-100 B=80-89 C=70-79 D=65-69 F=below 65 I=incomplete

Grading follows the policies of Biloxi Public Schools. A mid-term progress report and a report card following the end of each term are issued.

Tests: Students will be given a minimum of five test grades per term. Tests will be cumulative throughout the term and school year in order to build on specific language arts skills and prepare for the state mandated MCT2.

Retesting: All students are encouraged to retest regardless of their score. The higher of the two test grades will be placed in the grade book. To retest, students must make an appointment during their personal time, which is after school, to come to review the test and successfully complete a remediation assignment (including tutoring) and retest within 10 days of receiving his or her score on the original test. All daily/missed work relating to the test must be complete before the retesting process may begin. Reading 8 teachers are available for reteaching and remediation after school on Tuesdays and/or Thursdays.

Homework/Assignments/Projects: Students are required to read a minimum of twenty minutes at home per night. Students are required to complete any additional assignments not finished in class at home including daily work, group projects, writing assignments, etc. A grade of zero will be recorded in the grade book for assignments not completed. A grade will be given when incomplete work is turned in. Assignments will not be accepted after ten days have passed. All assignments must be submitted one week before the end of the term. No late assignments will be accepted from previous terms.

Course Requirements: Students must satisfactorily master all competencies and objectives. Students will be reading AR books and completing AR tests. Students will respond to journal prompts based on reading in class daily. Students will complete Bell Ringers each week to be turned in and graded. Students will also have a vocabulary assignment and quiz each week. Students must bring planners to school each day.

Important Dates:

Midterm progress report: Sep. 7 Common Term Assessment: Oct. 4 – 5 Report Cards: Oct. 17

Grade Weight Scheme: Tests—55% Activities—35% CTA—10%