CBAI and BankOnIT Partner to Deliver Bankers Private Cloud and Managed IT Services to Community Banks

Springfield, IL (September 16, 2013) - Community BancService Corporation (CBSC), the business services subsidiary of the Community Bankers Association of Illinois (CBAI), the state’s largest bank trade association representing Illinois-based community banks, has partnered with BankOnIT (BOIT), to provide Bankers Private Cloud, a fully hosted cloud-computing solution, andmanaged-IT services to CBAI member banks.

Imagine moving all of the servers out of your bank to a secure location that can withstand an F-5 tornado, managed by some of the brightest minds in the IT world, that passes every IT regulatory exam, never experiences down-time, installs all updates and security patches on a regular basis, and you never have to replace a server again. It’s available today and it’s called cloud computing. Two types of cloud computing apply to community banks: public and private. The public cloud is made available to the general public through the Internet and is normally unencrypted. BOIT’s Bankers Private Cloud operates solely for community banks with each bank having its own secure, private network.

“Protecting data and infrastructure, systems availability and recovery, detecting and mitigating fraud, and managing the pace of technological change were cited as the top technology concerns among community bankers during CBAI’s Strategic Planning Committee Meeting last winter,” said Bill Wubben, CBSC Chairman and President of Apple River State Bank. He added, “Partnering with a proven provider for IT outsourcing and cloud computing solutions became a top priority for the association.”

The CBSC board of directors spent eight months investigating cloud providers before selecting BankOnIT as its Preferred Provider for Cloud Computing and IT Outsourcing Services. “The board checked its reputation with bank regulators in two states, contacted several current bank clients, reviewed its financial statements and IT audits, and made a site visit before selecting BankOnIT as its preferred provider,” said Michael Kelley, CBSC President.

The Farmers National Bank of Prophetstown, a $500 million bank located in the northwestern part of the state, engaged BankOnIT when it upgraded to a server-based teller capture system. “We didn’t have the expertise on staff to support this system,” said Becky Emery, Assistant Vice President. “We were so impressed with their work that over the years, the scope of their engagement expanded and now includes Total Managed Care of the bank’s IT. We could bring IT management back in-house, but we would have to hire people with specialized knowledge and expertise. Outsourcing IT to BankOnIT gave us improved access to greater technical expertise and 24/7 monitoring of our systems.” She added another benefit: “Bank officers no longer fear the O.C.C.’s IT exams.”

“We are excited to partner with the Association to offer cloud computing and managed IT services to CBAI member banks,” said Robert Mendez, BankOnIT EVP and co-owner. “Our solutions allow community bankers to focus on their business of serving customers without worrying about managing IT operations.”

For more information, contact Cherlyn Lee, BOIT SVP, at 618-407-5770, or via email at .

AboutBankOnIT - Hundreds of community financial institutions trust BankOnIT to deliver exceptional service and reliable solutions for making I.T. easy.Originally co-founded in 2003 by a bankers' bank, BankOnIT is privately held and 100% owned by its executive management team.BOIT has no outside funding or venture capital investments, allowing the management team the flexibility to respond to our clients' needs. The staff is comprised of experienced technical, legal and financial professionals, who understand the profitability, security, reliability and regulatory challenges banks face.