Setting: LincolnHigh School, Spring

Plot: 5 kids plan to steal a math test from the teacher and copy the answers to get a passing grade. 4 are popular “in-crowd” students, while one is the brainiac of the school.

Character: Scotty, a lazy slacker; Marquis, a cocky basketball player; Terry, a brainy nerd; Kayla and Kristine, two preppy cheerleaders practically joined at the hip.

Act I Scene I; Lunchtime

A group of students sit at a table eating lunch; they are Scotty, Marquis, Kayla and Kristine, plus a few extra characters if needed.

Kayla: Marquis, I just wanted to say, you did amazing in last nights game!

Kristine: Yeah, you were AWESOME! You should have seen the look on the other teams faces when you made that basket at half court! They were completely caught off guard! Their coach was sooo mad!

Marquis: Haha, yeah, that was pretty great, wasn’t it?

Kayla & Kristine (in unison): Totally!

Kayla: I don’t think I’ve ever cheered so loud in my life!

Kristine: Me either! What did you think about it, Scotty?

Scotty (suddenly brought into the conversation): About what…?

Kayla: The game! DUH!

Scotty: Oh, the basketball game? I didn’t go.

Kristine: WHAT?! But, why not?

Scotty: I don’t really want to talk about it…

Kayla: What do you mean, you ‘don’t really want to talk about it’? We’re your FRIENDS, aren’t we?

Scotty: Well, yeah…

Kayla: Well, if we are, then you’re doing a pretty poor job of showing it! If you were our friend, you would have come and supported us at the game, seeing as we ALL were involved in it. You had better have a decent excuse as to why you were MIA

Kristine: Yeah, spill!

Scotty: Ugh, fine. I’m failing Geometry.

Marquis: Well, that’s nothing new. You fail EVERY class.

Scotty: Not really. I don’t fail EVERY class, I ALMOST fail every class. I participate and do just enough work to get a D. A passing grade. No matter how much work I do, I just can’t get higher than an F. My mom and I had a meeting with old Mrs. P yesterday after school, which is why I couldn’t go to the game. It sucks because I’m grounded until I bring it up.

Kristine: Aw… That does suck. But I understand, Kayla and I have terrible grades in that class. It’s such a hard class!

Marquis: Yeah, and Mrs. P sucks at teaching. She’s old and crabby.

Kayla: Totally.

Marquis: What did Mrs. P say?

Scotty: She said in order for me to get a D, I had to get a 75% or higher on a test.

Kayla: But Scotty… We only have one more test.

Scotty: Exactly.

Marquis: Dang! No one ever gets a good grade on her tests. It’s impossible!

Kayla: Unless you’re a complete braniac. Like that one Asian kid. What’s his name again…?

Kristina: Crab Ragoon? (They give her a look) Well, I thought that’s what his name was…

Marquis: Oh! I know who you’re talking about! That Terry kid!

Kayla: Terry Aki! My God, what a name…

Marquis: He always gets like 100%. Ha, maybe you should get him to tutor you, Scotty!

Kristine: Or, you could just copy his answers… That’s easier.

Scotty: There’s no way! He sits all the way across the room. Mrs. P would know if I copied!

Kayla: Well, then just give up. Fail, if you really want to. Then, you can be grounded for the rest of your life. Because the only way you’re going to pass that class is Terry. So unless you have any other ideas…

Scotty: Okay, okay. I’ll talk to him.

The bell rings, and the group gets up to throw their trash away and leave.

Act I Scene II; Geometry class, 7th Hour

As the tardy bell rings, the students all sit down. Scotty approaches Terry, with Marquis by his side.

Scotty: What’s up Terry? How you doin’ man?

Terry: (In shock) I’m good, why?

Scotty: Just wondering. I was going to see if you wanted to come with us to the game today to chill, while Marquis puts up another triple double. Ha-ha.

Marquis: Yeah, I’m planning on goin’ all out tonight. Score like 30 points at least. It’d be awesome if you came and supported me too.

Terry: Well, I have a chess club meeting from 3 to 4, but after that I guess I can come? As long as I ask my parents first…

Scotty: The game isn’t until 6. If you want, we could give you a ride from here to the game, because it’s away at MountainHeights.

Terry: Well, sure. Just let me text my mom real fast, I’ll let you know at the end of class for sure.

(At the end of class, Scotty approaches Terry.)

Scotty: Yo man. Can you go?

Terry: Yeah. My mom said its okay as long as I’m home by 9.

Scotty: Sure. That’s cool.

Marquis walks up next to Terry, Grabs Terry by the shoulder.

Marquis: What’s up Terry? You down for tonight?

Terry: Yeah Marquis, I am.

Marquis: Good stuff. I’ll put up big numbers for you tonight.

Terry: (In total excitement) Awesome!

Scotty: When you’re done with chess club, at 4. I’ll meet you by the accounting room. Then we can head over there.

Terry: Alright man. That’s cool.

(Terry exits and heads for Chess club, Marquis and Scotty see Kayla and Kristine.)

Kristine: So…. Did you get him to go?

Scotty: Well yeah, we got this in the bag.

Marquis: Sure do. After tonight, we’ll all be best friends, and I guarantee that he will snatch up those answers for us.

Kayla: I can’t believe our plan is going to work. He will get those answers for the Geometry test, we can all pass with flying colors.

Kristine: And if anything backfires, Terry’s the one who took the answers…

Scotty: Right. What a perfect plan. Ha-ha

Marquis: I agree. Now I don’t have to worry about USC not giving me that scholarship. I’ll easily pass Geometry. Mrs. P has no control over this situation now.

Kristine and Kayla: I know!

Marquis: Alright guys. I have to go to the gym and get ready for the game. I’ll see you all over there. Make sure Terry doesn’t find a way out of going.

Scotty: I got this, Marquis.

Marquis: I know man.

Kayla: Good Luck!

Kristine: Yeah, good luck Marquis!

Marquis: Ha-ha, thanks.

All the students head their separate ways. The plan is now set and its outlook is bright.

Act 1 Scene III, By the accounting room

Scotty: (Mumbles to himself) Alright Terry its about quarter after 4, where are you??

(Terry approaches Scotty with a nervous look on his face)

Terry: Scotty?

Scotty: Yeah?

Terry: Scotty, I don’t know how to tell you, but I’m not sure if Ill be able to go to the game tonight.

Scotty: WHAT WHY?!

Terry: My mom forgot to remind me that I have to. . . um, practice more for my chess tournament this weekend.

Scotty: Can’t you just practice after the game? We don’t have much time to get ready, you have to go Terry we want you to.

Terry: But. . . Okay I’ll have to go home and get some money so I can get in the game.

Scotty: Don’t worry about the money, Marquis has got you.

Terry: Alright.

Terry hesitates, and then continues with the rest of his line.

Terry: So after the game would I be considered your friend?

Scotty: Yeah, I’m pretty sure.

They both hop in Scotty’s car and they head to MountainHeights

Scotty: What kind of music do you listen to?

Terry: Umm… any kind I guess.

Scotty: Really? That’s cool.

Terry: I like to listen to classical. Like, when I’m doing my homework. It keeps me concentrated.

Scotty: That’s… cool I guess.

Terry: I usually listen to techno though, when I’m not doing homework. It brightens my mood.

Scotty: Ok? Well for right now you’re going to have to settle for some rap.

Terry: What’s that?

Scotty: It’s real music!

Terry: Oh… I heard it was really offensive… I don’t know if my mom would approve…

Scotty: Just listen

Scotty turns on the stereo and turns it up to full volume.

Scotty: (Scotty yelling) Feel those vibes? That’s called bass, this is part of the reason I listen to rap.

Terry: (Terry yelling) Oh okay I gotcha, its kind of loud though. Won’t people get mad and call the cops on us?

Scott: (Scotty yelling) That’s the point music is no fun when its quiet. Hold on, were here.

Scotty speeds into the parking lot and quickly finds a parking spot.

Terry: Oh! I’m pretty excited about watching this game, it’s my first ever basketball game. I’ve heard they are really fun! I’ve never had a reason to go before, no one has ever invited me and I’ve never been friends with a basketball player before!

Scotty: Sweet, you should have some fun tonight!

The two enter the basketball complex and find Marquis playing in the game that’s already started.

Terry: Oh no Scott, it’s already started! Do you think he’s going to get mad that we missed it? I really don’t want him to get mad. That would be terrible!

Scotty: Naw dude, it’s cool, he doesn’t mind. As long as YOU’RE here now, that’s all that matters.

Terry: Oh, okay then. That’s good.

Scotty: Watch Marquis dunk on this dude.

The two watch Marquis dunk.

Terry: Oh so that’s what dunking is?

Scotty: Yeah he’s kind of tall already so it isn’t too hard for him.

Terry: Oh, I understand. Hey, Scotty? Are we the home team or the away team?

Scotty: Well, we aren’t in our gym, so we’re the away team.

Terry: Oh… That makes since I suppose.

Silence, and then,

Terry: In basketball, 12 is a better score than 8, right?

Scotty: What do you think?

Terry: Ummm… Yes?

Scotty: Right.

More silence, then,

Terry: So we’re losing?

Scotty: Yeah, but I’m sure Marquis will take charge like he usually does and get us back on top in no time.

Terry: Yeah… He seems to be a really good performer, like I’ve heard.

Scotty: There he goes dribbling and weaving in and out of traffic! Watch, another dunk! He’s too good.

The game time gets down to 1 minute.

Terry: Hey look the game is almost over and were winning by 6.

Scotty: Oh yeah!! THERE YOU GO MARQUIS!!

Terry: (Terry attempting to shout): Yeah Marquis you were an animal out there, way to pull off the win!

Scotty: 68 to 62 and marquis grabbed more then half of those points, no wonder USC wants him.

Terry: What I wouldn’t give to be like Marquis.

Scotty: You’re pretty smart though would you want to give that up?

Terry: Yeah, I guess your right I’d rather be smart Ha-Ha.

Scotty: Hold on, before I forget, I have to text a few people the games score, then we can leave.

The game is over, Scotty texts Marquis, Kayla, and Kristine to meet him in the library before school tomorrow, Terry and Scotty leave to go home.

Act 1, Scene IV

The four friends are all sitting in the library talking about the plan and last night when Terry walks up to them.

Kayla: So Scotty, how’d it go last night?

Scotty: He actually thinks we’re all friends!

Kristine: Are you guys sure this is going to work out? I mean what if he finds out? Or what if we get caught cheating? Or what if…

Marquis: (interrupting Kristine) Chill out with all the “what ifs” man! You’re worrying too much! We got this!

Scotty: Right. I mean I know Terry’s smart and all, but he can’t figure this one out.

Kayla: I don’t know you guys. I mean I’m kinda with Kristine on this one. It was fun at first and was totally daring but now it’s just bad news.

Scotty: Are you in or what?! C’mon guys! We all need a good grade so we’re helping each other out!

Kayla: Yeah I guess you’re right…

Kristine: Yeah you’re right. We’re sorry. So what’s next?

Marquis: I told Terry to come over after school today to “help me study” but then I’ll get real pissed off and he’ll feel all bad and then I’ll pressure him into getting us the answers. It’ll all work…

Scotty: Shh! He’s walking over here!

Terry: Hey pals!

All four kids: Ha-ha hey Terry, how’s it going?

Terry: Pretty Nifty! (pushing up his glasses) I mean good. Yeah, real good.

Kayla: (laughing) So did you have fun at your first game last night?

Kristine: Yeah we saw you sitting on the bleachers. You looked pretty excited!

Terry: Oh yeah guys! It was so much fun! Scotty and I had a blast! Right, Scotty?

Scotty: Hm? Oh yeah, of course man!

Terry: Am I still coming over after school, Marquis?

Marquis: For sure dude.

Terry: Yay! See you then!

Kayla: Did he just say “yay”?

Kristine: Ha-ha! Yep!

Act 1, Scene V

Terry heads over to Marquis’ house after school with a handful of books to help Marquis study. Terry rings the doorbell and Marquis comes to open the door.

Marquis: What’s up bro?

Terry: Umm… nothing really.

Marquis: Thanks for coming to help me study. Please come in and make yourself at home.
Terry: It’s not a problem, it’s the least I could do for inviting me to the basketball game last night. Do you mind if I grab a cup of water?

Marquis: Go right ahead, the kitchen is right past this hall. I can guarantee that you won’t miss it.

Terry stares in amazement at the size of Marquis’ kitchen. It was big enough to fit a couple of elephants in there. He opens the refrigerator to grab a bottle of water.

Terry: (Talking to himself) There is so much food here, I wonder if Marquis will mind if I take some. I better go and ask him first, but for now I shall just take a bottle of water.

As Terry opens the bottle and starts walking back to where Marquis was, Marquis was waiting at the corner so that Terry couldn’t see him and pulled the rug out from under Terry.

Terry: Oh no! I can’t believe I was being so clumsy. I hope that Marquis won’t be too angry with me for spilling all this water on this carpet.

Marquis: What was that loud thud that I heard? Did you break something?

Terry: Marquis I’m really sorry for …

Marquis: (Interrupting Terry while yelling) You’re such a klutz! Do you know how much this rug costs?! For your sake I truly hope that this doesn’t stain and my parents don’t chew me out for something that you did!

Terry: (While crying a little) I’m really sorry. Please stop yelling at me, it scares me. I know that I can really be such a klutz sometimes, but I try not to be. Does this mean that we’re not friends anymore?

Marquis: Nah we’re still cool. I’m sorry for losing my temper like that man. I don’t know what came over me, I’m usually a pretty chill person. It takes a lot, before I truly get mad and start yelling, well usually anyway. Let’s just go back to studying and forget this whole incident. I say we just go back to studying and put this whole thing behind us.

Terry: Okay, that sounds good to me, and again I’m sorry that I spilt that water on your rug.

Marquis: Stop apologizing, I already we’re cool. I can understand people being clumsy once in a while.

Terry: I’m sorry.

Marquis: Didn’t I just say stop apologizing?

Terry: I’m sor… Okay let’s go back to studying for that test.

Terry starts tutoring and explaining how to do each problem step by step. Marquis understands, but just vaguely.

Terry: So for this problem, you start by getting the “X” by itself.

Marquis: How do I do that?

Terry: On this problem, you start by subtracting five from each side. Then you divide both sides by 3. And then the answer will be 5.

Marquis: Can I divide both sides by 3 first and then subtract 5?

Terry: No, you can’t do that.

Marquis: Why not?

Terry: That’s just not how it works.

Marquis: Can you explain why it doesn’t work like that to me?

Terry: (Starts to raise voice) No, just believe that it doesn’t work that way and you will be fine.

Marquis: Don’t raise your voice at me you little punk!

Terry: I’m sorry but sometimes I forget that I’m tutoring someone like you.


Terry: You know, not as smart as me, bottom of the class, the type that won’t be getting anywhere in life. I mean …


Terry: (As his voice starts cracking) I’m really sorry for that, but that just came out abruptly. Sometimes I speak without thinking of what I’m actually saying. And now might not be the time to put this out, but I can’t watch what comes out of my mouth, it’s not like a magic speech bubble is above my ahead with everything that I say in it.