Sand Volleyball Rules and Guidelines2017 (Updated 1/8/17)

Team Line-up

  • Co-ed 4’s – 2 males/2 females, minimum of 1 male/1 female
  • Co-ed 6’s (Standard) – 3 males/3 females, minimum of 4 players, 1 female if 2-3 males
  • For Power co-ed 6’s league, 4 guys/2 girls (“+2 Rule” - Max of 3 guys if only 1 female, need at least one from each gender)
  • All players, including subs must be on the online roster/agree to the waiver. Instructions for how to do so on-line will be sent to captains.
  • Website –
  • Subs may only be on one team’s roster.
  • IF both teams agree ahead of time, team may use sub from within the league for regular season matches. Opposing team reserves the right to say no to this.
  • Sub List -
  • Fees are due before the 2nd week of play. The half-deposit is due no later than Week 1.


  • If your team is unable to play at your scheduled time, you may schedule a make-up if a) the other team agrees to it b) you are able to confirm a time that works with the league a minimum of 1 week before the make-up date. All other scenarios will result in a forfeit.
  • Timeslots for matches are 6:15/7:15/8:15/9:15. There is a 5-minute warm-up and a 5-minute grace period before a forfeit. There will be a volleyball manager on duty to enforce games starting and ending on time.
  • The volleyball manager is there to a) start games on time b) announce 15/5/1 minute warnings. If you have any issues with the league, you may report it to Bryan (contact information at the end).
  • Each team gets one 1-minute timeouts each game. After the 15-minute warning, no timeouts allowed.
  • When the volleyball manager calls last serve, there are no exceptions to the rule unless there is a tie game, at which point the next point will win.
  • If 8 teams, 7 week reg. season followed by playoffs – everyone makes playoffs!
  • If less than 8 teams, format to be determined – minimum of 8 games per team.
  • Standings and results will be posted weekly on the website –


  • Teams play 3 games to 21, win by 2, cap @ 23, rally scoring. Once staff calls last serve, the score at end of that point will determine winner. If after that point there is a tie, one point will be played to determine the winner.
  • If 15 minute warning has been called before the 3rd game begins, no timeouts will be called (Both team captains should verify before the 3rd game starts).
  • If your team has a 915pm match, and you’re allowed to bypass the cap rule.
  • Captains should report scores to league manager.
  • Places will be determined by wins. If there is a tie, head-to-head will be used.
  • If a league allows for teams to split, total +/- point difference will be used
  • Playoffs are best 2 out of 3, 21/21/21, no cap.


  • All games are self-reffed. If a disagreement cannot be resolved, then replay.
  • Net serves are legal.
  • Players are not allowed to attack a ball that has not crossed over the ‘plain’ of the net.
  • For Rec leagues, Players can set the serve, but not block or attack it. No setting serves or freeballs in advanced/intermediateleagues.
  • Open hand tips only allowed in Recreational leagues.
  • Players do not have to rotate on first serve.
  • The block does not count as a touch except 2’s/Advanced co-ed 4’s.
  • The ball must be contacted cleanly and not doubled, held, lifted, pushed or carried.
  • Most body parts, including a foot, are legal to use to get the ball up.
  • No contact with the net, unless the ball forces it.
  • A player is allowed to go under the net as long as no interference with the other team (no contact).
  • There are no re-tosses on the serve.
  • The Wilson Ball is to be used during matches unless both teams agree to use a different one.
  • For 2’s, Hands must be clean – 1.5 rotations forward/backwards, no sidespin. Setting motion must be fluid, cannot go down then up.

Rules Unique to4’s

  • (INT/ADV LEAGUES ONLY):If ball is set over, player must be square to where the ball travels before contact.
  • Must rotate servers, but can start anywhere on the court.
  • Everyone is eligible to attack front row.
  • (INT/ADV LEAGUES ONLY):Hands are called like indoor rules, no side-spin, give warning if necessary but not stringent like 2’s.

House Rules

  • Team captains are responsible for the team’s actions. Unsportsmanlike conduct towards staff or other teams will not be tolerated.
  • Please report any issues to Bryan or Michael.
  • Only players should be on the court during league play. Rotating players need to be outside the netting.
  • No children allowed on courts at any time! It is for their safety.
  • No outside food or beverage (includes water bottles). We will provide water, and please enjoy a cold beverage from the bar.
  • Keep all food/beverages off of the courts.
  • Please report any issues, concerns, gameplay-specific questions, rule interpretations, or comments, you may contact Bryan McDermand at or (630) 673-2185.

Thanks, and we look forward to a great season!