Security Risk Administration








Director's Office

/ Director's Office
September 1, 2015
/ Leadership Team
Office Managers
Vice Principals
/ Tony Pontes
Director of Education
/ Student Accident Insurance

Every September the Board provides parents with the opportunity to purchase student accident insurance for their children. This is a very low cost program which provides excellent coverage and is particularly valuable to our most vulnerable communities who may not have access to insurance alternatives and who may be ill-equipped to deal with the high cost of accidents.

Although the provincial health care system covers the majority of medical expenses, many costs which are commonly related to accidents are not covered including dental work, ambulance fees, casts and crutches and physiotherapy. All of these are covered by the student accident insurance plan.

Unfortunately in recent years, student participation in the insurance plans has dropped significantly and many families are likely inadequately covered. Security & Risk Management Services staff frequently hear from parents seeking compensation when confronted with significant dental and medical bills resulting from common playground incidents. We need to help parents understand that the Board is not responsible for these expenses.

I know that schools have actively promoted this insurance plan for many years, and I urge you to continue to do so as the coverage is very affordable and will protect parents from costly medical expenses. In addition to the application brochure from the insurance company, parents will receive a letter and a Notice Form. A sample is attached of what is in each envelope, but you are not required to print this document as our Insurance Broker has delivered sufficient copies for each student. Please ensure that new students enrolling throughout the school year are also provided with the application brochure. If you need more applications please contact Security & Risk Management Services.

We are asking that parents read and sign the Notice Form and return it to the school. We recognize that not all parents will return the Notice Form and we are not expecting schools to follow up with those who don’t. Please keep the returned forms at your location for the school year, so that they are available to Security & Risk Management Services,if needed in the event of a student accident litigation.

A camera-ready article for your school newsletter will also be included in the package from Communications which you will receive in early September. Please also consider highlighting this information at your kick-off events, including student assemblies and throughout the year. We have also attachedinsurance examples of the potential costs of accidents which you may choose to share with parents. The insurance annual premium covers a student 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with highest cost $32.00 and lowest is $13.50.

Thank you for your assistance with this important initiative.

Tony Pontes

Director of Education

Insurance Company examples of accident cost comparison with and without accident insurance

A 17 year old girl was snowboarding. She fell and fractured her wrist and ankle.

Platinum Plan / Without Student Accident Insurance
Annual Premium / $32.00 / $0
Ambulance / $0.00 / $280.00
Cast for Arm / $0.00 / $95.00
Cast for Leg / $0.00 / $110.00
Prescriptions / $0.00 / $55.00
Physiotherapy / $0.00 / $995.00
TV Rental / $0.00 / $40.00
Out of Pocket / $32.00 / $1,575.00

A 6 year old boy was playing floor hockey in gym class. The plastic puck hit him in the face, cracked a tooth and split his lip.

Platinum Plan / Without Student Accident Insurance
Annual Premium / $32.00 / $0
Crown Work / $0.00 / $2,191.00
Lab Fee / $0.00 / $399.00
Fractured Jaw / $0.00 / $350.00
Ambulance / $0.00 / $45.00
Expense Reimbursement / $0.00 / $190.00
Out of Pocket / $32.00 / $3,175.00

A 13 year old boy was in the US playing in a baseball tournament. One of the other players ran into him and tore the muscles in his leg.

Platinum Plan / Without Student Accident Insurance
Annual Premium / $32.00 / $0
Room / $0.00 / $1,790.00
Pharmacy / $0.00 / $1,577.00
IV Solutions / $0.00 / $196.00
Medical Surgical Supplies / $0.00 / $6,133.00
Diagnostic Radiology / $0.00 / $783.00
OR Services / $0.00 / $3,909.00
Anesthesia / $0.00 / $1,244.00
Emergency Room / $0.00 / $2,186.00
Recovery Room / $0.00 / $2,198.00
Out of Pocket / $32.00 / $20,016.00