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Problem Set I

Administrative Structure of Radiation Control Program

Multiple choice questions that may have more than one correct responseare noted.

1. (5 points)What primary federal agency promulgates regulations controlling radioactive material:

a)EPA--Environmental Protection Agency

b)HHS--Health and Human Services

c)NRC--Nuclear Regulatory Commission

d)IRS--Internal Revenue Service

2. (5 points)What is the definition of an agreement state:




3. (5 points)What primary State agency in Florida promulgates regulations controlling radioactive material and radiation producing devices:

a)DEP--Department of Environmental Protection

b)DOH--Department of Health, Bureau of Radiation Control

c)DMV--Department of Motor Vehicles

d)HCA--Agency for Health Care Administration

4. (5 points)What are Federal regulations concerning radioactive material entitled:


5. (5 points)What are State of Florida regulations concerning radioactive material and radiation producing devices entitled:


6. (5 points)What Committees at the University of Florida oversee the use of radioactive materials and radiation producing devices: (more than one answer may be correct)

a)RCC--Radiation Control Committee

b)IRB--Institutional Review Board

c)HURRC--Human Use of Radioisotopes and Radiation Committee

d)FBI--Federal Bureau of Investigation

7. (5 points)What are University of Florida regulations concerning radioactive material and radiation producing devices entitled:


8. (5 points)Who is the Radiation Control Officer for the University of Florida:


9. (5 points)Radiation and contamination surveys should be completed:

a)At least weekly when radioactive materials are being used in regular frequency in the lab.

b)Monthly if radioactive materials are in storage only.

c)Monthly if only radioactive waste is present in the lab.

d)All of the above are correct.

10. (5 points)Who has the overriding responsibility for the safe use of radioactive materials and radiation sources in the lab:

a)lab technician

b)post doctoral fellow

c)Principal Investigator

11. (5 points)By becoming a Principal Investigator of a grant, can you automatically contact a vendor to procure radioactive material or radiation sources:


b)No; you must submit a proposal to Radiation Control

12. (5 points)Once your proposal is approved, do you receive an individual license to use radioactive material at the University of Florida?:


b)No; the University of Florida is the licensee--you become an authorized user under one of the University's licenses.

13. (5 points)The Radiation Control Office is required to inspect all packages containing radioactive material prior to being delivered to the ordering lab:



14. (5 points)When radionuclide material is received, a Utilization Form should be:

a)Initiated when the material is first used.

b)Initiated immediately and dated for shipment receipt.

c)The form is not necessary. Inventory does not need to be maintained for laboratory records.

d)Filled out after material is fully depleted.

15. (5 points)Which of the following lists the correct order of follow-up procedures according to the “Radiation Safety Criteria Violation Enforcement Policy”?

a)Department head notification, initial follow-up, final follow-up

b)Initial follow-up, review by the Radiation Control Committee, department head notification

c)Initial follow-up, department head notification, review by the Radiation Control Committee

16. (5 points)Are Federal and State exposure limits the same?



17. (5 points)University of Florida exposure limits are more or less(circle one) conservative than State limits.

18. (5 points)What kind of radiation safety training is acceptable to become an approved user at UF:

(more than one answer may be correct)

a)Previous preceptor (on-the-job) training or coursework with the isotope at another institution

b)Preceptor (on-the-job) training by current PI

c)Formal University credit course

d)Radiation Safety Short Course

19. (5 points)I work with a radiation producing device, not radioactive material. Do I still need to contact Radiation Control?:


b)Yes; you still need to demonstrate adequate training and ensure that the device is registered

20. (5 points)I'm leaving the University and I'd like to transfer some of my radioactive material to another lab here at UF and some to my new place of employment. Is this allowed?:


b)Yes; just fill out the appropriate transfer form and get RCO approval prior to leaving

Radiation Safety Short CourseProblem Set I1
