Off-the-Grid Proposal Presentation

Challenge: As a lab group, you will use the physics that we have learned about energy and power to design an activity for our off-the-Grid Day and present this proposal, in detail, to your classmates.

Product: Final proposal presentation. Create a Google Presentation file, share it with all the members of your group and your teacher (). Use the following naming convention for the name of your file: “Bell# Off-The-Grid Proposal (LastName1, LastName2, LastName3, LastName4)”.

The final proposal presentation (using a Google Presentation) must include the following 4 components...

1. Description of the proposed activity for our future Off-the-Grid day.

●  What can students expect to do if they vote for your activity?

●  How will each person in the class be able to participate is they choose? Is this a whole-class activity?

●  Remember to try to sell your idea. If you’re not excited about it, no one else will be either.

2. Diagram, picture or illustration advertising your or picture of stunt / motion of the object

●  Using images imported from the internet, a diagram created using shapes in Google Presentation, Adobe Photoshop, or a digital picture of something drawn or created on paper to create a visual advertisement for your proposed activity. There should be one dedicated slide in your presentation for this.

3. Needed Energy Calculations for all of your electronic devices.

●  You need to fully explain and show (equations and work) in your presentation.

○  What specific electronic devices will be used in your proposed activity?

○  What are the power requirements for each device?

○  How many Joules of energy will be needed for each device for the 50 min period?

○  What is the total needed energy needed for all of your devices combined?

4. Plan to store the needed energy using the bicycle generator.

●  What is the average power a student can generate using the bicycle generator?

●  How much total time (seconds, minutes, or hours) will the class be required to collectively charge the battery if your proposed activity is chosen? SHOW YOUR WORK and EXPLAIN in the presentation.

●  How many minutes, on average, would each person in the class need to pedal to do your proposed activity?

Off-the-Grid Proposal Presentation Rubric / 35

Category / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2
Completion / Presented to the class on the due date and involved in the class vote. / - / - / -
Activity Description
(0 pts if missing) / The description of the proposed activity clearly includes all of the things students will be doing and communicates how each person in the class can be involved. / The description of the proposed activity clearly includes all of the things students will be doing but does not communicates how each person in the class can be involved. / The description of the proposed activity is somewhat unclear about the things students will be doing and does not communicates how each person in the class can be involved. / An activity is described, but it is unclear what students will be doing during the activity or how each person in the class may be involved.
Illustration / Picture / Diagram Advertisement
(0 pts if missing) / The picture / diagram / illustration clearly advertises the activity described in the proposal. Relevant images and text are used and the content is visually engaging. / The picture / diagram / illustration clearly advertises the activity described in the proposal. Relevant images and text are used, but the content is NOT ENGAGING. / The picture / diagram / illustration advertises the activity described in the proposal., but is somewhat UNCLEAR. Relevant images and text are used, but the content is NOT ENGAGING. / NO separate slide is included in the presentation that visually advertises the proposed activity.
Needed Energy Explanation and Calculations
(0 pts if missing) / The following topics are addressed: (1) the specific electrical devices used, (2) the power consumption for each, (3) the # of Joules of energy for each, (4) included calculations and explanation and (5) the total amount of energy needed for the activity. / 1 of the required components is missing for needed energy: / 2 or more of the required components are missing for needed energy. / 3 or more of the required components are missing for needed energy:
Energy Storage Plan using the Bike Generator
(0 pts if missing) / The following topics are addressed: (1) average power generated with bike, (2) total time needed to pedal to store needed energy, (3) explanation of relevant calculations, and (4) average number of minutes each student would need to pedal. / 1 of the required components is missing for your energy storage plan: / 2 or more of the required components are missing for your energy storage plan: / 3 or more of the required components are missing for your energy storage plan:
Individual Participation / Every group member participated equally in the presentation. / Every group member participated in the presentation, although some minimally. / One group member did not participate in the presentation. / More than one group member did not participate in the presentation
Formatting and Visual Appeal / The Google presentation is visually appealing: (1) proper formatting, (2) relevant images included, and (3) the text and calculations are readable (not too small) / 1 of the required components is missing for formatting and visual appeal: / 2 of the required components are missing for formatting and visual appeal: / 3 or more of the required components are missing for formatting and visual appeal:

**Bonus Points can be awarded for extra creativity**