(as approved at the Full Authority meeting held March 13, 2008)

Members and staff in attendance: R. Sackrider, B. Sloat, P. Ens, P. Black, S. Lamb, L. Chanda, L. Bartlett, C. Evanitski, B. Baskerville, J. Robertson, D. Holmes and D. McLachlan. Regrets: R. Geysens, J. Hunt and P. Lee.

The LPRCA Chair called the meeting to order at 7:32 pm Wednesday, February 6th, 2008 in the LPRCA Hay Creek office Boardroom.




None recorded.


R. Sackrider called upon J. Dungavell, Chairman of the Backus Advisory Board to conduct the annual election for 2008. R. Sackrider vacated, and J. Dungavell took the Chair. J. Dungavell declared the positions for Chairman and Vice-Chairman vacant and then called for nominations for the Chairman. P. Black nominated R. Sackrider. J. Dungavell called for 2nd nominations for the Chairman and received none. He called for 3rd nominations and again received none. R. Sackrider accepted the nomination. P. Black moved nominations for the Chairman to be closed and S. Lamb seconded the motion. Motion carried

J. Dungavell asked R. Sackrider if he accepted the nomination. R. Sackrider was pleased to accept. R. Sackrider was declared Chairman of LPRCA for 2008

J. Dungavell then called for nominations for Vice-Chair. L. Chanda nominated B. Sloat. J. Dungavell called for 2nd nominations for Vice-Chair and received none. He called for 3rd nominations and again received none. B. Sloat accepted the nomination. P. Black moved nominations for Vice-Chair to be closed and S. Lamb seconded the motion. Motion carried.

J. Dungavell asked B. Sloat if he accepted the nomination. B. Sloat accepted and looked forward to another great year. B. Sloat was declared Vice-Chair of LPRCA for 2008.

J. Dungavell vacated the Chair and turned it over to the new 2008 Chairman, R. Sackrider. The Chairman and GM, C. Evanitski thanked J. Dungavell for conducting the election process. The GM acknowledged J. Dungavell’s participation with a gift certificate. J. Dungavell then left the meeting.



minutes of previous meetings

MOTION A - 1 moved by B. Sloat, seconded by P. Ens and carried that the minutes of the Full Authority’s Regular Meeting held December 5th, 2007 be adopted as circulated.


S. Lamb asked how many turkeys and hams were given out to staff. D. McLachlan reported that 14 turkeys and 10 hams had been purchased and given to staff.




MOTION A – 2 moved by Paul Ens, seconded by B. Sloat and carried that correspondence outlined in the Full Authority Agenda of February 6th, 2008 be received as information.



B. Baskerville reported on 19 fill, construction and alteration to waterways permits.

R. Sackrider wanted to know what Amtelecom was doing that required input from LPRCA. B. Baskerville replied that it was cabling under a roadway and under Big Creek that involved trenching.



C. Evanitski reported that the BAB currently has 10 members. The BAB advertised for new members and received 2 applications. While the length of terms for BAB members is defined, no current members wish to step down, so BAB has asked for a revision to their terms of reference to allow two more members, including one additional member from the LPRCA Full Authority. The BAB is currently in the process of rewriting their Terms of Reference.

B. Sloat asked if there is a limit to how long a member may sit on the board. J. Robertson noted that there has never been a limit to the number of times a member may sit without a break.

B. Sloat then asked why this was being requested and what are they trying to achieve. He felt that it looked like someone was told they would be added to the BAB but then no one stepped down. He also wondered if we can afford to have another FA member go to the BAB. He felt that the FA members were stretched as it is. P. Black mentioned that we currently have 3 FA members who are interested. P. Black and L. Chanda agreed that the BAB works hard and raises funds for the Authority and that thr group can use all the help they can get.

B. Sloat was worried that changing the Terms of Reference meant that we were making a commitment for the long term. Yes, there are current members interested but what about the future. P. Black felt that there was no harm in adjusting the Terms of Reference and if three FA members do not want to commit in future years, a vacant spot would not be a problem.

C. Evanitski stated that this was a temporary measure for the 2008 season as the Terms of Reference will be rewritten by BAB for review by LPRCA Senior Staff this Fall.

MOTION A – 3 moved by P. Black, seconded by S. Lamb and carried that the Full Authority approves the interim appointment of three board members to the Backus Advisory Committee, plus the Chairman for the 2008 season; and that consent is given for a subcommittee of BAB to review its terms of reference; and that those terms of reference be forwarded to LPRCA staff for review and subsequent Board approval no later than August 31, 2008.


C. Evanitski presented recommendations regarding committee appointments. This is usually done at the AGM but as per previous motion it will now be completed at the same time as the appointments for the Chairman and Vice-Chair. All committee appointees agreed to stand.

MOTION A – 4 moved by S. Lamb, seconded by P. Ens and carried that the Full Authority of the LPRCA approves the appointment of John Hunt, Larry Chanda and Peter Black to the Backus Advisory Board for 2008.

MOTION A – 5 moved by L. Bartlett, seconded by P. Ens and carried that the Full Authority of the LPRCA approves the appointment of John Hunt and Peter Black to the Backus Woods Advisory Committee for 2008.

MOTION A – 6 moved by P. Ens, seconded by B. Sloat and carried that the Full Authority of the LPRCA approves the appointment of Larry Chanda as the Land Acquisition Chairman for 2008.

MOTION A – 7 moved by B. Sloat, seconded by P. Black and carried that the Full Authority of the LPRCA approves the appointment of Sam Lamb to the Lee Brown Marsh Committee for 2008.

MOTION A – 8 moved by S. Lamb, seconded by B. Sloat and carried that the Full Authority of the LPRCA approves the appointment of Roger Geysens, Peter Black and Pat Lee to the Audit Committee for 2008.

2008 Draft LPRCA Preliminary Current and Capital Budgets

C. Evanitski reported that staff had presented a recommended 10% levy increase to the Budget Subcommittee who in turn recommended a 46.5% levy increase in order to preserve reserves. L. Bartlett asked how long our reserves would last if we continued to draw down reserves by approximately $400 000 per year. C. Evanitski replied about two years.

P. Black commended staff in the presentation of the budget package. He felt that it was very well organized, easy to understand from the beginning synopsis to the graphs and overall formatting including the colour coding. He declared it was the “best document” he has seen since he has been here. He then asked if the $400K proposed drawdown was for the new building. C. Evanitski replied no, the funding in capital for a new/renovated administration building was yet to be determined and would not be coming from reserves or levy in 2008.

P. Black said that the theory goes that if you generate revenue from forests, the money should go back to purchase and maintain forests. He wanted to know what a healthy level of reserves to maintain is. C. Evanitski replied 25% to 33% of the Operating Budget is recommended. The GM noted a $400K drawdown from reserves would make operating difficult. P. Black felt that a 46.5% levy increase was a little high and cannot see the municipalities supporting it. He wanted to know what cuts will be made if it doesn’t go through. C. Evanitski made the point that this is not a Cadillac budget. The reason for the difference in the drawdown from last year to this year includes four major items of high priority that is difficult to reduce. They include land acquisition, park upgrades, Administration/Human Resources upgrades and job evaluation and pay grid review all of which were approved or previously discussed. Chairman Sackrider noted Page 4 of the budget package that showed that the municipal portion of LPRCA’s 2008 budget is 18.8%. The average for other CA’s is 32%. L. Chanda reiterated that this is not a Cadillac budget and that the extra dollars we are asking for are needed.

There then was some discussion about members voting as directed by their municipalities. B. Sloat made it clear that we have to change our mindset, instead of acting like paupers begging for funds. He felt that the municipality does not have a veto right. C. Evanitski read an excerpt from an article in the 2004 Municipal World that seemed to clarify the position. P. Black wanted to know where the information actually came from and asked C. Evanitski to seek legal opinion which he advised he will research further. P. Black asked why we didn’t just send a bill as some other CA’s do. C. Evanitski reported we don’t do that to keep a good relationship. Our partners will be given 30 days to review the budget so to accommodate that and be able to vote on the final budget, the next FA meeting will be March 13, 2008.

MOTION A - 9 moved by L. Chanda, seconded by B. Sloat and carried that the LPRCA approves:

a)  the 2008 Current Budget for LPRCA in the amount of $3,022,350, requiring a Municipal Levy in the amount of $941,476 and representing an increase of 46.5%, or $2.93 per capita, and;

b)  the 2008 Capital Budget for LPRCA in the amount of $913,500, requiring a Municipal Levy 0f $200,000, and;

c)  increases in users fees as set out in Appendix 3, and;

d)  a net drawdown for the Unrestricted Reserve in the amount of $190,486, and;

e)  that the General Manager report back to the Board, via the Building Committee, on the possible sources of financing, the Building options and a workplan for managing the completion of a new/renovated Administration Building.


J. Robertson reported that the approach for the anniversary had been discussed with senior staff. It was agreed that it need not be as extravagant as our 50th anniversary. Signature events will include the AGM at Camp Trillium with Gord Miller, Environmental Minister of Ontario as our guest speaker, the Watershed Tour will highlight the past 60 years and a Parks Discovery Day is being planned for June. It will be a free day for families to attend LPRCA parks and will coincide with the release of the new guide book. There is to be no fundraising for these initiatives, the Community Relations department will cover the cost of materials. L. Chanda asked how many former Chairmen are still alive. J. Robertson was not sure but thought it was 12 to 15. B. Sloat asked how we participate in Doors Open Norfolk. J. Robertson replied that they use Backus sites and we are included in the Ontario Heritage Trust publication as one of the top heritage sites.


C. Evanitski outlined the activities he and the Chairman participated in over the last two months

MOTION A- 10 moved by P. Black, seconded by S. Lamb and carried that the Full Authority approves the tree marking prescription/operating plan for the Misner Tract 2007/2008.


B. Baskerville stated that the water levels are now normal for all 3 regions and that groundwater levels are still down as of November but there will be an update in early spring. The graph included shows a significant lake flood event last week. There was a 16-foot difference in levels between Buffalo and Toledo. Port Dover had a 6-foot rise with minor flooding. There was also minor flooding in Turkey Point and Backus in the flood area. A flood advisory was issued today mainly for Otter Creek. Tillsonburg was issued an advisory early in the morning. The ice pack has washed out of most of the creeks. There was not alot of ice pack due to the January thaw but had there been another 15mms of rain or thicker ice, there would have been a bigger problem.

MOTION A – 11 moved by S. Lamb, seconded by B. Sloat and carried that, the Full Authority of the LPRCA does now enter into an “In Camera” session to discuss personnel matters about an identifiable individual, including Conservation Authority employees; a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the Conservation Authority; and litigation or potential litigation, including matters affecting the Conservation Authority.


There being matters to discuss In-Camera.

MOTION A – 13 moved by B. Sloat, seconded by S. Lamb and carried, that the Full Authority of the LPRCA does now adjourn from the “In Camera” session.

MOTION A – 14 moved by S. Lamb, seconded by P. Black and carried, that the Full Authority of the LPRCA directs LPRCA staff to generally advertise for all full-time summer and seasonal positions, which includes all Contract and Regular Seasonal personnel and that LPRCA’s Personnel Policy be amended accordingly.