Judit Bodnar


Associate Professor of Sociology and History, CentralEuropeanUniversity, Budapest (since 2005)

Visiting Scholar, University of Chicago (January – June 2006)

Assistant Professor, CEU (2001 - 2005)

Research Fellow, Center for Russian, Central and East European Studies, RutgersUniversity (1998-2000)


2010Endeavor Foundation Visiting Scholarship, University of Chicago, January – June

2002Fellow, Hanse Institute for Advanced Study, (Hanse Wissenschaftskolleg) Delmenhorst, Germany, January – June

1998-99Postdoctoral Fellowship, Project on Urban Fragmentation, Ghent University, Belgium

Fall 1996MacArthur Postdoctoral Fellow, Globalization Project, Chicago Humanities Institute, University of Chicago

1996-1997Post-Doctoral Fellow, Locations of Gender: East Central Europe, Center for Russian, Central and East European Studies, RutgersUniversity

Fall 1991Dean's Teaching Fellowship Award, The JohnsHopkinsUniversity


July 2003 – September 2005

Manufacturing Community: The Global Spread of Socially Exclusive Housing—A U.S., German, Hungarian Comparison (collaborator: Virág Molnár, NewSchoolUniversity); CEU Research Board (10,000 USD)

2006“The Market and the City: Commercialization and Urban Restructuring – In Theory and the Field” Director and organizer

2004, 2005“Transnational Flows, Structures, Agents and the Idea of Development” Co-Director, InternationalSummerUniversity Course, CEU

Spring 1993 - 1995

Principal Investigator: Housing Privatization and Urban Restructuring in Budapest, National Science Research Fund of Hungary (OTKA), Department of Sociology, Budapest University of Economics

May 1992 - December 1993

"Fin-de-Siècle Budapest" Individual Research Grant, Research Support Scheme, CentralEuropeanUniversity


Since 2006Board Member of RC 21 (Research Committee on Sociology of Urban and Regional Development) International Sociological Association

Since 2006Member of Editorial Board, Slavic Review

Since 2005Corresponding Editor, International Journal of Urban and Regional Studies

2003-5Ph.D. Director, Dept. of Sociology/Anthropology, CentralEuropeanUniversity

2003-5Organizer, “Towards a Non-Disciplined Society” Ilona Duczynska Interdisciplinary Lecture Series, CEU

2004-6Elected member of the Senate, CentralEuropeanUniversity



Judit Bodnár. 2001. Fin-de-Millénaire Budapest: Metamorphoses of Urban Life. MinneapolisLondon: University of Minnesota Press.

Articles and book chapters

  • “Reconfiguring Public and Private: Capital, State and New Housing Developments in Berlin and Budapest” Urban Studies, 2010. Forthcoming. (with Virag Molnar)
  • Guest editor and forward to the special issue on Restructuring the Postsocialist City, Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Sociologia, June (2009): 3-5.
  • “The Socialism Package Error” European Studies Forum, 39, 1, (2009): 23-28.
  • “Becoming Bourgeois: (Postsocialist) Utopias of Isolation and Civilization” Pp. 140-151 in Mike Davis and Daniel Monk (eds.): Evil Paradises: Dreamworlds of Neoliberalism. New York: The New Press. 2007.
  • “Budapest” in Encyclopedia of Europe 1789-1914. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons. 2006.
  • “Mean Streets, Neat Malls, and Market Halls: Commercialization and Public Space in the Age of Globalization” Pp. 159-61 in Allan Siegel and Gabriella Uhl (eds.) Market Hall—Expiration Date: to be determined. Budapest: ErnstMuseum. 2005.

“Roquefort vs Big Mac: Globalization and Its Others” European Journal of Sociology, XLIV, 1 (2003): 68-79.

  • “’Paris of the East’—Urban Theory of the West: Comparative Thinking after the End of the East-West Divide” Hintergrund (Journal of Austrian Architectural Association) November (2003): 7-23. (in German)
  • “Budapest Fences: Reconfiguring Private and Public Space” Pp. 177-89 in Peter Döllman and Robert Temel (eds.) Lebenslandschaften: Zukünftiges Wohnen im Schnittpunkt zwischen privat und öffentlich (Lifescapes) Campus Verlag, Frankfurt & New York.2002. (in German)
  • “On Fragmentation, Urban and Social” Pp. 173-94 in Kevin Fox Gotham (ed.): Critical Perspectives on Urban Redevelopment:Research in Urban Sociology. Vol.6. JAI Press, Oxford. 2001.
  • “Assembling the Square: Social Transformation in Public Space and the Broken Mirage of the Second Economy in Postsocialist Budapest” Slavic Review, 57, 3 (Fall 1998): 489-515.
  • “Housing Advantages for the Better-Connected? Institutional Segmentation, Settlement Type and Social Network Effects in Late State-Socialist Housing Inequalities” Social Forces, 76, 4 (1998): 1275-1304. (with József Böröcz)
  • “Art and Commerce as Logics of Budapest’s New Public Spaces” Pp. 183-192 in Hemalata C. Dandekar (ed.): City, Space and Globalization. An International Perspective. College of Architecture and Urban Planning. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. 1998.
  • “Urban Fragmentation: The Case of Budapest”WeltTrends, 17, Winter (1997): 47-69. (in German)


  • “'He That Hath to Him Shall Be Given': Housing Privatization in Budapest after State Socialism” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 20, 4 (1996): 616-36.

Book reviews

Zsuzsa Gille, From the Cult of Waste to the Trash Heap of History: The Politics of Waste in Socialist and Postsocialist Hungary. (BloomingtonIndianapolis: IndianaUniversity Press) American Journal of Sociology, 113, 6 (2008): 1766-68.

Hanna Schissler and Yasemin Nuhoglu Soysal (eds). The Nation, Europe and the World (New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books) AJS, 111, 5 (2006): 1599-1600.

Lynne Haney, Inventing the Needy: Gender and the Politics of Welfare in Hungary (Berkeley: CaliforniaUniversity Press, 2002) in Slavic Review, 62, 3, (2003): 594-5.


2008“The Politics of Comparison” 38th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology, CEU, Budapest, June 26-30.

2007“The Right to Public Space and the Politics of the Unprivileged” International Sociological Association Research Committee 21 on Sociology of Urban and Regional Development, International Conference, Vancouver, August 22-25

2005“Divided Cities and the Manufacturing of Unity” Cities as Social Fabric: Fragmentation and Integration. International Sociological Association RC 21 International Conference, Paris, Sciences Po, June 30 - July 2.

2004(with Zsuzsa Gille) “Consumption and Material Culture in Eastern Europe”The Council for European Studies International Conference, Chicago, March 11-13.


2009Panelist on special session “Urban Redevelopment Gone Global” ASA Meeting, San Francisco, August 8-10.

2008“What’s Left of the Right to the City?” Since 1968: a 40th Anniversary Conference at the Center for 21st Century Studies, University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee, October 23-5.

2008“Restructuring Urban Space: New Housing Developments in Post-1989 Berlin and Budapest” ASA Meeting, Boston, August 1. (with Virag Molnar)

2008“Dual Cities: Globalization, Uneven Development and the Splitting of Unitary Frames” Cities and Globalization Conference, New York University’s Prague Institute for Democracy, Economy and Culture, March 20-21.

2008“The Socialism Package Error” The Council for European Studies International Conference, Chicago, March 6-8.

2007Theory and Method in Critical Urban Scholarship,Invited participant, Workshop organized by the International Journal for Urban and Regional Research, Oxford, November 8.

2007“Bourgeois Consumption and the Uneven Development of Urban Space” Special Session, and “DualCities, Globalization and Uneven Development” ASA Meeting, New York, August 10-14

2007“Postsocialist Utopias” Center for Metropolitan Studies, Berlin, June 28.

2007“Mean Streets and the Political Economy of Public Space” Bauhaus Kolleg, Dessau, June 29.

2007“Reconfiguring Private and Public: State, Capital and New Planned Developments in Berlin and Budapest” 4th International Conference of the Research Network ‘Private Urban Governance and Gated Communities’ Paris, University Paris 1, June 5-8. (with Virag Molnar)

2006“Mean Streets, Neat Malls: Commercialization, Privatization and the Politics of Public Space” AAASS National Convention, WashingtonDC, November 16-9.

2006“Scales of Gentrification: Housing Regimes in Chicago and Budapest” Metropolitan Studies Urban Seminar Series, New YorkUniversity, April 6.

2006“Public Space under Post-Socialism” Invited participant to Indiana University Roundtable on Post-Communism, Bloomington, March 30-1.

2005“At Home in the World: Globalization, Exclusion and Middle-Class Housing” RTN UrbEurope Workshop, University of Milan – Bicocca, December 1-3.

2005“Comparisons, Conceptual Transferences and the Globalization of Exclusion through Housing” Section on Comparative Sociology, ASA Meeting, Philadelphia, August 13-6.

2005‘Divided Cities and the Manufacturing of Unity’ Workshop organizer and speaker. Cities as Social Fabric: Fragmentation and Integration. International Sociological Association RC 21 International Conference, Paris, Sciences Po, June 30 - July 2.

2005“Localization as Risk-Reducing Strategy: Antiglobalizationist Social Movements and the Specter of Community, State and Socialism” NSF Workshop on the Cultural Politics of Globalization and Community in Eastern Europe,Budapest, May.

2005Keynote speaker. “Uncertainty and Freedom: (Post)Socialism Provincialized” Uncertainty and Freedom. 5th Nordic Conference on the Anthropology of Postsocialism. Oslo, April 22-24.

2005“The Freedom of Exclusion: An American Housing Model in Budapest” Territory, control and enclosure: the ecology of urban fragmentation International Symposium, Pretoria, South Africa, February 28 – March 3 (with Virag Molnar)

2004“Great Expectations, or How We Came to Love the Market in Eastern Europe” Development and Regionalism: Karl Polanyi’s Ideas and the Contemporary World System Transformation. Budapest, November 5-6.

2004“Public Space—Commercialization and Privatization” ESF Forward Look on Urban Science Workshop, Urban Civilization: Culture Meets Commerce, Prague, September 17-19.

2004“The European City—Only in a Comparative Perspective” ESF Forward Look on Urban Science Workshop, European Cities in the EU: Social Fabric, Inequalities, Agency and Political Order, Paris, June 11-13.

2004“Place-Making as Politics: Antiglobalizationist Social Movements and the Production of Locality” Global Studies Association Meeting, April 23-25, BrandeisUniversity.

2004“Shamed by Comparison: Eastern Europe and the ‘Rest’” Russian and EastEuropeanCenter, University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign, March 19.

2004“Manufacturing Exclusion: An American Housing Model in Europe” The Council for European Studies International Conference, Chicago, March 11-13. (with Virag Molnar)

2004“Localization As Risk-Reducing Strategy: Social Movements and Food for Thought” Transnational Risk and Civil Society, Irmgard Coninx Foundation, Potsdam – Berlin, Germany, January 3-8.

2003“Uneasy Relations and Comparative Strategies—Eastern Europe and the ‘West’” Section on Comparative and Historical Sociology, ASA Meeting, Atlanta, August 16-19.

2003“The Art of Public Space and the Politics of Disappearance” Moscow Square International Symposium, LudwigMuseum of Contemporary Art, Budapest, May 31.

2002 “The Right to the City: Citizenship in Contemporary Budapest” The CityColloquium Series, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Germany, December 11.

2002“City and Public Space—Whose Are They?” Workshop of the Moscow Square International Public Art Project, Ludwig Museum of Contemporary Art, Budapest, November 23-4.

2002“’Paris of the East’—Urban Theory of the West: Comparative Thinking After the End of the East-West Divide” 10thVienna Architecture Congress, November 8-10.

2002“’I Shop Therefore I am’: Consumption, Gender and Urban Public Space” ASA Meeting, Chicago,August 16-19.

2002“Liberty and Equality: Manufacturing Public Space” Fellow Lecture, Hanse Wissenschaftskolleg, Delmenhorst, May 29.

2002 “Posted: Socialism, State, Modernity—Eastern Europe and a More Inclusive Comparative Strategy” 4th Annual Sociology and Cultures of Globalization Mini-Conference, The University of Chicago, May 2-4.

2002 “A Taste for Food: The Social Construction of Identity in the Age of Globalization” The Council for European Studies Conference, Chicago, March 14-16.

2001 “In Search of Unity: (New) Claims on Urban Space” VassarCollege, September 13.

2001 “Globalization and Its Others: Roquefort v Big Mac” Visions and Divisions: 5th Conference of the European Sociological Association, Helsinki, August 28 - September 1.

2001“Budapest Fences: Reconfiguring Private and Public Space” Lifescapes: The Future of Living between Private and Public. An international interdisciplinary conference organized by the Austrian Architectural Society. Vienna, May 17-19.

2001“Citizens against the Public: (New) Claims on Urban Space” Department of Sociology, The New School University, New York, April 12.

Also presented at:

2001Department of Sociology, BinghamtonUniversity, April 18.

2000“Roquefort versus Big Mac: Globalization and Its Others” Conference on Globalization and Cultural Diversity in Europe, Nanovic Institute for European Studies, University of Notre Dame, December 8-9.

2000Discussant, Post Ex Sub Dis: Fragmentations of the City: An international conference organized by GUST (Ghent Urban Studies Team), Brussels, October 1921.

2000“On Fragmentation, Urban and Social”Regular Session in Theory, ASA Meeting, Washington, D.C., August 12.

2000“Urban Modernity, Public Space and Commercialization: Variations” Department of History, CentralEuropeanUniversity,Budapest, June 2.

1999“Budapest: A National Alien” Workshop on Changing Symbolic Geographies of Central and Eastern European Capital Cities. Internationales Forschungszentrum Kulturwissenschaften–IFK,Vienna, December 10-11.

1999“Constructing Difference: Western versus Non-Western, Capitalist versus Socialist Urban Logic” ASA Meeting, Chicago, August 10.

1999“Citizens Go Shopping: Public Space in the Age of Globalization” Europe and the American Paradigm: Visions of the Future for the EuropeanCity, European Science Foundation Research Workshop, University of Ghent, May 6-8.

1999“Fragmented We Stand? Budapest Eliminates Its Spatial Surprises While Urban Sociology Rethinks the ‘Social’” Department of Sociology, New SchoolUniversity. April 14.


1999“Feminization of Public Space?” Theorizing Space and Time at the End of the New Millennium, Conference at the University of Georgia, Athens. April 9-10.

1998“Fragmentation of Urban Space” University of Ghent, Belgium. November 3.

1998“Putting the Public into Space: The Polis Goes Shopping” Sawyer Seminar on Democratization and the Public Sphere, Department of Sociology, New SchoolUniversity. May 8.

1998“Global as Local: Art and Commerce as Logics of Budapest’s New Public Spaces” Metropolitan Studies Program, New York University, March 23.

1998“Merging Global and Local: Art and Commerce as Logics of Budapest’s New Public Spaces” City, Space and Globalization: A University of Michigan International Symposium. Ann Arbor. February.

1998“Fragmentation of Urban Form ­ A Central European Perspective” Center for Russian and East European Studies, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. February.

1998“Urban Texture Unraveling: The Transformation of Budapest” Department of Sociology, MiddleburyCollege, February.

1997“Fragmentation and Polarization: Rearranging Urban Space in Budapest” ASA Meeting, Toronto, August 9.

1997“Fragmentation and Polarization: Urban Theory and Urban Space in Budapest” Conference of Research Committee 21 (Urban Sociology) of the International Sociological Association, Humboldt University, Berlin, July 20-22.

1997“The Post-State-SocialistCity: Comparative Aspects” Department of Sociology, TrinityCollege, University of Dublin, Ireland. April 9.

1997“Going Private: (De)Feminization of Public Space” Conference on the Meanings of Feminism in the Reconfigured Public/Private Spaces of Central and Eastern Europe, Rutgers University, March 27.