Media Release

For Immediate Release May 6, 2011

KidSport™scores another touchdown with the

2011 SaskEnergy Saskatchewan Roughriders Calendar

KidSport™ Saskatchewan, SaskEnergy and the Saskatchewan Roughriders are pleased to announce another successful sales year for the 2011 SaskEnergy SaskatchewanRoughriders Calendar. In its fifth year of operation, a total of 6,086 calendars were sold throughout the province to raise a total of $140,779for KidSport™ Saskatchewan.

“I want to thank everyone supporting KidSport™ through the 2011 SaskEnergy SaskatchewanRoughriders Calendar,”says Don McDougall, Chair of KidSport™ Saskatchewan. “I especially want to thank our sponsors SaskEnergy, the Saskatchewan Roughriders, the Co-op retailers of Saskatchewan, Shoppers Drug Mart, Scotiabank, Sobeys, The Rider Stores, CTV and Harvard Broadcasting for helping with the development and sale of the calendar. Your support is helping to get kids involved in sport and enjoying healthier, more active lives in Saskatchewan.”

“SaskEnergy is proud to support a worthwhile organization such as KidSport™, that works hard to ensure all children in Saskatchewan are able to experience the benefits of sports programs,” says the Honourable Dustin Duncan, Minister Responsible for SaskEnergy. “KidSport™ helps level the playing field ─ so children from families that may not be able to afford sports fees or equipment, aren’t watching their friends from the sidelines.”

Three Canadian Football League (CFL) legends and lifelong KidSport™ ambassadors were also in attendance to show their support for the announcement, including former Saskatchewan Roughrider receiver Don Narcisse. The SaskEnergy Catch for Kids program began in 1998 when SaskEnergy partnered with Narcisse to develop an initiative that would provide positive role models for youth and teach them the value of sport.

“We are pleased and honoured to once again be a part of such a special initiative that allows kids throughout the province to participate in healthy activities,” stated Riders President/CEO Jim Hopson. “One of the most important aspects of the Riders is the relationship with the community, and thanks to sponsors and great programs, such as KidSport™,we can make a positive impact on kids’ lives throughout Saskatchewan.”

Development of the 2012 SaskEnergy SaskatchewanRoughriders Calendar is underway, and it will be available in stores in September 2011.KidSport™ is a registered children’s charity dedicated to helping thousands of children from families facing financial obstacles participate in sport, so all kids can play.

For more information, contact Pat Rediger at (306) 780-9307 or email .


Calendar Fact Sheet

SaskEnergy Saskatchewan Roughriders Calendar Fact Sheet

  • $140,779.45 was raised for KidSport™ this year through the sale of 6,086 calendars and corporate sponsorships.
  • In five years, the SaskEnergy Saskatchewan Roughriders Calendar project has raised over $600,000 dollars for KidSport™ and helped thousands of kids in the province participate in sport.
  • A breakdown of the amounts raised through the partnership between SaskEnergy, KidSport™ Saskatchewan and the Saskatchewan Roughriders are as follows:

Year / Amount Raised
2010 / $140,779.45
2009 / $178,445.62
2008 / $110,512.71
2007 / $111,220.77
2006 / $91,054.85
Total to date / $632,013.40

KidSport™ is a registered children’s charity that provides children in need with financial assistance for sport registration fees, and in some cases sporting equipment, so all kids can play. By participating in sport, children gain skills such as confidence, teamwork, goal setting and responsibility, and they are also less likely to engage in dangerous, high risk behaviours. With KidSport™ Saskatchewan’s support, children in need are not left on the sidelines watching their friends play sports. Instead, they are given the same opportunities for growth and development as other children in the province.