Recipe Collection Homework

Commercial Foods – Part I students only

Name: ______Current Date______

Period: ______Date of Absence: ______

General Information

Throughout the term you will begin a recipe collection. Your collection will be compiled of recipes assigned weekly by your instructors. You are required to submit the assigned category of the recipe within 2 days after an excused absence. Late recipes will not be accepted. In the event that you’re absent (excused), you should submit your recipe on the day you return.

Recipe information MUST be written on the sheet provided using the point system below. The original recipe, copy of the recipe, or hand written recipe should be attached to the homework sheet on an 8 ½” by 11” sheet of paper with your name on it. Feel free to e-mail the article to either of us @ However, the homework sheet MUST be completed and turned in before the tardy bell rings

Please follow the guidelines so that you may obtain the number of points needed to achieve the maximum number of points allotted for this assignment (50 pts).

Suggested Resources

Cookbooks, any newspaper: The Orlando Sentinel, Newsleader, SouthLake Press, Daily Commercial may be used. The Internet (list the website), any culinary arts magazine are excellent resources as well. Note: The Orlando Sentinel has a big section devoted to Culinary Arts/Food on Wednesdays and Sundays.

Recipe #: _____ Due Date:______

Recipe Guidelines and Standards

1. Resource: ______/3 pts

2. Recipe Title: ______/2 pts

3. Category: ______/5 pts

4. Amounts _____/5 pts Ingredients _____/5 pts

·  ______

·  ______

·  ______

·  ______

·  ______

·  ______

5.  Step by step directions: (write as much as you can in this area) _____/5 pts

6. Equipment needed: Not all will be listed in the recipe. You will need figure out exactly what is needed to complete this recipe. _____/5 pts

Ø  ______

Ø  ______

Ø  ______

Ø  ______

Ø  ______

Ø  ______

6.  Cooking method/temperature settings required: ______/5 pts

7.  Cooking time required: (if any)______/3 pts

8.  Yield – How much will it make or produce?______/2 pts

9.  Portion – Serving Size: (write N/A if none) ______/5 pts


10. Recipe attached to a full sheet of paper/or full size sheet attached) _____/5 pts

Note: no recipe attached = no credit…..

Total points: ______/50points

Note: If you miss a lab day (RCC), you are required to submit a recipe/homework assignment within two days after absence. Please make sure the absence is EXCUSED. Failure to turn in make up assignment within the specified time period will result in zero for the day’s absence. It is your responsibility to find out what you missed..