Use the present form to express your interest for participating in one or more of the available interlaboratory PT comparisons for the 2017-2018 period. Select the PT schemes by checking the respective boxes, enter the data

for your organization and return the form, either by fax (+302106479114) or by e-mail ().

PT code / substrate / analytes / date of dispatch / Cost
(€) / check the box
SCHEMA 12 08 / spirit drinks / alcoholic strength, volatile congeners,
sugars, phthalate esters / 10th 2017 / 150 / 
SCHEMA 52 01 / lubricants / viscocity, TBN, TAN, water, FP, metals, sulfur,
pour point, density, colour / 10th 2017 / 130 / 
SCHEMA 90 07 / oil - fat / K232, K270, peroxide value, acidity, FAMEs, FAEs, wax / 10th 2017 / 120 / 
SCHEMA 24 07 / waste / pH, total solids, BOD, COD, Cr (VI), heavy metals / 11th 2017 / 130 / 
SCHEMA 50 08 / fuel / density, sulfur, DVPE, distillation characteristics, quinizarin, RON, aromatics, benzene / 11th 2017 / 150 / 
SCHEMA 51 10 / solid fuel / calorific value, moisture, ash, VOCs, content (C,H,N,S) / 12th 2017 / 120 / 
SCHEMA 70 07 / honey / HMF, diastase, conductivity, moisture,
sugars, thyme pollen / 12th 2017 / 120 / 
SCHEMA 21 09 / potable water / anions: F-, Cl-, NO2-,NO3-, SO42-, PO43-
cations: Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, NH4+, hardness, pH, conductivity, alkalinity / 1st 2018 / 100 / 
SCHEMA 25 03 / water / microbiological parameters / 2nd 2018 / 230 / 
SCHEMA 13 08 / wine / alcoholic strength, acidity (volatile & total),
SO2 (free & total), pH / 2nd 2018 / 150 / 
SCHEMA 80 05 / dried fruit / sulphites, nutritional value, mycotoxins / 2nd 2018 / 150 / 
SCHEMA 91 05 / virgin olive oil / sensory evaluation / 3rd 2018 / 120 / 
SCHEMA 62 06 / foodstuffs / moisture, fat, protein, metals, nutritional value / 3rd 2018 / 120 / 
SCHEMA 22 08 / water / heavy metals: As, Cd, Cr, Pb, Fe, Mn, Al, Ni, Cu etc. / 4th 2018 / 100 / 
SCHEMA 50 09 / fuel oil / density, flash point, sulfur, kin. viscosity, carbon residue / 4th 2018 / 150 / 
SCHEMA 30 09 / ceramics / Pb and Cd migration / 5th 2018 / 180 / 
SCHEMA 51 11 / solid fuel / calorific value, moisture, ash, VOCs, content (C,H,N,S) / 6th 2018 / 120 / 
SCHEMA 55 01 / tobacco / CO, nicotine, water, NFDPM, etc / 7th 2018 / 130 / 
Transport costs are NOT included
Expression of Interest
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Contact person:
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FORM TITLE: Yearly programme / Page 1 of 1
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