Tuesday, January 31, 2006; 8:10 P.M. 888: My relative and I watched the evening news. I sat outside a bit. It feels like it might be below 50 degrees Fahrenheit this evening. We have been listening to some CD music through the central music system. We chatted with a couple of relatives. I ate dinner of the left over saffron rice with tomato and shrimp and left over lasagna along with mixed salad with Newman’s own dressing and a slice of cantaloupe. I will also have a couple of oatmeal cookies. At 9 P.M., we are going to watch the State of the Union Address. I will go to bed after that. I will shut down the computer after I post this. CIO

Tuesday, January 31, 2006; 5:35 P.M. 888: I was up at 8 A.M. this morning. I ate breakfast of oatmeal with cinnamon, sliced half banana, English muffin with margarine and orange jelly and a glass of fresh Florida orange juice with vitamins and supplements and coffee. I sat outside on the patio for a while. At night, one can see the constellation Orion’s belt, and I think if one follows it down towards the southern hemisphere, the bright star in the tip of the handle of the Little Dipper is the southern star, but it changes positions during the times of the year, so I do not think it always points south. I think my relative’s new house faces south east at the rear. Last night before going to bed, I put out the garbage can from the garage, and I put out about two dozen moving cardboard boxes to be picked up this afternoon by the garbage service. I showered, and I cleaned up. My relative, and I left about noon. We toured a neighboring development called GrandHarbor, and it faces on the Indian River from the mainland, and it is a very nice development. They have two 18 hole golf courses and a marina. We then went by the Indian River Mall. My relative stopped by the eye glass center there, and I stopped by Radio Shack. We then went Lowe’s, and my relative bought a four small ivy plants for $2.49 apiece and a flowering Amarillo type plant for $6. We checked out shower stall seats, but the ones they had were only 21 inches high. I then stopped by Office Depot, and I chatted with a sales clerk from Stamford, Connecticut. I bought a black Belkin Combo Mouse with three buttons and scroll wheel for $9.89 and a Office Depot mouse pad for $2.95 plus 7% Florida sales tax of .90 for $13.74 total. We then went by CVS nearby, and I bought two 3 ounce jars of cinnamon for .99 each for $1.98 total. We then went by Sam’s Club, and they did not have shower seats, but my relative bought me a pair of white Reebok 9 ½ Rebel XT fitness trainer sneakers for $24.77 plus $1.74 7% Florida state tax for $26.51 total. My relative also got a slab of Tyson K.C. Masterpiece cooked pork ribs for $11.88, a package of lamb chops for $8.11, and some fresh cookies for $5.68. We went by Wal-Mart, and they did not have a shower seat. We went by Home Depot, and they only had a 21 inch high shower seat. We went by Bed and Bath, and they had three types of bath seats less than 21 inches high. My relative thinks Perkins Medical supply near the hospital is the place to look for a shower seat. We went by Wendy’s, and my relative ate a small chocolate Mr. Frosty for .99, and I had a medium one for $1.29. We then returned to my relative’s house. The garbage had been picked up. I put the flowering plant on the screened in porch. My relative put the ivy elsewhere. I hooked up the Belkin Mouse to the IBM ThinkPad PS/2 mouse port, and I placed it on the left side of the keyboard on the Office Depot mouse pad, so it is now easier to use the IBM ThinkPad. My relative is taking a nap. We had a call from another relative, but the relative hung up. CIO

Monday, January 30, 2006; 8:45 P.M. 888: Earlier today before going out, I scraped some paint off the master bedroom bathroom floor. There were some small speckles of paint on it. I also vacuumed the hard surface floors through out the house. We just had dinner of saffron rice with shrimp and tomato sauce and mixed salad with Newman’s own dressing. We also had cold filtered water to drink. I will shut down the computer shortly. We are going to watch a bit of a movie before going to bed. CIO

Monday, January 30, 2006; 6:30 P.M. 888: On Sunday January 29, 2006 at 6:15 A.M. the Prime Time shuttle picked my up at my Greenwich, Connecticut apartment building on time, and they took me to J.F.K. airport. We dropped off another passenger at LaGuardia airport on the way. My fares hard been paid for by a relative. I did tip the van shuttle driver $5. I checked my large green duffle bag. I chatted outside with two other passengers while I had a cigarette or two. My flight departure was not until 9:30 A.M., so I had a couple of hours to use up. I went through security about 8 A.M.. I sat around the gate, and it became busier as the flight departure approached. There is a Starbucks in the lobby of the Delta terminal gate area which was quite busy. I used the bathroom behind it. My flight started boarding about 9 A.M., and we left the gate at 9:30 A.M., and we took off about fifteen minutes later. I had cheese and crackers and a cup of coffee on the flight. I used the bathroom once. I had had the same flight attendant on Delta last year. The flight was not too crowded, and the fellow across from me was stretched out on three seats sleeping. I read the Delta flight magazine, and I read the last two issues of AARP magazine. The flight had a slight bit of turbulence the entire way at about 32,000 feet. We arrived in Atlanta, Georgia on time about noon. I walked and took the shuttle train from the A concourse to the B concourse. I used the smoking lounge on the B concourse. I ate my turkey and Vermont cheese sandwich. My flight started loading at 1:25 P.M., and it departed at 1:55 P.M.. It was nearly a full flight, and it arrived at 3:15 P.M. at the Melbourne, Florida airport. I picked up my luggage, and I was promptly picked up by a relative out front of the airport terminal. We drove down A1A towards Vero Beach, Florida. We stopped at the Publix market north of the Sebastian inlet. We crossed over to the mainland at the Sebastian inlet. We stopped by CVS at U.S. 1 in Sebastian, and I bought 500 sheet package of Georgia Pacific paper for $6.49. I also bought two 16 ounce jars of Planters dry roasted peanuts for $3.59 both, and I also bought two Bic Lighters for $1.99 both. One is not allowed to carry butane lighters on commercial jets. I am staying with my relative in a retirement community on the mainland side of Vero Beach, Florida in a new house across the way from where my relative use to live on John’s Island. It is a full service retirement community, and it offers the conveniences of a retirement community. The new house is quite nice, and my other relatives that left on Sunday when I arrived had spend the last three weeks setting it up. I am staying in the guest room. I unpacked. We had dinner off left over saffron rice with creamed chicken and asparagus on it along with a glass of iced water. We watched television. I went to bed about 8 P.M., and I was not up until 10 A.M. this morning. I ate breakfast of oatmeal with cinnamon, sliced banana, English muffin with margarine and orange jelly and a glass of fresh Florida orange juice with vitamins and supplements. I showered, and I cleaned up. I have been smoking cigarettes on the back patio. I brought down the United StatesAirForceAcademy ash tray that I bought about 10 years ago at the GreenwichHospital Thrift Shop. I hooked up the NOAA weather radio next to the television in the sitting room off the kitchen. I am using the old IBM think pad with Windows 98 to write this note. It is set up with a local internet access provider with dialup connection. I turned off the pictures options in Internet Explorer, so it works faster. A neighbor has WiFi that I could try to use, but I did not bring my USB Wifi adapter. Today the maid did not show up, because she could not find the house. A delivery person delivered some drawers that were repaired. Last night we put out the recycle bins, and today we put them back in the garage. We need to get a cart to transport the recycle bins that is available in Sebastian. Today about noon we went out. We went by the Northern Trust Bank on the beach side, and it is being torn down to build a new bank building, so they are using a temporary building. The building being torn down is just 10 years old, but it was damaged by last year’s hurricanes. We went by the nearby post office. I got my relative some stamps. I bought a mailing box about 10 inches by 24 inches by 20 inches for $3.59. We stopped by the east end of the road by the restaurant and looked at the beach. We drove along the waterfront. They are still repairing buildings from last year’s hurricanes. We went by T.J. Maxx on the mainland, we returned the pair of khakis for $16.99 credit. My relative bought me a clearance item Ralph Lauren short sleeve orange and yellow plaid shirt for $16, three pairs of white Kalvin Cline socks for $7.99 all, and two pairs of a blue and a white pair of Tommy Hillfiger boxer shorts for $9.49 both pairs. We got a 10% off senior discount. We then went by Radio Shack, and I bought a two line phone splitter for $6.09 with tax. We then returned back to my relative’s home. I ate a sliced turkey and Irish Swiss cheese sandwich with mayonnaise on fresh Italian bread along with potato chips and a dill pickle and a Barq’s root beer with ice. I put a Yamaha CD player in the post office mailing box along with some old towels, and I will mail it back up north to use. The Yamaha CD players was made in 1998, so it is ten years newer than my current Philips CD player. I am also mailing it with a Tom Wolfe book that my relative gave me. I put the black two line phone splitter on the phone jack with the IBM laptop computer and line telephone. I just wrote this web note, and my relative just woke up from a nap. I will post this note shortly. I do not want to tie up my relative’s telephone link too much. CIO

Note:<888> 01/29/06 Sunday 5:20 A.M.: I will go ahead and shut down the computer now. Thus it might be two weeks before the next notes when I return from Vero Beach, Florida. I will go down to the front lobby at 5:45 A.M. to wait for my 6:15 A.M. van ride to J.F.K. airport. CIO

Note:<888> 01/29/06 Sunday 5:00 A.M.:BBC NEWS | Business | Gates gives $600m more to stop TB . Augustine has been lowered to Red Alaska Volcano Observatory . CIO

Note:<888> 01/29/06 Sunday 4:50 A.M.: In the hallway on the right bookcase, I rotated the British Union Jack flag with the U.S.A. flag, so the U.S.A. flag now shows, and on the left bookcase, I rotated the Dutch tri color flag with the Swedish flag, so the Swedish flag now shows. Of course all of the smaller international flags are still displayed on the Danish bar in the living room. CIO

Note:<888> 01/29/06 Sunday 4:35 A.M.: I went to bed at 7 P.M., and I was awake at 2 A.M.. I watered the plants again.I ate breakfast of oatmeal with cinnamon, milk, and a sliced banana and a toasted bagel with olive oil, vitamins, supplements, a 75% mixture of cold orange juice with a 25% mixture of cold filtered water, and a cup of coffee with a package of Splenda and a little bit of milk in the coffee.I made my bed, and I washed the breakfast dishes. I showered, and I cleaned up. I have my luggage all packed and ready to go. I am also taking the spare Radio Shack NOAA weather radio from the bedroom down to my relative's house in Florida which might be handy. They supposedly have a laptop computer there, so I do not need to take my older laptop computer. However, I probably will not be publishing my notes, since I would not want to tie up the telephone line, and I would rather enjoy Florida while I am there. I turned down the bedroom and living room thermostats to 60 degrees Fahrenheit. I turned off the toilet water. I toasted two pieces of Arnold 12 grain bread, and I put on twelve 1.25 inch by 1.25 inch by .25 inch slices of Stop and Shop Vermont extra sharp cheddar cheese and 5 ounces of Healthy Choice 1/32nds inch thick slices of turkey alternating three layers of turkey and three layers of cheese. I put it in a zip lock bag to have to eat in the airport in Atlanta for lunch. I did not put mayonnaise on it, so it would not possibly spoil. I am also taking back down to Florida a pair of pants that were sent to me at Christmas time that were two inches two long to exchange. The weather looks fine in at Melborne, Florida and J.F.K. New York, but there are suppose to be thunderstorms about the time I am in Atlanta, Georgia Atlanta, Georgia (30301) Conditions & Forecast : Weather Underground , so that might possibly delay my arrival or departure from Atlanta, Georgia, but they are suppose to be clearing around the time I get there, shortly after noon. CIO

Note:<888> 01/28/06 Saturday 6:30 P.M.: I went through my email. I will now shut down the computer. I will go to bed about 7 P.M., and I will get up at 3 A.M. to depart at 6:15 A.M.. I will not be updating my notes until at the earlier Sunday Evening, February 12, 2006, when I return. For the latest events happening where I will be visiting Vero Beach, Florida try TCPalm . CIO

End of Scott's Notes week of 01/28/06:

Note:<888> 01/28/06 Saturday 5:50 P.M.: After eating the turkey pot pie, I also ate six 1/32nds inch thick slices of Healthy Choice sliced turkey, and I also ate the rest of the cheese cake. I threw out the garbage including the half of a 12 ounce tub of Light and Lively cottage cheese and two plum tomatoes. All I have to clear out of the refrigerator is the milk. I will now send out my weekly notes. I will not be publishing my Random Notes while I am away for two weeks in Vero Beach, Florida. CIO

Note:<888> 01/28/06 Saturday 5:10 P.M.: Prime Time Shuttle called to confirm my 6:15 A.M. pickup tomorrow morning for which I made shuttle reservations for my trip to Vero Beach, FloridaTCPalm by calling at 1-203-891-1280 or 1-800-377-8745 . I will be leaving my apartment building at 6:15 A.M. for J.F.K. airport on tomorrow morning on Sunday January 29, 2006, and I will call them on my return to J.F.K. airport Sunday February 12, 2006 on the ground courtesy telephone number #27 to have them dispatch the return van. I am microwaving a Marie Callender 16 ounce frozen turkey pot pie, which I will eat with a glass of iced tea for dinner. CIO

Note:<888> 01/28/06 Saturday 4:55 P.M.: I went outside, and I threw out some garbage and old periodical literature. I chatted with some neighbors. I finished packing, and I just have to throw my Dobb kit in my flight carry on bad. I also have the large green duffle bag. I printed out my boarding passes. I chatted with a relative twice. I went outside briefly again. I turn off the window ledge fan, and the two air purifiers. The airport van picks me up at my apartment building tomorrow morning here at 6:15 A.M. to take me to J.F.K. airport.

The flight information is:

Day Date Flight Status Class City Time Other Cabin




Note:<888> 01/28/06 Saturday 1:25 P.M.: I made my bed, and I washed the breakfast dishes. I chatted with three relatives. I will now shower and clean up, but I am not going out. I have to start packing and getting ready to leave, plus I have to go through my email. CIO

Note:<888> 01/28/06 Saturday 12:10 P.M.: I was awake at 10 A.M..I ate breakfast of oatmeal with cinnamon, milk, and a sliced banana and a toasted bagel with olive oil, vitamins, supplements, a 75% mixture of cold orange juice with a 25% mixture of cold filtered water, and a cup of coffee with a package of Splenda and a little bit of milk in the coffee. I picked up my mail. I chatted with a relative. My Optimum Digital Television cable service was not working. The television says my "Explorer set top is not authorized for use". Whatever, the problem, cablevision has had me on hold waiting for about 30 minutes. They just reactivated the Optimum Digital cable box, and it is now working just fine. Yes, all of my bills are paid up, but I will not pay next month's bills until I return from Florida on February 12, 2006. CIO

Note:<888> 01/27/06 Friday 10:35 P.M.: I chatted with a friend. I will now shut down the computer, and I will go to bed soon. CIO

Note:<888> 01/27/06 Friday 9:50 P.M.: I chatted with two relatives, and I ate a piece of cheese cake. CIO