Unit Title and Objectives / List CLTs for Each Objective / Brief Description ofFormative Assessment(s) / End-of-Unit Benchmark or Performance Assessment
Unit: Scientific Method
Design, conduct and evaluate an experiment
Determine the tools and techniques to collect, analyze and interpret data
Use data, quantitative and qualitative, to determine patterns and support for conclusions / Formulate testable questions and hypotheses / Students will identify the variables in mock scientific scenarios.
Students will design and write the correct procedure for a scientific experiment.
Students will write a formal laboratory report over the scientific experiment they developed. / End of Unit Benchmark Exam
Identify independent and dependent variables, constants and controls
Use tools to gather data such as thermometers, balances and graduated cylinders
Measure in SI units
Predict/extrapolate data and explain the relationship between independent and dependent variables
Decide whether data supports or rejects hypotheses
Unit: Biomolecules
Relate the structure of organic compounds including water, to their biological role
Explain how enzymes affect chemical reactions / Identify the structure of atoms, compounds, molecules and elements. / Students will write a formal laboratory report after completing a laboratory assignment on carbohydrates, proteins and lipids.
Students will design a diet that is conducive to weight loss using the knowledge of the function of carbohydrates, proteins and fats
Students will take a clicker quiz over enzyme function by analyzing data to see if enzyme production was helpful in the reaction / End of Unit Benchmark Exam
Diagram and explain the function of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids.
Explain how enzymes break down food molecules and help with growth and repair
Explain how enzymes repair and regulate biochemical reactions
Unit: Cell Structure and Function
Describe the structure and function of cell organelles
Describe the physical and chemical interactions between cell organelles
Describe the similarities and differences in plant and animal cells / Describe the following organelles in structure and function- mitochondria, chloroplast, nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, golgi body, cell wall, cell membrane, vacuole and cytoplasm. / Students will be given a quiz to identify cell structures on an unlabeled diagram.
Students will create a 3 dimensional cell model and explain the function of each organelle
Students will complete a Tchart listing the organelles of a plant and animal cell and noting the differences / End of Unit Benchmark Exam
Compare and contrast mitochondria and chloroplast and cell walls and cell membranes
Compare the organelles found in a plant cell and an animal cell and identify the differences.
Unit Title and Objectives / List CLTs for Each Objective / Brief Description ofFormative Assessment(s) / End-of-Unit Benchmark or Performance Assessment
Unit: Cellular Transport
Explain the significance of the selectively permeable membrane
Predict the movement of molecules needed for a cell to maintain homeostasis / Explain the difference between permeable and semi-permeable / Students will write a formal laboratory report on the carrot/osmosis lab
Students will complete an exit exam identifying cells as being in a hypertonic, hypotonic or isotonic state
Students will complete a Venn diagram describing the similarities and differences of osmotic cells / End of Unit Benchmark Exam
Explain concentration gradient
Explain the processes of diffusion and osmosis
Diagram and explain hypertonic, hypotonic and isotonic solutions
Unit: Photosynthesis/Cellular Respiration
Explain the interrelationship between photosynthesis and cellular respiration
Determine what factors affect the process of photosynthesis and cellular respiration / Compare and contrast mitochondria and chloroplast / Students will create a poster diagramming photosynthesis and cellular respiration
Students will write a formal laboratory report on the rate of light and photosynthesis rate.
Students will take a clicker quiz over the reactants/products and chemical equations of photosynthesis and cellular respiration. / End of Unit Benchmark Exam
Describe the reactants and products of photosynthesis and cellular respiration
Determine how changing the amount of light, temperature, carbon dioxide and water will affect the rate of photosynthesis
Determine how the amount of glucose and oxygen affects the rate of cellular respiration
Unit: Ecosystems/Food Webs
Explain the types of organisms that would be found on each trophic level in a food web
Predict how the use and flow of energy will be altered due to changes in a food web / Explain the levels of a food chain- producers, consumers and decomposers / Students will create a human food chain to reflect correct knowledge on the placement of organisms in a food chain.
Students will write a formal laboratory report over owl pellet dissection.
Students will complete an exit question by drawing and labeling a correct food chain / End of Unit Benchmark Exam
Give examples of herbivores, carnivores, omnivores and detritivores
Describe why energy pyramids contain more producers than consumers
Identify the trophic levels of a food web and how energy flow limits their number
Unit Title and Objectives / List CLTs for Each Objective / Brief Description ofFormative Assessment(s) / End-of-Unit Benchmark or Performance Assessment
Unit: DNA
Describe the chemical properties of DNA
Describe the structural properties of DNA / Explain the subunits of DNA and how they form the double helix model / Students will complete a clicker quiz on the subunits of DNA
Students will create a DNA model using push pins and straws to show the double helix structure / End of Unit Benchmark Exam
Explain the double helix structure of DNA
Explain base pairing rules
Unit: Protein Synthesis
Recognize that DNA codes for proteins which are the heritable characteristics
Explain how an error in DNA can be transferred during replication / Compare DNA and RNA / Students will create a Venn diagram showing the similarities and differences between transcription and translation
Students will write a formal laboratory report on the building a protein lab / End of Unit Benchmark Exam
Explain the process of transcription and translation
Compare and contrast mRNA, tRNA and rRNA
Identify the types of mutations
Identify possible causes and results of DNA mutations
Unit: Cellular Reproduction
Illustrate the chromosomes of daughter cells are identical to the parent cell
Illustrate the chromosomes of daughter cells show no genetic variation / Explain the phases of mitosis / Students will use pipe cleaners as chromosomes to visualize cell division
Students will complete a clicker quiz on the phases of mitosis, given visual clues / End of Unit Benchmark Exam
Compare and contrast the terms diploid and haploid
Diagram the phases of mitosis and the structures associated with
Unit: Reproduction
WEEKS- 7-9
Recognize, during meiosis, the formation of chromosomes reduces the number of chromosomes by half
Explain how fertilization restores the diploid number of chromosomes
Describe the advantages and disadvantages of asexual and sexual reproduction / Explain the phases of meiosis / Students will create a powerpoint presentation to visualize the phases of meiosis
Students will take a clicker quiz over identifying different organisms and the way they reproduce
Students will complete a formal laboratory report on using the microscope and identifying meiotic divisions / End of Unit Benchmark Exam
Explain the terms diploid and haploid
Compare the processes of oogenesis and spermatogenesis
Diagram the process of fertilization
Describe the types of asexual and sexual reproduction
Explain the advantages and disadvantages of asexual and sexual reproduction
Unit Title and Objectives / List CLTs for Each Objective / Brief Description ofFormative Assessment(s) / End-of-Unit Benchmark or Performance Assessment
Unit: Mendelian Genetics
Identify possible causes and effects of DNA mutations
Explain how genotypes contribute to phenotypic variations
Explain how the pattern on inheritance for many traits can be predicted using the principles of Mendelian genetics / Explain the common causes and effects of DNA mutations / Students will create a PowerPoint presentation over a genetic disorder to explain the cause, treatment and outcome of the disorder
Students will create a “baby face” using concepts of Mendelian genetics and the knowledge of probability
Students will complete a clicker quiz over monohybrid crosses / End of Unit Benchmark Exam
Explain the passing of traits from parent to offspring is called heredity
Describe forms of a gene as being dominant or recessive
Identify the terms and physical characteristics of homozygous or heterozygous genes/traits
Perform a monohybrid cross and predict the probability of the occurrence of specific traits in an offspring
Unit: Natural Selection
Identify examples of adaptations that may have resulted from natural selection
Explain how environmental factors can be agents of natural selection / Describe an adaptation as a structural or behavioral trait that improves an organisms likelihood of survival and reproduction / Students will create a poster describing and explaining adaptations in today’s animals
Students will complete an exit exam identifying adaptations in modern animals, including humans
Students will write a formal laboratory report over the peppered moth laboratory experiment which addresses how temperature affects the organisms ability to survive / End of Unit Benchmark Exam
Describe examples such as long legs and long necks as examples of natural selection
Explain how environmental factors such as habitat loss, climate change, pollution and introduction of non native species can be agents of natural selection
Unit: Symbiotic Relationships
Explain the nature of interactions between organisms is symbiotic
Explain how cooperative and competitive relationships maintain balance within an ecosystem / Explain the term symbiosis / Students will write a formal lab report on the predator/prey lab.
Students will have a clicker quiz on identifying symbiotic relationships between pairs of animals
Students will “role play” competition and cooperation in a mock environment and determine how each affects the individual organisms and the community as a whole / End of Unit Benchmark Exam
Provide examples of symbiotic relationships such as parasitism, mutualism and commensalism
Explain predator/prey relationships of some organisms
Explain how competition for resources influences the makeup of communities in an ecosystem
4th QUARTER (Cont’d)
Unit Title and Objectives / List CLTs for Each Objective / Brief Description ofFormative Assessment(s) / End-of-Unit Benchmark or Performance Assessment
Unit: Populations
Identify and explain the limiting factors that affect the carrying capacity of a population / Explain what is defined as an ecosystem / Students will create a poster identifying the abiotic and biotic factors in an ecosystem
Students will participate in a “mock” scenario concerning the deer population in Missouri and how the carrying capacity is affected
Students will have an exit exam quiz on the identification of an ecosystem / End of Unit Benchmark Exam
Identify the biotic and abiotic factors of an ecosystem
Explain how population growth is affected by the abiotic and biotic factors