Newton Flotman Parish Council Meeting

Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 24th November 2015

Present David Gibbs (Chairman) Julie King (Clerk)

Bob McKelvey

Christopher Remer

Bob Kelf

Jean Wilson

Nigel Morgan

Members of the public: Graham and Laura from Mulbarton Community First Responders, PC Glenn Hambling, PCSO Darrin Sore and Colin Foulger – County Councillor.

1.  Apologies for Absence
It was agreed to accept apologies from Evelyn Domeyer.

2.  Minutes of the Meeting held on 29th September 2015
These were agreed as a true record of proceedings with no amendments.

3.  Declaration of Interest for Items on the Agenda
Jean Wilson and Christopher Remer declared an interest in any items relating to the Village Centre as they are trustees of the Management Committee. Christopher Remer declared an interest in item 8e – Church building repairs, Community Hub and automated shop – as he was working with Chris Gaze on the automated shop project. Jean Wilson declared an interest in any items relating to the Church as she is a member of the PCC. Christopher Remer declared an interest in item 10c as the request had come from his wife. Christopher Remer declared an interest in item 10j as he was working closely with football club. Bob McKelvey declared an interest in item 9e as he did work for one of the contractors quoting.

4.  Public Participation
Graham introduced himself as one of two trained Community First Responders based in Mulbarton and Laura as a new volunteer based in Newton Flotman who was due to start her training in the new year. He explained that the Community Frist Responders were a branch of the East of England Ambulance Service and were deployed by them to attend emergency medical situations where they were able to offer assistance prior to the arrival of the Paramedics. They carried life-saving equipment and he thanked the Parish Council for their recent donation which had assisted in the purchase of necessary equipment. Graham ended by explaining that they were able to run first aid training sessions on behalf of Heartstart, covering many first aid situations including defibrillator training, at a cost of £2 per head.
PCSO Darrin Sore introduced himself as the new PCSO for Newton Flotman following a re-organisation of the policing areas. Newton Flotman had transferred from the Long Stratton to the Hethersett and Mulbarton Safer Neighbourhood team. He spoke of the time he had already spent in Newton Flotman both out on foot but also visiting Olive House and the school. He had been made aware of parking concerns at the junction of Old Street and the A140 and was following this up with Highways and residents. PC Glen Hambling introduced himself as the Beat Manager and said that there had been just one crime since the last Parish Council meeting, a male had been arrested for possession of drugs at property on Ipswich Road. They both encouraged residents to get in touch using the non-emergency number 101 and to sign up to receive crime information directly from Norfolk Constabulary by clicking on the red Home Watch triangle on their website.
Colin Foulger spoke of savings that had to be made at the County Council and the ongoing consultation. He said that following the threat of a judicial review, the Northern Distributor Road had been reconsidered and again agreed by Full Council, the potential cost of the resulting delay was around £500,000. He said that the work at the Postwick junction of the A47 was almost complete.
With regard to issues raised with Highways, it appeared that the flooding under the railway bridge was being made worse by a lack of ditch maintenance. The landowner was identified and details would be passed by the Clerk to Highways.
It was noted that Gary Overland had responded regarding the request for a meeting to look at options for the A140 Flordon Road junction. He had said that whilst he was aware of concerns regarding the junction, with the limited funding available for Capital Improvement Works they were not in a position to consider the junctions.
It was also noted that Highways would be progressing a structural maintenance scheme to resurface the junction of Flordon Road and the A140.
Finally Colin said that talks continued between the developers and Highways regarding the maximum speed of the Long Stratton by-pass.
Jean Wilson said that she had been concerned to hear that Suffolk would be applying in-year cuts of 20% to their public health budget and asked Colin if he was aware of any similar situations in Norfolk, Colin said that all cuts currently being considered were for future years.

5.  Correspondence
A Parishioner had expressed concerns regarding the clearing of reeds and planting of grass between the old and new Tas bridges and the resulting loss of habitat. It was agreed that the Parish Council would ask the Environment Agency to assess damage and consider erecting a notice advising the public not to undertake work in or around the river.

6.  Councillor Updates
Christopher Remer said that he had attended the second Community Lunch, it had again been a success with 22 attending. Christopher said that he was assisting Newton Flotman Football Club with publicity and improvements to post-match hosting. Christopher said that he had become an administrator for the Newton Flotman Village Community Facebook page and said that one post had been viewed by 400 people.
Jean Wilson said that she was involved in various ongoing items at the surgery and she too had attended the Community Lunch.

7.  Matters Arising

8.  Regular Items

a.  SAM 2 Device
Nigel presented and talked Councillors through the statistics from the recent location at Greenwood, Flordon Road assessing traffic from the A140. They showed a number of vehicles significantly breaking the speed-limit with one vehicle recorded doing 75mph at 15.55 on 22nd October.
It was suggested that it may be appropriate in the New Year to share the collated data with the Police.
Consideration was given to using the device on Short Street to do a vehicle count, however it was decided that this was not a priority at this stage. It was noted that there was an increase in parked lorries on Short Street.

b.  Community Speedwatch
It was still hoped to organise a session soon.

c.  Other Highway Issues

i  Resurfacing of Flordon Road
It was noted that patching works had been identified and it was expected that these would be completed within the next few weeks.

ii  Flooding Under Railway Bridge
This had been discussed under item 4.

d.  Village Centre and Alan King Playing Field – Inc. Sport England Grant
It was noted that the brambles at the Alan Avenue entrance to the Playing Field were becoming overgrown. It was agreed that Bob McKelvey would arrange for them to be cut back.

e.  Church building repairs, Community Hub and automated shop
Chris Gaze, as Project Manager, had provided a written update which had been circulated and was noted.

f.  Registrants and Views for the Parish Council Website
Statistics had been circulated and were noted.

9.  Matters Arising

a.  Long Stratton Area Action Plan including Long Stratton Bypass
Planning application awaited.

b.  A140/Flordon Road Junction
This had been discussed under Item 4.

c.  Community Emergency Plan
The questionnaires had been delivered to households and South Norfolk Council estimated that they had received around an eighth of them back. The Clerk would collect the responses the following day.

d.  Parish Partnership Scheme 2016/17
Further consideration was given to an application to this scheme in light of Highways introduction of ‘pothole repairs’. It was recognised that most of the potholes in the Parish were on Flordon Road which would be filled in the near future. It was agreed not to submit an application.

e.  Ditch Clearance between the allotments and the Village Centre
Three quotes had been sought and two received, these were considered. Bob McKelvey explained that following the allotment meeting, where it had been noted that children were coming over the gate and getting out through the flats, he had added some additional fencing to the specification to seal off the route. It was agreed to accept the quote from DT Dye at a cost of £685 plus VAT. The Clerk would ask DT Dye to proceed, having confirmed that work would be undertaken as specified, and to liaise with Bob McKelvey as necessary. It was agreed that payment would be made following assurance from Bob McKelvey that the work had been completed.

10. New Items

a.  South Norfolk Council’s Tree Grant Scheme and Re-establishing a Tree Warden
It was noted that a new grant scheme had been launched by South Norfolk Council, it was agreed that no trees were needed at present. Consideration was given to re-establishing a tree warden and it was agreed that there was no need for a tree warden at present.

b.  Parish Chair’s Meeting – Amalgamation of Parishes
It was noted that a recent meeting at South Norfolk Council had outlined the forthcoming Parish Boundary Review. Parliamentary, County Council, District Council and Parish Council boundaries were being considered, starting with Parliamentary boundaries to be completed in time for the next election. It was understood that there would not be any pressure on Parish Councils to make changes, but it had been suggested that amalgamation of Parishes may assist in areas where it was difficult to recruit Councillors. It was also noted that it would be an opportunity to redefine boundaries. Questions were asked regarding the number of Parish Councillors, it was recognised that, considering the number of electors, seven Councillors was a low number, however it was the number currently set for Newton Flotman.

c.  Carol Singing – Christmas Tree on Kings Green
A request had been received to once again allow carol singing around the Christmas tree on Kings Green along with the decoration of the tree with solar powered lights. It was recognised that this had been a popular event and it was agreed to grant the necessary permission.

d.  Notice Boards
Consideration was given to the provision of noticeboards in the village, including the accessibility of the notice board on St Mary’s Close. It was noted that the board for Parish Council notices was on Lime Bank with the one on St Mary’s Close left for general publications. Concern was once again expressed regarding the position of the St Mary’s Close notice board.

e.  Contract for Bus Shelter Cleaner
Consideration was given to producing a contract for the bus shelter cleaner.
It was agreed that the contract should include:
- clearing of glass and other debris around the recycling centre at the bottom of St Mary’s Close
- clearing of out-of-date notices from the notice board at the bottom of St. Mary’s Close
- cleaning of the bus shelter
all to be carried out once a week for a payment of £45 bi-monthly.

f.  Terms of Reference for Staffing Advisory Committee
Consideration was given to producing terms of reference for a Staffing Advisory Committee. It was agreed that a Staffing Advisory Committee was not necessary at this time.

g.  Sharing of SAM 2 Device
Following a request from Swainsthorpe Parish Council consideration was given to sharing the SAM 2 device. It was noted that Highways had been contacted and they had no objection.
It was agreed that the Council would be happy, in principle, to hire out the device. Swainsthorpe Parish Council would have to arrange the locations and buy the necessary bracket/s. Consideration would have to be given to the price to charge, the Clerk would investigate the insurance implications.

h.  Process for Adding Items to the Website
Following Christopher Remer’s recent appointment as Administrator for the Community Facebook page, he asked if the Council was happy for him to post links to Parish Council website items, this was agreed.

i.  Norfolk ALC’s AGM
No-one would be available for the AGM on 6th January.

j.  Newton Flotman Football Club – Signs on Kings Green
Following a request from Newton Flotman Football Club, it was agreed that, for a trial period, they could erect temporary signs on Kings Green to advertise forthcoming football matches two days before as long as they were removed as soon as the event was over.

11. Periodic Items

a.  Asset Register
The asset register had been circulated, it was reviewed and no alterations were made.

12. Consultations

a.  Norfolk County Council’s Re-imagining Norfolk
This was noted.

b.  Norfolk Older People’s Strategic Partnership – New Three Year Strategy
This was noted. It was agreed that a copy would be forwarded to the manager of Olive House.

13. Finance

a.  Receipts and Payments since the last meeting
The following receipts since the last meeting were noted:
South Norfolk Council Recycling Centre Adopter Payment £200.00
South Norfolk Council Precept £4,565.50
HMRC VAT refund £1,365.37
Allotment Holders Rent and subscription £408.00
The following payments since the last meeting were noted:
Anglian Water Allotment Water £42.00