Chesterfield Cycle Campaign Meeting

14th May 2013


Present-Paul Balderson, Alastair Miekle, Megan Cook, Barry Kay,

Chris Allen, Nigel Vernon.

Apologies-Pam Kay, Joe Clark.

In the Absence of JC, Chris Allen chaired the meeting.

Minutes of the last meeting (April 2013):

The minutes were accepted as a true record.

Matters arising:

The CTC membership issue has still not been sorted, AM will try to speak to them.

Tesco cycle route-AM met the Belgiums who visited Chesterfield by bike.

Lee Wright has not arranged to meet AM who will chase him up.

The TPT is due to be reopened very soon.

Mayday was quiet, but we sold a few items and got 2 new members, it was noted that a band was on the stage of the winding wheel making communication very difficult.

The grass track racing at Thorseby Hall on 19th May has been cancelled.

Membership report:


Treasurer’s report:

£2566.19. A cheque for Rob Alton is still outstanding. A cheque for £50.00 is needed to secure the booking for the pie and pea supper, this will be paid closer to the time.

Secretary’s report:

Simon Tranter usually sends AM a list ofg schemes for the next financial year, but AM hasn’t had one yet, probably due to the elections.

There is a new lead member for transport-Joan Dixon-M will try to contact her to introduce ourselves.

We have received a cheque from Spire cycling club, so they are now members, AM to send them some maps

The notice board at the station will be having a plastic cover put in soon.

Avenue cocking plant, Claire O’Reily is the person to talk to, but we havn’t had much response, so we need to look out for the planning application on line so we can comment on it.

Catherine Jacobs is leaving her job, she was the lead on the cycle audit of Chesterfield.

Webmaster: OK


Hipper Valley 3:The new application is on the DCC website, there is no date on it for the planning commitee meeting, no comments were added on it, AM will look into it.

Bike Week and other events:

Sunday June 9th Hasland Gala, 100th year of Eastwood park, volunteers needed to run a stall.

Sunday 16th June cycle ride from Tapton Lock at 1pm to Staveley via the TPT and back via the canal approx 10 miles, lead by AM.

Wednesday June 19th Spire club freewheelers event, 6.30pm at Shillito Woods.

Friday June 21st Pie and pea supper, The Crispin Inn. £5.00/head. PB will lead a ride from Town Hall at 6.30pm to arrive at the Crispin for 7.00pm, food served at 7.30pm.

June 29th and 30th (10am-4pm)-Canal festival, we have booked a stall and need volunteers to run it on the Saturday.

Sunday 14th July Inkerman Buzz at Inkerman Park, 11am-3pm, volunteers needed to run a stall.

7-15th September Peak District cycle festival.

Saturday 5th October-Chatsworth Road festival, featuring the “cycle in style” ride.


Nicola Peck wants AM to investigate the crossing of Park Rd as the road is always busy at 8.30am, she suggested a box junction, we can probably ask for a keep clear sign. She also noted that cars sometimes go through the toucan crossing on Walton Rd when it is red.

AM to contact Dan O’Neill to see if anything has happened about the missing link to the railway station.

AM received an email to say someone has dumped a large pile of sand on the TPT at Tapton Lock golf course.

The meeting ended at 8.25pm

Date of Next Meeting:

Tuesday 11th June 2013, 7.00pm at The Town Hall, Chesterfield.