Essay Prompts for The Kite Runner


  • The Kite Runner uses the structure of historical and political events to shape the story of its characters. Select an event closer to home and write a piece of fiction that is similarly linked to that event. You may choose any setting you like, but your characters must be touched by real events in some way. Be sure to consider the effects of such events on “average” people, since the history books tend to focus only on those in power!
  • Choose a major scene from The Kite Runner and retell it with a different narrator, such as Hassan, Baba, Soraya or another character of your choosing. Be sure to use imagery and descriptive language. Get into your chosen character’s mind and imagine how the events of the story would look from their point of view, given their life and experiences. Describe his or her thoughts and feelings about what happens as the scene unfolds. Consider what kind of language he or she would use (would irony feature as strongly as it does when Amir tells the story, for example?).


  • Consider the way Afghanistan and Afghani people have been portrayed by the American media. Given what you have seen in the classroom, and what you have seen on the news or in magazines, is there is a problem with the way this culture and group of people have been presented, or is the bias completely justified? Choose a side, and defend it using research and evidence from the book to support your opinion.
  • High school students are notorious for choosing to watch the movie over reading the book, but in the case of The Kite Runner, which version is more valuable? Consider the portrayal of Afghan culture, themes, character development, tone, mood, etc. and persuade your reader that one version of the story is better/ more valuable than the other. Use evidence and specific examples from both versions to defend your position.


***Remember to cite your sources for all research!***

  • Think about the fathers in the novel. According to the novel, what does it mean to be a father? What about in the “real world”? How can one measure one’s success at fathering? Some characters to consider: Baba, Ali, Amir, Hassan, General Taheri, Farid, Wahid, Raymond Andrews. Use evidence from the book, and consider doing research into the role of fathers in various cultures and time periods. Also consider researching the psychology of fathers and sons.
  • Research Afghan culture and some of the political events that occur during the course of the story. Explain the connections between some of these events and the lives of the characters. How do Amir and Hassan represent the divisions in Afghan society, and how do these divisions affect the courses their lives take? How do the political events that occur in Afghanistan shape the lives of Amir, Hassan, and Assef?

OR: Suggest your own! If you have a great idea that you don’t see listed here, propose it to me. If it seems sufficiently deep, I will approve it, and we can decide which type of essay is appropriate.