PSYC 3385

Multicultural Issues


Fall 2002


Psychology Department

Course Outline



COURSE TITLE: Multicultural Issues in Psychology

FACULTY: John M. Velasquez, Ph.D.

TIME: Tuesday and Thursday 1:20-2:35 AM

ROOM: NB 217


OFFICE HOURS: Tues/Thurs 10:30-12:00 PM (other hours by appointment)




Course Description: An exploration of multicultural issues from a theoretical and practical perspective with emphases on historical, sociopolitical, and professional approaches to serving diverse populations. Psychological theory and approaches will be the predominant perspective; however, multidisciplinary approaches also will be applied.

·  To increase awareness of the full range of issues which influence the daily lives of diverse populations.

·  To increase awareness of your personal worldview as a method for enhancing an understanding of diverse populations.

·  To increase your knowledge in theoretical application and service delivery to diverse populations.

·  To develop a working knowledge base of the four largest cultural groups.

·  To develop skills in intra- and interpersonal communication.

·  To develop skills in evaluating multicultural issues.


Sue, D.W., & Sue, D. (2003). Counseling the culturally diverse: Theory and practice (4th Ed). New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [ISBN 0-471-41980-X]

Supplementary Readings: Other required articles and/or required chapters may be assigned on a regular basis to complement the course objectives. These articles will either be placed in the library in the reserve section or handed out in class.


Reaction Papers (50%): Regularly you will be asked to write a brief (1-2 page) response to readings and class discussions. The papers will represent critical thinking and integration regarding your knowledge base. They will also represent your personal and scholarly responses to the issues and information presented in class. Reaction papers are to be turned in by 5 PM on the day of the week they are due. See attached document for detailed instructions. See the outline for due dates. The breakdown of grade weights is as follows:

·  Reaction Papers 1-3 = 10%

·  Reaction Papers 4-6 = 15%

·  Reaction Papers 7-9 = 25%

Exams (21%): Three multiple choice, closed-book, 20 item exams will be given during the semester to test your fundamental knowledge of the current unit. Each exam will constitute 7% of your course grade. Exams will be given at the end of the hour, and they will cover material presented since the last exam and through the class session on the date of the exam. You will have 20 minutes to complete each exam. Material that will be tested is found in the course textbook and the supplemental readings assigned. See the outline for a schedule of exam dates.

Project (15%): Each student will develop an original, creative presentation that incorporates awareness, knowledge, and skills of multicultural issues. You can choose to present the project as an individual or you may group with other students to present (2-3 students/group). Examples: dramatic skit, videotaped program, role-play, dynamic lecture/speech, interpretation of media, etc. Each presentation, regardless of content and method, will be 10-15 minutes long and will be accompanied by a brief, 2-3 page written summary. Projects will be presented in class during the final weeks of the course.

Final Exam (14%): There will be a take-home, open-book final exam designed to test your ability to apply the knowledge and skills gained the course. The exam will be given out in class on December 5th and will be due December 10th by 3:00 PM.


The grading scale for the determination of the final course grade will be as follows:

90 -
88 -
80 -
78 -
70 -
60 -
0 - / 100
59 / = A
= B+
= B
= C+
= C
= D
= F

Attendance: As indicated in the attendance policy of UIW, instructors are permitted to advise student who miss more than 15% of all meetings to withdraw from the course. Attendance policy of UIW allows students to miss classes due to University sponsored events (“excused absences”); therefore, the attendance policy of this course allows for such absences with appropriate University documentation. [Other absences (family and medical) will also require some form of written documentation.] However, if any combination of unexcused and excused absences totals more than 15% of class meetings, your professor may advise you to withdraw from the course.

NOTE: If there are extenuating circumstances and you believe your circumstances warrant special consideration, you must communicate these circumstances to the instructor prior to or immediately following a missed class session. It will always serve your best interests if you communicate with the professor prior to or immediately following every absence.

Academic Honesty: Cheating, plagiarism, and other acts of dishonorable conduct can result in the student receiving a sanction for the assignment and also may result in a referral to the dean’s office, VP for Academic Affairs and Student Life, and/or the Honor Board. Refer to the student handbook for specifics of this policy.


(Professor reserves the right to alter the schedule at any time*)


August 22

/ Introduction to Course
Multicultural Awareness Knowledge, and Skills Survey (MAKSS);
Ethnic Identity Development / MAKSS (in class)
Ethnicity measure (in class)
August 27 & 29 / Superordinate Nature of Multicultural Issues

Reaction Paper #1 due 8/29

/ Sue & Sue, Ch. 1
September 3 & 5 / Sociopolitical Issues of Multicultural Counseling

Reaction Paper #2 due 9/11

/ Sue & Sue, Ch. 2
September 10 & 12 / Barriers to Effective Multicultural Counseling/Therapy

Exam #1 on 9/12

Reaction Paper #3 due 9/12

/ Sue & Sue, Ch. 4
September 17 & 19 / Intervention Strategies
/ Sue & Sue, Ch. 5
September 24 & 26 / Family Approaches
Reaction Paper #4 due on 9/26 / Sue & Sue, Ch. 6
October 1 & 3 / Ethnic Identity Development

Exam #2 on 10/3

Reaction Paper #5 due on 10/3 / Sue & Sue, Ch. 8
October 8, 10 & 15 /

White Ethnic Identity

Reaction Paper #6 due on 10/15

/ Sue & Sue, Ch. 9
October 17-18 / FALL BREAK (no classes)
October 22 & 24 / Worldview Dimensions
Reaction Paper #7 due on 10/24 / Sue & Sue, Ch. 10
October 29 & 31 / Organizational Counseling
Reaction Paper #8 due on 10/31

Exam # 3 on 10/31

/ Sue & Sue, Ch. 20
November 5, 7 & 12 /

Hispanic/Latino Americans

Project Presentations begin 11/7
Reaction Paper #9 due on 11/12 / Sue & Sue, Ch. 14
November 14 & 19 / African Americans
Project Presentations / Sue & Sue, Ch. 11
November 21 & 26 /

American Indians

Project Presentations

/ Sue & Sue, Ch. 12
December 3 & 5 / Project Presentations
Final Exam handed out: 12/5 /
December 10 /

Final Examination

(exam due by 3:00 PM) /

·  Note: This schedule is tentative. The student is responsible for any changes announced in class.

The University provides support services for students with disabilities. Any student who anticipates the need for assistance, support services, or reasonable accommodations related to a disability should contact Connie Kuwamoto at 805-5813.
