
1.Ministry Job Description

2.Launch Process - Checklist

3.Launch Process – Interview Questions

4.ACTS Assessment for Volunteer Feedback

5.Group Evaluation

6.Tips for Small Groups: Let Love Live!

7.Group Life Coaching Training

8.Leader Training Class Info

9.Forms Info

Small Group Coach Ministry Description

Small Group Coaches(High level Commitment & Apprenticeship May Be Required)

Volunteers needed to coach small group leaders.

Whatdoes a Small Group Coach do?

Prays for small groups @ TimberlineChurch.

Serves as the Small Group Ministry as a Connector & Trainer for small group leaders (see ACTS model).

Connect & Train: facilitates Small Group launching process (see Coach Checklist) with new leaders.

Reports back to small groups pastor regarding launching & coaching interactions.

Is an available person who SG Leaders can contact to ask questions, talk through current challenges, and obtain resources.

Directs small group leaders to office administrative assistant or pastor when needed.

Research and develop training, supportive, and encouraging materials to be distributed to and accessed by Small Group Leaders (SG Summit handouts, website, etc.). *optional

Co-facilitates Small Group Summits (Continuing Ed for Small Group Leaders). Especially focusing on the relational aspects of this ministry group.

Recruits and trains new small group coaches (multiplication).

Spiritual Gifts:Shepherd, Encouragement, Discernment, Exhortation, Leadership

Heart: a desire to see spiritual formation of the church through community and the word of God.

Abilities: able to encourage and motivate leaders, able to troubleshoot, good communication skills.

Personality: may vary.

Experiences: Leading small groups or support groups, previous ministry experience.

RequiredSkills and Experience:Experience with leading small groups, relational, encouraging,able to troubleshoot, coaching skills, able to teach, good communicator, and detail oriented.

Pre-Requisites: Ministry Covenant, Summit #1-3, Small Group Leader Orientation, Spiritual Gifts/Personality Assessment – (go to: ).

TimeCommitment:(Approx. 3-5 hours/week to be distributed among coaching responsibilities and team meetings)

Team Meetings:

Small Group Team meetings 2X/month

5 hour planning/work day 1X/quarterly – optional*

Small Group Summit (Summit nights – 6-7/year)

Coach Huddle with pastor as needed

Small Group / Support Group Launch Process


Set the Appointment

Application will be sent to you via e-mail.

Review the application

Check Connection Power to see if we have record of a signed Ministry Covenant. Make note on

The application.

 Contact applicant within 3 business days to set up an appt.

Appt Day: ______; Time: ______; Location: ______

Interview/Launch Appointment

 Establish rapport

 Value of small groups / value of small group leaders

 Interview questions (approve or postpone approval)


 If you decide that approval needs to be postponed, let the person know that their next step is to meet with Pastor Kristy and that my office will be in touch with them

 Contact Pastor Kristy regarding the postponement and details

 Turn in copy of checklist to Kristy



 Small Group Leader Orientation

 Summit Classes

S.H.A.P.E. Assessment – (volunteer page)

 Ministry Covenant (did they sign? Yes / No ) - Describe SG Summit in ref. to #17, 18

Complete Launch Process – see forms page at

 Event Prep Form – complete & train with 1 month lead time (room request, promote group)

 If they want to request childcare –Childcare Request Formwith 3-week lead-time

 Childcare Enrollmentprocess (complete, train)

 Pray

 Give the leader your contact card

Close the Loop with the Small Groups Office

 Turn in a copy of the Checklist, Event Prep Form to Pastor Kristy as soon as possible (keeping in mind lead times on room/childcare/advertisements), and Ministry Covenant (if applicable).

Stacy turns in all requests via computer and enters group info into Connection Power / Website / etc.

Coach Invest in Relationship

 Call to debrief after they have met 1 or 2 times

ACTS volunteer feedback form - (forms page)

Group Evaluation form - (forms page)

Once This Process is


OurNew Leader is Officially

Released Into Ministry!

Great Job Coach!

Small Group / Support Group Launch Process


  1. Tell me about yourself – family, spiritual journey, where you are from, anything you’d like to share.
  1. What led you to decide to start this new small/support group?
  1. What are some qualifications that you believe we should look for in leaders for the kind of group you want to start?
  1. In your daily life, how do you cultivate your relationship with God?
  1. If they have recently left a church…(How is your relationship with your former church? What led you to decide to look for another church?)
  1. How would you rate your health in the following areas?





  1. What kind of support would you expect from the church – specifically the ministry dept that you would serve under?
  1. Questions for me?
  1. Important points for small group/support group start up:

-Leaders must be willing to be at trainings and meetings and active participants in staying accountable through the guidelines set up on the ministry covenant.

-SHAPE Assessment


-Support group leaders are very often asked to go through more intense pre-requisites and training because we want to do all we can to make sure you are equipped.

ACTS Assessment for Volunteer Feedback
This form is also available as an electronic form at (forms pg)

Part of our mission at Timberline is to equip people for the work of ministry. It is necessary that we have ACTS system in place to ensure that the following things are happening in this ministry:

  • People are being Attracted to serving in ministry through Timberline Church.
  • People are being Connected to an area of ministry by someone who is currently involved in that ministry area to help determine fulfilling ways that they may get involved in that ministry area or another that may be a better fit.
  • People are being Trained and equipped to serve within that ministry in a way that supports the mission and expectations for ministry through Timberline.
  • People are being Supported and appreciated once they have begun their role as a volunteer in the ministry.

Please take a moment to help us assess how well we are attracting, connecting, training, and supporting new volunteers:

  1. How were you attracted to your area of ministry that you currently volunteer for?

Explain: ______

Please rate each question:

1 Very Dissatisfied --2 Dissatisfied --3 Neutral --4 Satisfied --5 Very Satisfied

  1. Did someone help you to think about or assess your spiritual gifts and abilities and whether they were conducive to the type of volunteerism you were initially attracted to? Do you feel that there was an effort made to find a suitable area for the use of your God-given gifts, abilities, heart, and experiences? _____
  1. Did someone walk you through a detailed ministry description of what the volunteer position involved? _____
  1. Do you feel that there were clear expectations put forth for your information about your role in the ministry? ______
  1. Do you feel that there was adequate training / apprenticeship opportunities for you to become fully equipped for your responsibilities in the ministry where you serve? _____
  1. Do you know who to contact in the event that you have questions / concerns / scheduling conflicts? _____
  1. Do you feel supported and empowered in your ministry role? _____
  1. Do you feel appreciated in your ministry role? _____

Date: ______Ministry Dept: ______Your Volunteer Position: ______

Evaluate the Group Environment:

  • Are members of the small group or support group able to “get real” in the group?
  • Does the group communicate confidentiality, respect, and availability to one another? (Phil. 2:3-4)
  • Is the group environment stable, predictable and comfortable?
  • Is life application of what the group is learning a common goal? What are the ways that the group

practices life application? (Heb. 6:1)

  • Does the group know how to handle conflict in a biblical manner and is the group accountable to guard the unity through these practices? (Matt. 18:15-17; Eph. 4:1-3)
  • Is the small group leader committed to their own growth and character? (2 Cor. 4:2; Phil. 3:12-14)
  • Is the leader staying connected to the larger body – Timberline Church and the Group Life Ministry? (Vision / Purpose / Goals communicated through church services and SG Summits?
  • Do “stumbling block” issues muddy the waters in the group?
  • Does everyone get a chance to participate?
  • Are relationships cultivated outside of the normal group time? Ex. Informal activities, service projects as a group, phone calls, etc.
  • Are inter-group care opportunities met?

Tips for Small Groups: Let Love Live!

Relax! You are in the company of friends.It is our goal that Timberline Small Groups are a safe place where people can be challenged to grow in discipleship. Below are some tips for small groups at Timberline Church.

Share common Values

Each person can contribute to an open and safe environment by actively affirming these values:

When people open up to others, tangible signs of affirmation will help to build the relationships.


As Believers we should strive to be respectful by acknowledging and protecting the dignity of those we interact with, even when we don’t see eye to eye.


In order to cultivate authentic relationship, we must be willing to be available for God to use us on His terms. Sometimes He prompts us to minister at times that are not the most convenient for us.

Proper Boundaries

Our goal should always be that people depend on Christ, not on us.


People will not be open and vulnerable and authentic if they sense there is a lack of confidentiality. A group must guard itself from the havoc that gossip produces in all its subtle forms.


“Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep.” (Rom. 12:15)


Just as God accepts us, we accept others.


We are members of one another, we must answer to each other in order to be part of a healthy community of Believers.

Provide A Predictable Environment

An unpredictable start time or finish time can subtly chip away at the group’s ability to commit. Additionally, when people know what to expect and don’t have to adjust themselves to unpredictable circumstances they are more able to relax and participate more fully.

Tips for grace-filled Earnest Conversations

Relationships take time, and small groups will go through a formation period. We encourage you to invest the time that is needed to establish your small group by committing to be a faithful attendee for the duration of the series.

In a small group, it’s important that each person feels like they have a chance to share and to participate. This means that each person in the group will be responsible for sharing the discussion time and sensitive to the time constraints of the group meeting.

While the curriculum and agenda of the small group are important, building relationships is the key in small groups. Sometimes it is necessary to have earnest conversations with one another. Here are some tips for these kinds of conversations:

Speak the truth in love (Eph. 4:15, 25)

Mirror rather than try to change people’s feelings (Rom. 12:15; 1 Cor. 12:26)

Seek to edify and be gracious (Eph. 4:26-27)

Settle private disputes privately (Mt. 18:15-17)

Don’t keep a record of wrongs (1 Cor. 13:5)

Think before you speak (Prov. 15:23, 28)

Pursue peace and edification in relationships (Rom. 14:19)

Avoid needless quarrels (Prov. 20:3; 2 Tim. 2:24)

Remember your group members’ interests as well as your own (Phil. 2:4)

Small Groups are about love and care first, and agenda second.

There must be balance, of course, but small groups are about love and care first and agenda second.

Don’t be afraid to ask your small group members to get involved in each other’s lives. Do life together.

How to care for your group member if …

Someone from your group (or a family member) is in the hospital – arrange meals, hospital visits, cards, prayer.

Someone from your group has a death in the family – be there for them at the beginning (arrange meals)…in the middle (let the family talk about their grief, are there practical things that the group can help with)…

Someone from your group is struggling with Marriage issues / financial issues / unemployment – encourage the group to be mindful of what others are going through and how to minister to them and meet practical needs that arise.

You can also become familiar with church resources that may help your group member.

Become familiar with Timberline Church Resources

Benevolence Ministry

Support Groups / Ministries

Grief Share

Sexual Abuse Survivors

Parents of Same-Sex Attraction

Divorce Care – This is also a good place to send people who are separated and not yet divorced.

Divorce Care for Kids

PACE – Post Abortion

Celebrate Recovery

Adoption/Foster Care Support

Friends of Birthmothers – Friendship support for women in crisis pregnancy

Cancer Support

NoCoFaithBuilders Employment Group

Hospital Visitation


Manna Closet

Adopt-A-Family Holiday Outreach

Prayer List

Health Ministries


Group Life Coaching

Coaches are key leaders in the Group Life department that not only connect with new leaders, but also equip and support leaders to lead effective and powerful groups according to the vision and direction of Group Life Ministry at Timberline Church.

Group Life Coaches go in with the attitude and the belief that the small group or support group leader is able to find creative and resourceful ways to do ministry, to troubleshoot, to evaluate progress, etc. The coach is there to encourage the leader to grow as a shepherd for their “flock.” (1 Cor. 1:4-9)

Coaches also play a direct role in working with the department pastor in setting ministry goals and implementing change that is necessary within the department for effective ministry through groups.

Group Life coaches represent the pastor of the department by communicating the vision of Timberline Church and the ways we must work together to accomplish what God is calling us to accomplish. Successful coaching will help the leader to see the “big picture” and to understand core values, not only of the Group Life ministry, but of all the Timberline ministries combined.

Timberline Church Group Life coaches will need to move people from a “small church mentality” to a mentality that we are no longer a small church; group life leaders will require training on processes and procedures required to use facilities and the many resources we provide for ministry. As pastors and coaches, it’s our job to equip people for ministry. (Eph. 4:11-12)

Opening the Coaching Session

To Open the Coaching Session:

  • Welcome the leader, explain how the session will go, and talk about how long the meeting will go to respect time constraints, explain coaching.
  • Vision and Communication – Timberline Church Group Life
  • Leadership Development - concerns with the group, evaluation of the group, goals, concerns – what we can do to better equip and support

Review of Group Life Goals & Questions for Group Evaluation

We believe that all believers are called to grow in spiritual maturity. Maturity is developed in the context of relationship with God and with people. This is what Group Life is all about.

God works through the body of Christ. Small groups are to be cells of people who care for one another. Does your group know when someone has a need and does the group work together to pray for and care for that member? (2 Cor. 7:6)

  • Examples: Prayer request, encouraging phone calls, meals when family member is in hospital or there is a death in the family, etc.
  • In providing an environment of care, group leaders should also be encouraged to learn about the other ministries that are taking place and resources that are available to them and to the members of their group. (1 Cor. 12:4-6)


-SG Training

-Care / Benevolence


-Prayer team

-Hospital visitation



-Support groups

-Informational resources

-Community resources


  • SG Leader library - resources available to small group and support group leaders:

-Re-Group, DVD resource training groups to be groups.

-Making Small Groups Work, book by Cloud and Townsend

-Emergency Handbook, book by Group publishing for small groups

-Timberline Church Small Group Leader Orientation

- Timberline Church SG Summit

-Coaching contact form on the small group website:

Small groups and support groups should be environments where the goal is transformation and life change. (Rom. 12:2)

Evaluate the Group Environment:

  • Are members of the small group or support group able to “get real” in the group?
  • Does the group communicate confidentiality, respect, and availability to one another? (Phil. 2:3-4)
  • Is the group environment stable, predictable and comfortable?
  • Is life application of what the group is learning a common goal? What are the ways that the group

practices life application? (Heb. 6:1)

  • Does the group know how to handle conflict in a biblical manner and is the group accountable to guard the unity through these practices? (Matt. 18:15-17; Eph. 4:1-3)
  • Is the small group leader committed to their own growth and character? (2 Cor. 4:2; Phil. 3:12-14)
  • Is the leader staying connected to the larger body – Timberline Church and the Group Life Ministry? (Vision / Purpose / Goals communicated through church services and SG Summits?
  • Do “stumbling block” issues muddy the waters in the group?
  • Does everyone get a chance to participate?
  • Are relationships cultivated outside of the normal group time? Ex. Informal activities, service projects as a group, phone calls, etc.
  • Are inter-group care opportunities met?

Developing the Coaching Relationship