North Texas Soccer Referee

The Jim Finger Lifetime Achievement Award

Jim Finger left a legacy deep rooted in the development and mentoring of referees in the North Texas Soccer community. He devoted his time and talents to our referees by serving on numerous boards and committees. Most notably, the North Texas Soccer State Referee Committee as State Referee Administrator. In addition, he left his mark as the National Director of Referee Administration and as a member of the National Referees’ Committee. Throughout his illustrious career, Jim wanted to give back by sharing his extensive knowledge. He was a successful instructor and assessor throughout his career. His uncanny ability to connect with referees made him an icon in our community thus earning him an induction into the North Texas Soccer Hall of Fame.

To honor the man that has given so much, The Jim Finger Lifetime Achievement was established. This prestigious award bestowed upon to an individual within North Texas Soccer who reflects the same dedication, values and commitment to our referee community. The nominee must demonstrate the same values by making outstanding contributions to the North Texas refereeing program. Specifically, this nominee must have contributed at least 10 years of combined service as a referee coupled with any of the following areas: instruction, assessment and/or administration.

Nominations will be accepted from officers in any of the member associations of North Texas Soccer, or by the members of the North Texas Referee Committee. Please include details of the candidate’s record sufficient for evaluation by the Award Committee. The deadline for receipt of nominations will be April 30 of each year. The Award winner will be selected by a committee appointed by the North Texas Soccer Referee Committee, which will include previous awardees.

North Texas State Soccer Association:

Jim Finger Lifetime Achievement Award

The Jim Finger Award honors a person within NTSSA who has made substantial contributions to the referee program over a minimum period of 10 years. The nominee should display Jim Finger’s characteristics of devotion, integrity and fair play.

Deadline is 5:00 PM April 30, 2017

I , Hereby Nominate:



City State Zip

Playing Association

Number of Years registered with USSF Present USSF Referee Grade


Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYY) Place of Birth

Home Phone # Cell Phone #

Email Address:

Please attach details on separate pages of the candidate’s record sufficient for evaluation by the Award Committee which illustrate why the nominee is deserving of the award. Examples can include any or all of the following:

1.  Active participation as an administrator, assessor, instructor or volunteer participation in referee mentoring at any level of the game.

2.  Have been an active and dedicated referee.

3.  Helped And Gave Guidance To Others In The Referee Program.

4.  Have been recognized for “off the field” activities. These may be for volunteer civic or other duties bringing positive credit to him/her and to the game of soccer.

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