degree short name Program [in <field>]

<Degree long name[in <Field>]

[Concentration in <Concentration>]





PurposeOverview of competencies/learning objectives<Target positions for graduates>

Location of program


[<Overview of competencies>]

<List of competencies>

[<Discussion of how competencies are demonstrated>]


Description of ideal attributes of candidates

Admission requirements

Admission process

Information contact(s)




Concentration name

<Concentration description including location>



Overview of sequence of events from matriculation to graduation>

Faculty Advisor

<Description of how faculty advisor is selected and approved

Program of Study

Overview of content of Program of Study

Description of how Program of Study is developed

Degree Requirements

[<Overview of degree requirements>]


<#> total credit-hours:

<#> credit-hours of required coursework

[<#> credit-hours of elective coursework]

{[<#> credit-hours of <coursework name>]}

[<#> credit-hours of thesis research|<#> credit-hours of dissertation research]]

{[<#> credit-hours of <coursework name>]}


Required Coursework
Semester / Course # / Course Title / Credit-Hours
{<semester ID / {<Course #> / <Course Title> / <#>}
Semester Total / <#>}
Degree Total


<Course #> <Course title>

<Description of special course in curriculum>





[<Overview of electives>]

<Process for selection of electives including ones not in list>

Course # / Course Title / Credit-Hours
{<Course #> / <Course Title> / <#>}





<Concentration> Coursework
Semester / Course # / Course Title / Credit-Hours
{<semester ID> / {<Course #> / <Course Title> / <#>}
Semester Total / <#>}
Concentration Total


<Course #> <Course title>

<Description of special course in concentration>




[<Overview of electives>]

<Process for selection of electives including ones not in list>

<Concentration> Electives
Course # / Course Title / Credit-Hours
{<Course #> / <Course Title> / <#>}




Qualifying Examination

<Description of qualifying examination process including remediation and re-examinations




[<Overview of thesis process>]

Thesis Committee

<Responsibilities of committee>

<Description of number, criteria, selection, and appointment of committee and its chair>

Thesis Proposal

<Description of process for selection and approval of thesis proposal>

Thesis Preparation

<Description of thesis length, format, printing, and binding guidelines>

Thesis Approval

<Description of process for thesis approval including presentation>

Thesis Distribution

<Description of distribution of approved thesis>




[<Overview of dissertation process>]

Dissertation Committee

<Responsibilities of committee>

<Description of number, criteria, selection, and appointment of committee and its chair>

Dissertation Proposal

<Description of process for selection and approval of dissertation proposal>

Dissertation Preparation

<Description of dissertation length, format, printing, and binding guidelines>

Dissertation Approval

<Description of process for dissertation approval including defense>

Dissertation Distribution

<Description of distribution of approved dissertation>



Program Data
Name / <degree long name> [in <field>][, Concentration in <concentration>]
Degree / <degree short name>
Department / <department name> | School-based
Unit / School of Public Health and Information Sciences
Version / <ver#>[-<rev#>]
Program History
Version / Submitted / Approved / Change Summary
<ver#>[-<rev#>] / <date> / <date> /
  • change
  • <change>


Template Version 6: 2009.12.17


  1. Degree long name isone of the following (as of 05/14/07):
  • Master of Public Health
  • Master of Science
  • Doctor of Philosophy
  1. Degree short name isone of the following (as of 05/14/07):
  • MPH
  • MS
  • MSc
  • PhD
  1. <field is one of the following (as of 05/14/07):
  • Not used for MPH Program
  • Biostatistics-Decision Science (MS or PhD only)
  • Clinical Investigation Sciences (MSc only)
  • Epidemiology (MS only)
  • Public Health Sciences (PhD only)
  1. <concentration> is oneof the following (as of 07/23/07):
  2. Biostatistics (MPH, MS, or PhD only)
  3. Decision Science (MS or PhD only)
  4. Epidemiology (MPH or PhD only)
  5. Environmental Health (PhD only)
  6. Health Management (MPH or PhD only)
  7. Environmental and Occupational Health (MPH only)
  8. Health Behavior and Cognition (MPH only)
  9. Health Promotion (PhD only)
  10. <proposed concentration> (not MSc)
  11. <ver#> is version number is date of draft that was approved in format
  12. <rev#> is revision number of version, in sequence with 1, 2, 3, ….

Elementsof generative grammar:

literalLiteral text string: used exactly as it appears including font and special characters (e.g., space, newline, tab)

…Variable: replaced with specifics usually described within the angle brackets

/*…*/Comment: for information; does not generate anything

Constructs of generative grammar:

stringSequence of elements and/or constructs in any combination and order

[string]String is optional

{string}String may repeat any number of times after first iteration

string1|string2Choice list in which either string1 or string2 is used; list may be of any length

Examples of generative grammar rules:

  • <noun> <verb> [<object>]. generates sentences of a noun followed by a verb and optionally an object.
  • {0|1} generates strings of 1’s and 0’s of least one 1 or 0.
  • [{0|1}] generates either nothing or strings of 1’s and 0’s of least one 1 or 0.
  • {[0|1]} generates the same as the preceding example.

Relevant Web links:

Requirements for Graduate Degrees (including thesis/dissertation requirements):

Application and Admission to GraduateSchool:

Academic Policies, Procedures and Requirements:

Course and Credit Requirements (including transfer of credit, course numbering system, and undergraduates taking graduate courses):

Grades and Grading Policies:

Student Leave of Absence:

Residency Policy and Fees:

Special Facilities and Services:

University Policies and Procedures:


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