Math 78

Mrs. Andrea Winders (blog)

Welcome to Math 78! Below, you will find some helpful guidelines to ensure success this school year! Please notice my blog address above. I post important information on my blog, so please check it on a weekly basis. Also, remember that Parent Letters are sent home every time we start a new unit, and are also posted on the blog.

During the Fourth nine-week grading period we will study the following:

Units of Study: Geometric Constructions--M7G1:A. Perform basic constructions using both compass and straight edge, and appropriate technology. Constructions should include copying a segment; copying an angle; bisecting a segment; bisecting an angle; constructing perpendicular lines, including the perpendicular bisector of a line segment; and constructing a line parallel to a given line through a point not on the line. B.Recognize that many constructions are based on the creation of congruent triangles.

Investigation of Constructions--M8G1: a. Investigate characteristics of parallel and perpendicular lines both algebraically and geometrically. b. Apply properties of angle pairs formed by parallel lines cut by a transversal. c. Understand the properties of the ratio of segments of parallel lines cut by one or more transversals. M8A4: a. Interpret slope as a rate of change. b. Determine the meaning of slope and y-intercept in a given situation. c. Graph equations in the form of y=mx+b f. Determine the equation of a line given a graph, numerical information that defines the line or a context involving a linear relationship.

Systems of Equations M8A5.a Given a problem in context, write an appropriate system of linear equations or inequalities.b Solve systems of equations graphically and algebraically, using technology as appropriate.d Interpret solutions in problem contexts.

Systems of Inequalities--M8A5: a. Given a problem in context, write an appropriate system of linear equations or inequalities. c. Graph the solution set of a system of linear inequalities in two variables. d. Interpret solutions in problem contexts..

Class Materials

Always have the following materials with you in class:

-pencil-all math work must be done in pencil. You MUST come to class with at least two pre-sharpened pencils!

-Cooper-required notebook

-I have a limited supply of markers, crayons, and colored pencils. You may want to bring your own supply. Also, as you use up the paper, pencils, etc in your Cooper-required notebook, don’t forget to replenish your supply.

-I also furnish the tissues and hand sanitizer for our class. If you would like to donate a box of tissues and/or hand sanitizer to our class, I would greatly appreciate it.


Your grade in this class will be determined in the following manner:

-Tests/Projects 35%

-Homework 10%

-Class work 30%

-Quizzes 25%


When you enter class a warm-up problem will be displayed on the whiteboard. Warm-ups will be collected every 2 weeks (on Fridays) and will be recorded as a class work grade. Each day is worth 10 points. Warm-ups should be completed on the warm-up sheet provided and kept in the notebook until the due date. All warm-ups must be done by student; in other words, you cannot copy a class mate’s warm-up. If you are absent, please write “absent” on the space for the day you missed.


Homework is assigned almost every night. Homework gives you an opportunity to practice the concepts we discuss in class. The old saying “Practice makes perfect” is true—the more you practice math, the better you will become. I will not accept late homework assignments unless you have a valid reason documented by a note from your parent/guardian.

Makeup Work

Cobb County policy allows a student 1 day per day absent to make up work. This applies to excused absences only.


Students are assigned a textbook and are responsible for replacement costs of $54.00 if the book is lost. Make sure that your name is written in your textbook in blue or black ink.

Class Rules

Be on time.

Be prepared.

Be on task.


Speak only at appropriate times.

Other Expectations

All math work must be done in pencil—NO EXCEPTIONS.

Chewing gum, food, and drinks will not be allowed. (water only)

Work must be shown to receive credit on work.

Notebook organization must be maintained daily.

Do not get out of your seat without permission during whole group instruction.

Please sign and return acknowledging that you have read and understand the syllabus for the Fourth Nine Weeks.

Student’s Name (Please Print): ______

Student’s Signature: ______

Parent/Guardian’s Name (Please Print)______

Parent/Guardian’s Signature: ______

E-Mail Address: ______

Phone Number(s): ______

Preferred Method of contact (phone or email)? ______